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Universal Quotes

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There is a universal reality in ourselves that aligns us with a universal reality that is everywhere  (Universal Quotes) It seems a universal rule in this world that people will always look for victims and scapegoats, does it not? Especially at times of difficulty and tension  (Universal Quotes) When we listen to the radio, look at television and read the newspapers we wonder whether universal education has been the great boon that its supporters have always claimed it would be  (Universal Quotes) Or whatever politically correct spiritual representation of universal goodness you happen to believe in  (Universal Quotes) Communism starts with the proposition that there are no universal truths or general truths of human nature  (Universal Quotes) Magic has universal appeal. I don’t believe in magic in the way that I describe in my books, but I’d love it to be real  (Universal Quotes) Away with all ideals. Let each individual act spontaneously from the forever incalculable prompting of the creative wellhead within him. There is no universal law  (Universal Quotes) One of the main purpose of art has ever been that of making its indispensable contribution to the growth of entropy of the universal stupidity  (Universal Quotes) There is one great and universal wish of mankind expressed in all religions, in all art and philosophy, and in all human life: the wish to pass beyond himself as he now is  (Universal Quotes) How will it end?... a vision of a universal religion, which will embrace all creeds; a universal government which will embrace all humanity; a universal knowledge which will make all mankind kin  (Universal Quotes) Art is the supreme communicator of diverse cultures and ideas in a common frame of understanding, a virtual bridge across time. It is also the universal link into genius  (Universal Quotes) To speak as black, female, and commercial lawyer has rendered me simultaneously universal, trendy, and marginal  (Universal Quotes) But I would assert that despite the wide variety of yoga options and individual preferences, there is one universal element: the union of consciousness and movement, breath and awareness  (Universal Quotes) The almost universal gift everyone can develop is the creation of a pleasant disposition, an even temperament  (Universal Quotes) Im 48 years old, not a kid anymore by any definition, but here is a universal truth that every adult at some point will realize: We are all always 17 years old, waiting for our lives to begin  (Universal Quotes) Fasting and feasting are universal human responses, and any meal, shared with love, can be an agape  (Universal Quotes) My advice would be to write what is most personal and specific to your experience or your life. And your voice will emerge and because of its specificity, it will be universal  (Universal Quotes) That a society controls, to a greater or lesser extent, the behavior of its members is a universal; but the methods, the particulars of that control, vary from one culture to another  (Universal Quotes) The question is, what are we to do in order to consolidate peace on a universal and durable foundation, and what are the essential elements of such a peace  (Universal Quotes) As I travel around Idaho and visit with seniors, I hear almost universal concern about the rising cost of health care, particularly the cost of prescription drugs  (Universal Quotes) Carry out the republican principle of universal suffrage, or strike it from your banners and substitute ‘Freedom and Power to one half of society, and Submission and Slavery to the other  (Universal Quotes) In England, literary pretence is more universal than elsewhere from our method of education  (Universal Quotes) Rarely do we find men who willingly engage in hard, solid thinking. There is an almost universal quest for easy answers and half-baked solutions. Nothing pains some people more than having to think  (Universal Quotes) The New Testament evinces its universal design in its very, style, which alone distinguishes it from all the literary productions of earlier and later times  (Universal Quotes) Throughout its history, the international Olympic Committee has struggled to spread its ideal of fraternity, friendship, peace and universal understanding  (Universal Quotes) Today, more than ever before, life must be characterized by a sense of Universal responsibility, not only nation to nation and human to human, but also human to other forms of life  (Universal Quotes) That first year at Universal was a big blur and, naturally, I thought they were wasting me. I didn’t realize at the time that I was learning my craft and acting more easily in front of the camera  (Universal Quotes) Yeah, what happened was Universal wanted one of the characters to be nice so they chose me so there was a scene where the girl was tied to the bed and I let her go  (Universal Quotes) A lot of high - level scientists are in fact people of almost universal interest  (Universal Quotes) I’m confident being at Universal, which is a great home for me, ‘cause they understand what I’m trying to do  (Universal Quotes)
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