Unless Quotes

Text Quotes
I don't think there's much point in bemoaning the state of the world unless there's some way you can think of to improve it. Otherwise, don't bother writing a book; go and find a tropical island and lie in the sun (Unless Quotes)
It is easy to say resist; but the command is bitter irony, unless we go on to say with the New Testament, whom resist steadfast in the faith. No man, my dear brother, can stand in the slippery places where we have to go, unless he have the grasp of a higher and stronger hand to keep him up (Unless Quotes)
With that dull, rooted, callous impudence, which, dead to shame, and every nicer sense, never blushed, unless in spreading vice's snares, she blundered on some virtue unawares (Unless Quotes)
I seldom have my stuff up unless I'm testing it. If I'm worrying about a painting, I put it up and see if I detest it quickly or slowly. Otherwise I have things by other artists (Unless Quotes)
No one really knows what I'm really like, and you won't unless you spend a day with me, or if you're my friend. No one ever knows what anyone is really like. Read all the interviews you want on them, it's just the media talking and you can't really get to know someone that way, obviously (Unless Quotes)
Unless you become more watchful in your states and check the spirit of monopoly and thirst for exclusive privileges you will in the end find that... The control over your dearest interests has passed into the hands of these corporations (Unless Quotes)
First rule of politics: you can't win unless you're on the ballot. Second rule: If you run, you may lose. And, if you tie, you do not win (Unless Quotes)
It's not worth doing something unless you were doing something that someone, somewere, would much rather you weren't doing (Unless Quotes)
I think if you're in a committed relationship, unless you have some sort of an understanding, monogamy is something that should exist (Unless Quotes)
In a world in which there is so much to interest, so much to enjoy, and so much also to correct and improve, everyone who has this moderate amount of moral and intellectual requisites is capable of an existence which may be called enviable; and unless such a person, through bad laws, or subjection to the will of others, is denied the liberty to use the sources of happiness within his reach, he will not fail to find the enviable existence (Unless Quotes)
Human beings are not like sheep; and even sheep are not undistinguishably alike. A man cannot get a coat or a pair oboots to fit him, unless they are either made to his measure, or he has a whole warehouseful to choose from: and is it easier to fit him with a life than with a coat, or are human beings more like one another in their whole physical and spiritual conformation than in the shape of their feet? If it were only that people have diversities of taste, that is reason enough for not attempting to shape them all after one model (Unless Quotes)
Even if the received opinion be not only true, but the whole truth; unless it is suffered to be, and actually is, vigorously and earnestly contested, it will, by most of those who receive it, be held in the manner of a prejudice, with little comprehension or feeling of it's rational grounds (Unless Quotes)
He's a good tough producer, yes. But I don't think that he's unreasonable unless he feels threatened. And when somebody's in your home, I think everybody in the home gets threatened (Unless Quotes)
You may keep your beauty and your health, unless you destroy them yourself, or discourage them to stay with you, by using them ill (Unless Quotes)
Left to ourselves, we might pick the wrong health insurance, the wrong mortgage, the wrong school for our kids; why, unless they stop us, we might pick the wrong light bulb (Unless Quotes)
Anybody who thinks that getting a communication from a voter in your district is spam - that guy is pork. Roast pork unless he changes his point of view (Unless Quotes)
You do understand," she continued, "that unless I had an object to love - or, more accurately, a someone to love - if I did not have such a relationship within myself, then I would not be capable of love at all? You would have a God who could not love. Or maybe worse, you would have a God who, when he chose, could love only as a limitation of his nature (Unless Quotes)
I do a job I really, really love and I kind of have fun with. People think you can't be grown up unless you're moaning about your job (Unless Quotes)
I think, at heart, unless you discover faith in something else, something other, it's very hard to shake the thing that you're adrift alone (Unless Quotes)
He is very dry but also very funny. I think people tend to feel odd when I do my act. Unless you are an ironic person, it's not a good place for you to be (Unless Quotes)
When I was 15, I worked at a dry cleaner because I wanted Abercrombie and Fitch jeans. My mom told me I could have $20 jeans, not $70 jeans, unless I was willing to work for them. So I did! (Unless Quotes)
Nothing ever built arose to touch the skies unless some man dreamed that it should, some man believed that it could, and some man willed that it must (Unless Quotes)
Youth will never live to age unless they keep themselves in breath with exercise, and in heart with joyfulness (Unless Quotes)
He had a certain frankness and generosity, qualities indeed which turn to a man's ruin, unless tempered with discretion (Unless Quotes)
You simply don't get to be wise, mature, etc., unless you've been a raving cannibal for thirty years or so (Unless Quotes)
Do not desire crosses, unless you have borne well those laid on you; it is an abuse to long after martyrdom while unable to bear an insult patiently (Unless Quotes)
It is not possible now to keep a young gentleman from vice by a total ignorance of it, unless you will all his life mew him up in a closet and never let him go into company (Unless Quotes)
The State thrives on war - unless, of course, it is defeated and crushed - expands on it, glories in it (Unless Quotes)
Unless you expect the unexpected you will never find [truth], for it is hard to discover and hard to attain (Unless Quotes)
All the movies are about strange worlds that you can't go into unless you build them and film them. That's what's so important about film to me. I just like going into strange worlds (Unless Quotes)