Unsee Quotes

Text Quotes
There are true unseen forces, but not nearly so many as we believe, nor would they rule us so sternly if we did not admit them to our souls. We would not be assailed half so often by devils, had we not taken the trouble to invent so many of them (Unsee Quotes)
God, we thank you for this earth, our homes; for the wide sky and the blessed sun, for the salt sea and the running water, for the everlasting hills and the never resting winds, for trees and the common grass underfoot. We thank you for our senses by which we hear the songs of birds, and see the splendor of the summer fields, and taste of the autumn fruits, and rejoice in the feel of the snow, and smell the breath of the spring. Grant us a heart wide open to all this beauty; and save our souls from being so blind that we pass unseeing when even the common thorn bush is aflame with your glory (Unsee Quotes)
For many of us, the computer is the means by which we earn a living. To give it a nod, then, is a way of thanking the tool for what it provides in life. It helps put bread on the table and a roof overhead. It gives us work and pleasure, exercises our minds, brings us information, connects us with other people. It is a partner helping us achieve our goals. Nodding also thanks the unseen hands and minds who helped create our machine (Unsee Quotes)
Mystery is the art of eliciting unseen things hidden in the shadow of natural ones... and serving to demonstrate as real the things that are not (Unsee Quotes)
Many people are embarrassed to create in public. It feels unseemly to them, like kissing in plain view... Make a spectacle of yourself (Unsee Quotes)
Christ alone has succeeded in so raising the mind of man towards the unseen that it become insensible to the barriers of time and space (Unsee Quotes)
Words are but the bannerets of a great army, a few bits of waving color here and there; thoughts are the main body of the footman that march unseen below (Unsee Quotes)
Where lambs have nibbled, silent moves the feet of angels bright; unseen they pour blessing, and joy without ceasing, on each bud and blossom, and each sleeping bosom (Unsee Quotes)
Lust is inseparably accompanied with the troubling of all order, with impudence, unseemliness, sloth, and dissoluteness (Unsee Quotes)
What I do I am driven to do. I follow the dictates of a looming and unseen force. I try to become like a musical instrument, intruding no sound of its own but bringing forth such tones as are played upon it by a master’s hand (Unsee Quotes)
There is nothing left worth preserving in the notions of unseen powers, controlling human destiny, to which obedience and worship are due (Unsee Quotes)
It is as unseeing to ask what is the use of poetry as it would be to ask what is the use of religion (Unsee Quotes)
In any triangle, who is the betrayer, who the unseen rival, and who the humiliated lover? Oneself, oneself, and no one but oneself! (Unsee Quotes)
The essence of travel is diffuse. It is never there on the spot as it were, but always beyond: its symbol is the horizon, and its interest always lies over that edge in the unseen (Unsee Quotes)
True shamans live in a world that is alive with what is to rationalist sight unseen, a world pulsing with intelligence (Unsee Quotes)
Some of the greater things are unseen. That’s why you close your eyes when you kiss, cry, or dream (Unsee Quotes)
Splendid architecture, the love of your life, an old friend... they can all go drifting by unseen if you’re not careful (Unsee Quotes)
We might have the worst bunch of guys together we’ve ever seen as a football team. I don’t know what anybody else has, but I’d trade mine with anybody, sight unseen (Unsee Quotes)
In its broadest term, religion says that there is an unseen order, and that our supreme good lies in rightful relations to it (Unsee Quotes)
Features alone do not run in the blood; vices and virtues, genius and folly, are transmitted through the same sure but unseen channel (Unsee Quotes)
I’ll dig in into my days, having come here to live, not to visit. Grey is the price of neighboring with eagles, of knowing a mountain’s vast presence, seen or unseen (Unsee Quotes)
The power to guess the unseen from the seen, to trace the implications of things, to judge the whole piece by the pattern... this cluster of gifts may almost be said to constitute experience (Unsee Quotes)
It is ever the invisible that is the object of our profoundest worship. With the lover it is not the seen but the unseen that he muses upon (Unsee Quotes)
A man’s felicity consists not in the outward and visible blessing of fortune, but in the inward and unseen perfections and riches of the mind (Unsee Quotes)
Just as there is no loss of basic energy in the universe, so no thought or action is without its effects, present or ultimate, seen or unseen, felt or unfelt (Unsee Quotes)
A poet is a nightingale, who sits in darkness and sings to cheer its own solitude with sweet sounds; his auditors are as men entranced by the melody of an unseen musician, who feel that they are moved and softened, yet know not whence or why (Unsee Quotes)
If you were the sky, I would unfurl myself in you, as a rainbow of colors yet unseen. I would become oceans of stars in your night (Unsee Quotes)
Cruel with guilt, and daring with despair, the midnight murderer bursts the faithless bar; invades the sacred hour of silent rest and leaves, unseen, a dagger in your breast (Unsee Quotes)
There is a desire deep within the soul which drives man from the seen to the unseen, to philosophy and to the divine (Unsee Quotes)
I really love cursing a lot. But as I get older, I realize it’s a little unseemly for women of a certain age (Unsee Quotes)