Upon Quotes

Text Quotes
Once upon a time they had some bad luck, and they blame everything on that (Upon Quotes)
You will not be good teachers if you focus only on what you do and not upon who you are (Upon Quotes)
Life is dear to every living thing; the worm that crawls upon the ground will struggle for it (Upon Quotes)
What else does anxiety about the future bring you but sorrow upon sorrow? (Upon Quotes)
If you do not create your destiny,you will have your fate inflicted upon you (Upon Quotes)
War gives the right to the conquerors to impose any condition they please upon the vanquished (Upon Quotes)
Our strength often increases in proportion to the obstacles imposed upon it (Upon Quotes)
If someone says or does something hurtful, call upon heaven for protection and healing (Upon Quotes)
The peace and beauty of a spring day had descended upon the earth like a benediction (Upon Quotes)
Government is like junior high. Your status depends upon whom you’re able to persecute (Upon Quotes)
Whether we’re prepared or not, life has a habit of thrusting situations upon us (Upon Quotes)
So long as there is any subject which men may not freely discuss, they are timid upon all subjects (Upon Quotes)
Be kind and considerate to others, depending somewhat upon who they are (Upon Quotes)
He who has no opinion of his own, but depends upon the opinion and taste of others, is a slave (Upon Quotes)
Industry, economy, honesty and kindness form a quartet of virtue that will never be improved upon (Upon Quotes)
Your progress depends upon your degree of sustained intensity in a given direction (Upon Quotes)
We feed upon each other’s mouths and minds like ants with social stomachs (Upon Quotes)
The writer is one who, emnbarking upon a task, does not know what to do (Upon Quotes)
Once upon a time I was falling in love, now I’m only falling apart (Upon Quotes)
I consider chess an art, and accept all those responsibilities which art places upon its devotees (Upon Quotes)
Wherever we look upon this earth, the opportunities take shape within the problems (Upon Quotes)
We will look upon the earth and her sister planets as being with us, not for us (Upon Quotes)
For we must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill. The eyes of all people are upon us (Upon Quotes)
Upon these two foundations, the law of nature and the law of revelation, depend all human laws (Upon Quotes)
Football is the priority, even more than school. Art is frowned upon. I had to sneak music in (Upon Quotes)
I believe in goodness, mercy and charity. I believe in casting bread upon the waters (Upon Quotes)
The artist creates the material that we look back upon as part of history (Upon Quotes)
No word is absolutely wrong or dirty or insulting. It all depends upon context and intention (Upon Quotes)
I have never been disappointed upon asking microorganisms for whatever I wanted (Upon Quotes)
The waves have rolled upon me, the billows are repeatedly broken over me, yet I am not sunk down (Upon Quotes)