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Women add zest to the unlicensed hours  (Unlicensed Quotes) Unlicensed, illegal immigrants are the safest drivers on the road  (Unlicensed Quotes) Unlicensed illegal immigrants drive on our roads and interstates without insurance, and there is little that our law enforcement officials can do to stop them  (Unlicensed Quotes) Unlicensed hooch from a stranger in a parking lot. Good idea? Yes, of course it is  (Unlicensed Quotes) It is rare to see a rich man religious; for religion preaches restraint, and riches prompt to unlicensed freedom  (Unlicensed Quotes) Rush of pine scent (once upon a time),the unlicensed convictionthere ought to be another wayof sayingthis.  (Unlicensed Quotes)