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Universal Quotes

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Rave music sounds like an electronic disco version of 30s Universal monster movies  (Universal Quotes) To me, White Boy Shuffle is sort of like Catcher in the Rye, the story is so universal  (Universal Quotes) The universal medicine for the Soul is the Supreme Reason and Absolute Justice; for the mind, mathematical and practical Truth; for the body, the Quintessence, a combination of light and gold  (Universal Quotes) All Nature is but art, unknown to thee All chance, direction, which thou canst not see; All discord, harmony not understood; All partial evil, universal good  (Universal Quotes) The themes Poe used were universal and timeless. As long as the English language exists at all, we will be able to appreciate what he did. It will not age! It will not become dated!  (Universal Quotes) I had rather believe all the Fables in the Legend, and the Talmud, and the Alcoran, than that this universal frame is without a Mind  (Universal Quotes) I would rather propose a bureau somewhat similar to that which we have in the Universal Postal Union  (Universal Quotes) So many people of my generation all grew up with that shock theater package on television of ‘Frankenstein,’ ‘Wolfman,’ ‘Dracula,’ ‘Mummy,’ all the Universal stuff  (Universal Quotes) We also want to try and slow down all this foolishness that’s going on between the East and West. We gotta understand that Hip Hop is now universal. Hip Hop is not East coast or West coast  (Universal Quotes) A State which has universal suffrage and a wide extension of the jury franchise, must qualify the people by education to rightly exercise the great powers with which they are invested  (Universal Quotes) No nation is so great as to be able to afford, in the long run, to remain outside an increasingly universal League of Nations  (Universal Quotes) A universal draft is most often the instrument of Third World dictators  (Universal Quotes) Hollywood... was the place where the United States perpetrated itself as a universal dream and put the dream into mass production  (Universal Quotes) I think it’s a universal truth that most chefs I know are happiest eating simple, unadorned good things  (Universal Quotes) Making a movie is universal. Directing a movie is universal; it’s a universal language  (Universal Quotes) I want it to be more universal than that - like a painter doesn’t have to explain his life story away to justify his painting  (Universal Quotes) If your thoughts are universal, you visit every house, every window, like the Moon on the sky  (Universal Quotes) God does not live in structures of stone or brick. He lives in soft hearts warm with sympathy and fragrant with universal love  (Universal Quotes) Of all the arts I think Music has the most mighty, universal, and immediate effect  (Universal Quotes) What you always try to do, as an actor, is find the thing that’s universal in the person  (Universal Quotes) Once crime was as solitary as a cry of protest; now it is as universal as science. Yesterday it was put on trial; today it determines the law  (Universal Quotes) The language of love may be universal, but it’s not one of the options on an ATM machine  (Universal Quotes) Love is a universal force, like gravity, that holds the solar system together and pours into our hearts as life-force - and gets expressed to us most beautifully by small children and animals  (Universal Quotes) I’ve always thought that, in a sense, the more specific and sometimes even the smaller the world of a movie is, the more universal it is  (Universal Quotes) Looking back, it’s funny how the lighter family-friendly version of these classic Universal movie monsters that were satirized in The Munsters seduced me like a gateway drug into the genre  (Universal Quotes) There is no disagreement between us [with Bernie Sanders ] on universal coverage for health care, the disagreement is where do we start from and where do we end up  (Universal Quotes) Whatever the universal perspective one adopts, it is important to recognise that some form of universalism is politically and ethically necessary  (Universal Quotes) Ethically and politically it is important to face up to the need for a universal perspective in our divided, multi-cultural, unequal and unjust world  (Universal Quotes) The idea of a universal mind or Logos would be, I think, a fairly plausible inference from the present state of scientific theory  (Universal Quotes) Prayers for the condemned man will be offered on an adding machine. Numbers constitute the only universal language  (Universal Quotes)
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