Until Quotes
Text Quotes
After a certain age, you felt a need not to be alone. It grew stronger, like a radio frequency, until finally it was so powerful that you were forced to do something about it (Until Quotes)
The words went round and round and round in my mind and my body, until I knew they were no longer my words but something that had been carved into my heart. And now my soul was crying (Until Quotes)
When we define our happiness by some point in the future, it will never arrive. We’ll keep waiting until tomorrow. If we allow impatience to govern us, we will miss the gift of the moment. We’ll arrive at that point in time we expected to provide fulfillment and find it lacking (Until Quotes)
It’s true. somewhere inside us we are all the ages we have ever been. We’re the 3 year old who got bit by the dog. We’re the 6 year old our mother lost track of at the mall. We’re the 10 year old who get tickled till we wet our pants. We’re the 13 year old shy kid with zits. We’re the 16 year old no one asked to the prom, and so on. We walk around in the bodies of adults until someone presses the right button and summons up one of those kids (Until Quotes)
There is a deep sense in which we are all ghost towns. We are all haunted by the memory of those we love, those with whom we feel we have unfinished business. While they may no longer be with us, a faint aroma of their presence remains, a presence that haunts us until we make our peace with them and let them go. The problem, however, is that we tend to spend a great deal of energy in attempting to avoid the truth. We construct an image of ourselves that seeks to shield us from a confrontation with our ghosts. Hence we often encounter them only late at night, in the corridors of our dreams (Until Quotes)
You can commit no greater folly than to sit by the road side until someone comes along and invites you to ride with him to wealth or influence (Until Quotes)
My belief is that if you grapple with the big changes until you really get them and if you develop an internal compass to steer your marketing and communications, you will be working in a discipline that is more exciting, more intellectually rich, more delightfully complex and ultimately more rewarding than it has ever been (Until Quotes)
Dance for yourself. If someone else understands, good. If not, no matter. Go right on doing what interests you, and do it until it stops interesting you (Until Quotes)
A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until a majority of voters discover that they can vote themselves largess out of the public treasury (Until Quotes)
There’s an awful lot of misunderstanding here about what being poor actually means. I don’t think people understand that being poor means you have to work from dawn until dusk just to survive through the day. I think there’s some notion that poor people lie about all day not doing anything. It is remarkable how many misconceptions there are here about life in the developing world and I think that that knowledge gap has done a lot to contribute to the imbalance quite frankly (Until Quotes)
I never had much interest in the piano until I realized that every time I played, a girl would appear on the piano bench to my left and another to my right (Until Quotes)
What we need to do is learn to respect and embrace our differences until our differences don’t make a difference in how we are treated (Until Quotes)
All of physics is either impossible or trivial. It is impossible until you understand it, and then it becomes trivial (Until Quotes)
Knowledge passes from dance teacher into the student through the process of mane, which is often translated as imitation, but learning to dance is more a process of total identification than of simple copying. We repeat the movements of our teachers until we can duplicate them exactly, until, in a sense, we have absorbed the teacher’s mastery into ourselves. Artistic technique must be fully integrated into the cells of our bodies if we are to use it to express what is in our hearts, and this takes many years of practice (Until Quotes)
How do you know a partner is right for you? That has everything to do with knowing each other and practicing together until you work as one, until you begin to synchronise your movements and your thoughts and your rhythmical feel for the music with your partner (Until Quotes)
Your acting will not be good until it is only yours. That’s true of music, acting, anything creative. You work until finally nobody is acting like you (Until Quotes)
Worry is the product of feverish imagination working under the stimulus of desires... It is a necessary resultant of attachment to the past or to the anticipated future, and it always persists in some form or other until the mind is completely detached from everything (Until Quotes)
Social entrepreneurs are not content just to give a fish or teach how to fish. They will not rest until they have revolutionized the fishing industry (Until Quotes)
There is no point in worry or wonder about worse or better spiritual conditions, although that game is available. You will not be able to rise above your present vibration level to stay until you love the way you are now (Until Quotes)
We don’t have to wait until we are old to gather the riches... We can gather them every day of our lives (Until Quotes)
Not perhaps until later life, until the follies, passions, and selfishness of youth have died out, do we... recognize the the inestimable blessing, the responsibility awful as sweet, of possessing or of being a friend (Until Quotes)
Emotional maturity is ability to stick to a job and to struggle through until it is finished; to endure unpleasantness, discomfort, and frustration; to give more than is asked for or required; to size things up and make independent decisions; to work under authority and to cooperate with others; to defer to time, other persons, and to circumstances (Until Quotes)
Democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover they can vote themselves largesse out of the public treasure. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefit from the public treasury, with the result that democracy always collapses over a loose fiscal policy, always to be followed by a dictatorship, and then a monarchy (Until Quotes)
Strong and healthy, who thinks of sickness until it strikes like lightning? Preoccupied with the world, who thinks of death, until it arrives like thunder? (Until Quotes)
The prayer of the monk is not perfect until he no longer recognizes himself or the fact that he is praying (Until Quotes)
Until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore, you will not know the terror of being forever lost at sea (Until Quotes)
Always work hard, never give up, and fight until the end because it’s never really over until the whistle blows (Until Quotes)
No organization engaged in any specific field of work ever invents any important developers in that field, or adopts any important development in that field until forced to do so by outside competition (Until Quotes)
Realization is not knowledge about the universe, but the living experience of the nature of the universe. Until we have such living experience, we remain dependent on examples, and subject to their limits (Until Quotes)
Life can be seen through your eyes but it is not fully appreciated until it is seen through your heart (Until Quotes)