Unless Quotes

Text Quotes
I definitely feel that we cannot do the fantastic things based on the real, unless we first know the real (Unless Quotes)
To me, ideas are worth nothing unless executed. They are just a multiplier. Execution is worth millions (Unless Quotes)
Remember that no one can hurt you except yourself. If someone does a mean thing to you, that person is hurt. You are not really hurt unless you become embittered, or unless you become angry and perhaps do a mean thing in return (Unless Quotes)
It is through solving problems correctly that we grow spiritually. We are never given a burden unless we have the capacity to overcome it. If a great problem is set before you, this merely indicates that you have the great inner strength to solve a great problem. There is never really anything to be discouraged about, because difficulties are opportunities for inner growth, and the greater the difficulty the greater the opportunity for growth (Unless Quotes)
Do you think that people will obey the truth because it is true, unless they love it? No, they will not. Truth is obeyed when it is loved (Unless Quotes)
I would like to say, however, that a man might be walking around lucky and not know it unless he tries (Unless Quotes)
No sin is committed merely because a thought enters the mind, provided it is not made welcome. Perhaps we may use the figure that the thought first passes into an anteroom, where it stands before the mind acting as a judge. No matter how sordid or evil, it has not touched the personality with its infamy nor in any way laid guilt upon the soul unless and until the mind acting as judge admits it with a welcome. If the mind decides against it and dismisses it, the personality is not only unsullied but is, on the contrary, by this act of rejection stimulated and strengthened in moral power (Unless Quotes)
No one on this earth attains enlightenment anymore without an enlightened master as a guide, unless that person was enlightened in many previous incarnations (Unless Quotes)
Almost anyone can see the golden light in an enlightened master’s aura when the master meditates, unless, of course, the person is blocked up psychically (Unless Quotes)
More men will continue to attain enlightenment than women, unless women change their use of the second attention (Unless Quotes)
So many people feel that they have to wait for certain experiences in order to feel the emotions they desire. For instance, they don’t give themselves permission to feel loved or happy or confident unless a particular set of expectations is met. I’m here to tell you that you can feel any way you choose at any moment in time (Unless Quotes)
There can be no truly moral choice unless that choice is made in freedom; similarly, there can be no really firmly grounded and consistent defense of freedom unless that defense is rooted in moral principle. In concentrating on the ends of choice, the conservative, by neglecting the conditions of choice, loses that very morality of conduct with which he is so concerned. And the libertarian, by concentrating only on the means, or conditions, of choice and ignoring the ends, throws away an essential moral defense of his own position (Unless Quotes)
We label things through value systems that we have developed. But nothing is or is not unless we feel it is that way. We give ground to reality by creating it (Unless Quotes)
I think, being a male singer, I always hate another great male singer’s voice before I can love it, unless it’s just really far from what I do (Unless Quotes)
It was obvious that computers were going to become more a part of our lives, and they will continue to unless something dramatic happens to change that (Unless Quotes)
Unless you periodically unbind yourself from the world as it is given to you from moment to moment, you will fail to release those qualities of your mind that can generate images of the world as you would prefer it to be or the world as you declare it to be (Unless Quotes)
If you have a moral law then you must have a moral law giver. You don’t get a moral law unless there’s a moral law giver (Unless Quotes)
The key is that unless there is accountability, we will never get the right system. As long as there are no consequences if kids or adults don’t perform, as long as the discussion is not about education and student outcomes, then we’re playing a game as to who has the power (Unless Quotes)
It is not easy to convey, unless one has experienced it, the dramatic feeling of sudden enlightenment that floods the mind when the right idea finally clinches into place (Unless Quotes)
Knowledge is power. You can’t begin a career, for that matter even a relationship, unless you know everything there is to know about it (Unless Quotes)
Dangling a carrot in front of a donkey-or anyone else for that matter-is not nice, and not fair, unless you eventually plan to give it up to them (Unless Quotes)
It turns out that the distance from head to hand, from wafting butterfly to entomological specimen, is achieved through regular practice. What begins as something like a dream will in fact stay a dream forever unless you have the tools and the discipline to bring it out (Unless Quotes)
Nobody adopts antisocial behaviour unless they fear that they will fail if they remain on the social side of life (Unless Quotes)
No one can stop a home run. No one can understand what it really is, unless you have felt it in your own hands and body. As the ball makes its high, long arc beyond the playing field, the diamond and the stands suddenly belong to one man. In that brief, brief time, you are free of all demands and complications (Unless Quotes)
The good we do to others is spoilt unless we efface ourselves so completely that those we help have no sense of inferiority (Unless Quotes)
Just because we cannot see clearly the end of the road, that is no reason for not setting out on the essential journey. On the contrary, great change dominates the world, and unless we move with change we will become its victims (Unless Quotes)
Life is meaningless unless you bring meaning to it;... it is up to us to create our own existence. Unless you do something, unless you make something it’s as though you aren’t there (Unless Quotes)
Even a dream as inspiration doesn’t mean anything unless you then find that it’s sparked an actual story with a plot (Unless Quotes)
A lot of artists use memories. A lot of prose writers, a lot of poets, a lot of songwriters, refer back to something. Generally it’s all you’ve got, unless you’re brilliant and can write totally in the now (Unless Quotes)
Unless you dream, nothing will happen. If you dream, you might be able to make your dreams come true (Unless Quotes)