University Quotes

Text Quotes
The university system, a gift of Western civilization to the world, was developed by the Catholic Church. (University Quotes)
I went to Howard University and majored in Film Production and minored in Acting. I turned down an opportunity to go pro in Track and Field to do this - I took a chance with this. (University Quotes)
The left has total control over the public education system, all the way up to the university level. It’s something they own, and it’s going to have to change. (University Quotes)
The old university attitude of ‘publish or perish’ has changed. Students and academics are realising that institutions such as Imperial College are also wealth-generators. It is very satisfying to be in a university where you have the freedom to innovate and yet know that there is a path to translate your work into industry. (University Quotes)
In Chapel Hill among a friendly folk, this old university, the first state university to open its doors, stands on a hill set in the midst of beautiful forests under the skies that give their color and their charm to the life of youth gathered here . . . there is music in the air of the place. (University Quotes)
I had always dreamed of living in Chapel Hill. When I was a college student at Hollins University in Virginia, I came down to Chapel Hill for summer school and just loved it. (University Quotes)
A doctrine-teaching, character-building university, the Brigham Young University is dedicated to the building of character and faith, for character is higher than intellect . . . . We are men of God first, men of letters second, men of science third, and noted men fourth, men of rectitude rather than academic competence. . . . Our academic training must be as impeccable as our lives. (University Quotes)
I went to college at University of South Carolina and dropped out of chemistry, and to fill a class, the only spot they had left was a theater class. It was so annoying, but I took it and then I thought it was the greatest thing; the most socially creative. I dropped out of school immediately and moved to New York to start acting. I was 19. (University Quotes)
I grew up in Muenchen where my father has been a professor for pharmaceutic chemistry at the university. He had studied chemistry and medicine, having been a research student in Leipzig with Wilhelm Ostwald, the Nobel Laureate 1909. So I became familiar with the life of a scientist in a chemical laboratory quite early. (University Quotes)
In Egypt, every family is suffering from the deteriorated schooling and university system of the Mubarak regime. What families want most of all is to secure a good education for their children. (University Quotes)
If we cannot end now our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity. For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children’s future. And we are all mortal.[Commencement Address at American University, June 10 1963] (University Quotes)
Education is the great growth industry of the Third World. Since the Second World War, we have multiplied the number of children in school by four, with even larger multiples for secondary and university education. (University Quotes)
Life is a great university for the unfolding of the mind, for developing character. In choosing our life work, when we are free to choose, we should remember this, and choose that which will call the biggest man or woman out of us and not that from which we can coin the most dollars. (University Quotes)
Humility: The most quietly profound professor in the university of Christian living (University Quotes)
By the time I had got to college, I had begun to read and had decided that most of what Christians believed could not be credible. So I became a philosophy major at Southwestern University in Georgetown, Texas. (University Quotes)
I was sent to a nice Church of England girls’ school and at that time, after university, a woman was expected to become a teacher, a nurse or a missionary - prior to marriage. (University Quotes)
I am so glad; I had the opportunity to study at University of Jena, the city of light (University Quotes)
When I say that I went to grad school in Iowa City, people often assume that I went to the famed writers’ workshop MFA program at the University of Iowa. I didn’t. I got a master’s in journalism. (University Quotes)
People didn’t know certain things about me, which... I was out of creative writing class in school, Syracuse University; had a B.A. in English and wanted to write the great American novel but I also loved rock and roll. I was in bar bands all through college, playing fraternities and have to know all the songs in the top 10. That kind of thing. (University Quotes)
I went to University of Illinois. Big school. 35,000 students. 800 black... I was the only black in every class. Hard to be absent. (University Quotes)
Although the Nasser revolution of 1952 was secular, the culture remained deeply religious - but it was a faith of moderation and tolerance. Women made up nearly half my class at university, and my senior academic adviser there was a woman. In Alexandria, my friends were Christians and Muslims. (University Quotes)
What, of course, we want in a university is for people to learn the skills they’re going to need outside the classroom. So, having a system that had more emphasis on inquiry and exploration but also on learning and practising specific skills would fit much better with how we know people learn. (University Quotes)
I live in Indiana and teach at Purdue University, a wonderful school with some of the brightest students I have ever had the privilege of working with. My colleagues are powerful and intelligent and kind. The cost of living is low, the prairie is wide, and on clear nights, I can see all the stars in the sky above. (University Quotes)
Every university in America teaches ‘Clockwork Orange.’ I get fed up with it. (University Quotes)
One learns more from listening than speaking. And both the wind and the people who continue to live close to nature still have much to tell us which we cannot hear within university walls. (University Quotes)
Unity of minds, natural love and co-operation, are the qualities we have to develop today. Education is not for securing university degrees. (University Quotes)
Education doesn’t cease when you leave college or leave the university. Education is a lifetime process. (University Quotes)
Academics often discount the value of top-rated sports programs in helping to develop a campus life and in contributing to the overall success of a college or university. Like it or not, the sports programs a college or university has are the front page of that university. (University Quotes)
You can’t have a university without having free speech, even though at times it makes us terribly uncomfortable. If students are not going to hear controversial ideas on college campuses, they’re not going to hear them in America. I believe it’s part of their education. (University Quotes)
The Committee supports the idea that there should be, within the University of California, a campus which puts particular emphasis on the education of undergraduates within the framework of a College system. (University Quotes)