Universe Quotes

Text Quotes
It would be a poor thing to be an atom in a universe without physicists, and physicists are made of atoms. A physicist is an atom’s way of knowing about atoms (Universe Quotes)
There’s life all over this universe, but the only life in the solar system is on earth, and in the whole universe we are the only men (Universe Quotes)
The earth is a tremendous gift. There is nothing else like it in the known universe. I want to leave it the way I found it (Universe Quotes)
That which exercises reason is more excellent than that which does not exercise reason; there is nothing more excellent than the universe, therefore the universe exercises reason (Universe Quotes)
I cannot believe that the inscrutable universe turns on an axis of suffering; surely the strange beauty of the world must somewhere rest on pure joy! (Universe Quotes)
The crux... is that the vast majority of the mass of the universe seems to be missing (Universe Quotes)
Technology is a way of organizing the universe so that man doesn’t have to experience it (Universe Quotes)
It is easy to slip into a parallel universe. There are so many of them: worlds of the insane, the criminal, the crippled, the dying, perhaps of the dead as well. These worlds exist alongside this world and resemble it, but are not in it (Universe Quotes)
Men are confused. They’re conflicted. They want a woman who’s their intellectual equal, but they’re afraid of women like that. They want a woman they can dominate, but then they hate her for being weak. It’s an ambivalence that goes back to a man’s relationship with his mother. Source of his life, center of his universe, object of both his fear and his love (Universe Quotes)
I am not a quitter. I will fight until I drop. It is just a matter of having some faith in the fact that as long as you are able to draw breath in the universe, you have a chance (Universe Quotes)
We too should make ourselves empty, that the great soul of the universe may fill us with its breath (Universe Quotes)
Any astronomer can predict with absolute accuracy just where every star in the universe will be at 11.30 tonight. He can make no such prediction about his teenage daughter (Universe Quotes)
Dogs have given us their absolute all. We are the center of their universe. We are the focus of their love and faith and trust. They serve us in return for scraps. It is without a doubt the best deal man has ever made (Universe Quotes)
In the measurement world, we set a goal and strive to achieve it. In the universe of possibility, we set the context and let life unfold (Universe Quotes)
The universe is simmering down, like a giant stew left to cook for four billion years. Sooner or later we won’t be able to tell the carrots from the onions (Universe Quotes)
It has been said repeatedly that one can never, try as he will, get around to the front of the universe. Man is destined to see only its far side, to realize nature only in retreat (Universe Quotes)
When science discovers the center of the universe a lot of people will be disappointed to find they are not it (Universe Quotes)
My mother taught me that the universe guides, teaches, and offers up gifts... even when bad things happen (Universe Quotes)
As we get past our superficial material wants and instant gratification we connect to a deeper part of ourselves, as well as to others, and the universe (Universe Quotes)
Every day is a surprise. There are confirmations of an interconnectivity and synchronicity which inspire, titillate and confirm the inherent comedy of the universe (Universe Quotes)
I soon became convinced... that all the theorizing would be empty brain exercise and therefore a waste of time unless one first ascertained what the population of the universe really consists of (Universe Quotes)
Everything that can be found in the universe on a large scale is reflected in a human being on a small scale (Universe Quotes)
If everyone understood evolution, then the tyranny of religious memes would be weakened, and we little humans might find a better way to live in this pointless universe (Universe Quotes)
For me, the idea of a creation is not conceivable without invoking the necessity of design. One cannot be exposed to the law and order of the universe without concluding that there must be design and purpose behind it all (Universe Quotes)
It is in scientific honesty that I endorse the presentation of alternative theories for the origin of the universe, life and man in the science classroom. It would be an error to overlook the possibility that the universe was planned rather than happening by chance (Universe Quotes)
When we consider the being and substance of that universe in which we are immutably set, we shall discover that neither we ourselves nor any substance doth suffer death. For nothing is in fact diminished in its substance, but all things, wandering through infinite space, undergo change of aspect (Universe Quotes)
But, when tales of the cosmos are told, this period of ours may always be recalled as that in which men first came to realise what a violent universe we inhabit (Universe Quotes)
If the expansion of the space of the universe is uniform in all directions, an observer located in anyone of the galaxies will see all other galaxies running away from him at velocities proportional to their distances from the observer (Universe Quotes)
The recent developments in cosmology strongly suggest that the universe may be the ultimate free lunch (Universe Quotes)
Life cannot have had a random beginning... The trouble is that there are about two thousand enzymes, and the chance of obtaining them all in a random trial is only one part in 10 to the 40,000 power, an outrageously small probability that could not be faced even if the whole universe consisted of organic soup (Universe Quotes)