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Universal Quotes

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When the error is universal, it is supposed to end. The adoption of the foundling establishes its consanguinity  (Universal Quotes) What we call imagination is actually the universal library of what’s real. You couldn’t imagine it if it weren’t real somewhere, sometime  (Universal Quotes) Developing love and compassion and reducing anger and spite is a universal activity which requires no faith in any religion whatsoever  (Universal Quotes) The human wish to credit good things as miraculous and to charge bad things to another account is apparently universal  (Universal Quotes) The more uncompromisingly specific you are the more you end up touching the bigger universal truths  (Universal Quotes) It is not usually possible in a poem or a story to make the relationship between particular and universal fully explicit. Those who try to do so end up writing parables  (Universal Quotes) A man provided with paper, pencil, and rubber, and subject to strict discipline, is in effect a universal machine  (Universal Quotes) If we can put a man on the moon and sequence the human genome, we should be able to devise something close to a universal digital public library  (Universal Quotes) Classical thermodynamics... is the only physical theory of universal content which I am convinced... will never be overthrown  (Universal Quotes) Each one of us has all the wisdom and knowledge we ever need right within us. It is available to us through our intuitive mind, which is our connection with universal intelligence  (Universal Quotes) Bitch is a universal word, you can say at the end of any sentence. Bitch  (Universal Quotes) This war, disguise it as they may, is virtually nothing more or less than perpetual slavery against universal freedoms  (Universal Quotes) The universal order and the personal order are nothing but different expressions and manifestations of a common underlying principle  (Universal Quotes) Meditation is the ultimate selfless act, because when you meditate you are sacrificing your puny personality for the universal reality  (Universal Quotes) By sealing our work with our blood, we may see at least the bright dawn of universal happiness  (Universal Quotes) Since we cannot be universal and know all that is to be known of everything, we ought to know a little about everything  (Universal Quotes) So few people realize that preparedness never leads to peace, but that it is indeed the road to universal slaughter  (Universal Quotes) If science could get rid of consciousness, it would have disposed of the only stumbling block to its universal application  (Universal Quotes) Music is the universal language: it is the same anywhere you go in the world  (Universal Quotes) I’d love to have Michael Jackson [in my show] because he’s black and white. So he would appeal to a universal demographic  (Universal Quotes) Star Wars is mythology. Its like Greek mythology or Shakespeare. Its the story of good versus evil over a very long span of time. The storytelling is universal and timeless  (Universal Quotes) Once in a while - perhaps every 10 years, or even every generation - a novel appears that profoundly questions the way we look at the world, and at ourselves. Beijing Coma is a poetic examination not just of a country at a defining moment in its history, but of the universal right to remember and to hope. It is, in every sense, a landmark work of fiction  (Universal Quotes) English language is the most universal language in history, way more than the Latin of Julius Caesar. Its the most punderful language because its vocabulary has a certain critical mass that makes a lingo good for punning  (Universal Quotes) Every notable advance in technique or organization has to be paid for, and in most cases the debit is more or less equivalent to the credit. Except of course when it’s more than equivalent, as it has been with universal education, for example, or wireless, or these damned aeroplanes. In which case, of course, your progress is a step backwards and downwards  (Universal Quotes) Some ‘separation’ zealots would expunge any vestige of religious observance in public schools. Many of the same anti-religious fanatics would like to wipe out of existence all church-related schools, by regulation or taxation, so that universal ignorance of the life of spirit should prevail  (Universal Quotes) At the end of the day, flirting is a pretty universal language. Americans are more direct. British people are more indirect about everything  (Universal Quotes) Because I’m around comedians all the time, in my downtime I tend not to watch comedy. Something the whole family enjoys is ‘You’ve Been Framed!’ It satisfies all of us. It’s universal, and we all laugh a lot  (Universal Quotes) The most important thematics in humanity I think that are completely universal and completely relatable from one person to the other. As long as, one more time going to back to the thematic, as long as you’re truthful to that thematic, you can trust that that is going to transcend  (Universal Quotes) Smooth sailing is what I hope for. No, I’m okay with no big ups, no big downs, it’s all right. Just go full steam ahead, all things well and good, yeah. I mean as a family man, all you want is, as a dad, pure happiness for your kids, that’s a universal parent thing. Yeah, that’s it, that’s my dream, happy kids  (Universal Quotes) Any moral philosophy is exceedingly rare. This of Menu addresses our privacy more than most. It is a more private and familiar, and at the same time, a more public and universal word, than is spoken in parlor or pulpit nowadays  (Universal Quotes)
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