University Quotes

Text Quotes
I didn’t go to school much. I was thrown out of different schools, and my university is the street. (University Quotes)
When I first started working, I was very aware of the fact that I’d been to university and studied Russian and French and not acting. So when I started working, I’d started working quite young, I felt like it was important to treat myself kind of like an apprentice and do as many different types of things as I could. (University Quotes)
I originally wanted to be an opera singer. I studied classical voice at the University of Washington but soon realised I didn’t have the instrument or the discipline. The road for opera singers is more difficult than for actors. (University Quotes)
University is sheltered from the business world and they think they should not have any connection with the businesses because maybe the business is dirty or not very good. (University Quotes)
It was only in the early 1990s - during my student years as an aspiring scientist at Delhi University - that I discovered the world of cinema. (University Quotes)
When I came to University of California, San Francisco to work on infectious disease, I looked around to different options, and malaria was particularly interesting and fascinating to me. It’s amazing that after 100 years of study of this little parasite, we’ve not been able to effectively control it. (University Quotes)
An atheist is a man who watches a Notre Dame - Southern Methodist University game and doesn’t care who wins. (University Quotes)
I studied science and journalism at the University of Colorado and then got interested in experimental film there and started doing my own films. (University Quotes)
When Harvard University opened its doors in 1636, there were already well-established universities in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Mexico, and Peru. (University Quotes)
I tell people, Yeah, I went to Harvard University. What I don’t tell them is I was only there for five minutes delivering a pizza. (University Quotes)
I was mostly an indoor girl at university. Where other students did drama or music or sport alongside their degrees, I wrote. I used to work on essays and classwork during the day and ‘The Bone Season’ in the evenings. (University Quotes)
My first year of university, I ran around and signed up for these clubs, and I noticed they were all drama clubs: really lame, artsy things. (University Quotes)
I studied drama at the Queensland University of Technology, which was amazing. I can’t speak highly enough of that school. (University Quotes)
Somewhere in Rwanda, a rural farmer is dreaming of providing an education for her children. Not just high school, but maybe even a university degree. Such a dream used to seem out of reach. (University Quotes)
Shetland has always been a place of sanctuary for me. I visited when I dropped out of university, and I just loved it from the minute I got there. It’s a bleak but very beautiful place. (University Quotes)
I grew up a Baptist and went to seminary at Methodist school, Duke University, but I also don’t worry too much about denominations. I love what John Wesley said - If our hearts are together, let’s not worry about whether our heads are together. If our hearts are together, then let’s joins hands. So, I try to do that regardless of denominations. (University Quotes)
I teach in the Divinity School at Duke University, a very secular university. But before Duke, I taught fourteen years at the University of Notre Dame. (University Quotes)
The university is the archive of the Western mind, it’s the keeper of the Western culture, ... the guardian of our heritage, the teacher of our teachers, ... the dwelling place of the free mind. (University Quotes)
My first ideas of human in vitro fertilization (IVF) arose with my Ph.D. in Edinburgh University in the early 1950s. Supervised by Alan Beatty, my research was based on his work on altering chromosomal complements in mouse embryos. (University Quotes)
At university, I had been obsessed with reading about the lives of Rimbaud and Baudelaire, and I was steeped in the crazy poets, and I came to view my early subjects through that prism. (University Quotes)
I was promoted associate professor in early 1970 and full professor in October of the same year. I spent the two spring semesters of 1972 and 1974 as visiting professor at Harvard University, giving lectures and directing a research project. (University Quotes)
You can become a night watchman and live happily. It is what you are inwardly that matters. Your inner peace and joy you have to earn. It is much more difficult than earning money. No university can teach you to be yourself. (University Quotes)
It was not until I got my first job, at the University of Washington in Seattle, and began playing chess with Don Gordon, a brilliant young theorist, that I learned economic theory. (University Quotes)
I don’t look to find an educated person in the ranks of university graduates, necessarily. Some of the most educated people I know have never been near a university. (University Quotes)
My mother went to university, my father didn’t. But they are very educated, very wise people. My father went to the military, so he’s worldly. (University Quotes)
The aristocracy in the future is not one of wealth or university education, but the aristocracy of the men who have done something for themselves and their fellow men. (University Quotes)
Education doesn’t just take place in stuffy classrooms and university buildings, it can happen everywhere, every day to every person. (University Quotes)
I have an education degree from the University of Minnesota, and I was a teacher for about a minute. (University Quotes)
I didn’t go to university or get a degree, but I hired somebody as a mentor - and that I considered my university education. (University Quotes)
I would say that something important for me and for my generation in Northern Ireland was the 1947 Education Act, which allowed students who won scholarships to go on to secondary schools and thence to university. (University Quotes)