Upon Quotes

Text Quotes
Society friendship and love divinely bestowed upon man, o had I the wings of a dove how soon I would taste you again (Upon Quotes)
Men endowed with a wild imagination should have, in addition, the great poetic faculty of denying our universe and its values so that they may act upon it with sovereign ease (Upon Quotes)
Even there, intimacy evolved its alchemy. A solemn marble stairway led to corridors covered with red carpets, upon which one moved noiselessly (Upon Quotes)
Wherever a human being goes, there is a challenge. Be the best man you can, and your gods will look with favor upon you (Upon Quotes)
I would not enter on my list of friends (Though graced with polish'd manner and fine sense, yet wanting sensibility) the man Who needlessly sets foot upon a worm (Upon Quotes)
Is there no Latin word for Tea? Upon my soul, if I had known that I would have let the vulgar stuff alone (Upon Quotes)
When perjury, that heaven defying vice, sells oaths by tale, and at the lowest price, stamps God's own name upon a lie just made, to turn a penny in the way of trade (Upon Quotes)
These are the advantages of travel, that one meets so many men whom one would otherwise never meet, and that one feeds as it were upon the complexity of mankind (Upon Quotes)
Am I to set my life upon a throw, because a bear is rude and surly? No - a moral, sensible, and well bred man, will not affront me, and no other can (Upon Quotes)
In the vast, and the minute, we see the unambiguous footsteps of the God, who gives its lustre to an insect's wing and wheels His throne upon the rolling worlds (Upon Quotes)
Every attempt to alienate any portion of our country from the rest should be indignantly frowned upon (Upon Quotes)
When we don't pray, we quit the fight. Prayer keeps the Christian's armor bright. And Satan trembles when he sees. The weakest saint upon his knees (Upon Quotes)
The reflection upon my situation and that of this army produces many an uneasy hour when all around me are wrapped in sleep. Few people know the predicament we are in (Upon Quotes)
Happiness depends more upon the internal frame of a person's own mind, than on the externals in the world (Upon Quotes)
No punishment, in my opinion, is to great, for the man who can build his greatness upon his country's ruin (Upon Quotes)
Therefore to this dog will i, tenderly not scornfully, render praise and favor: with my hand upon his head, is my benediction said therefore and for ever (Upon Quotes)
A worthless woman! Mere cold clay as all false things are! But so fair, she takes the breath of men away who gaze upon her unaware: I would not play her larcenous tricks to have her looks! (Upon Quotes)
Death not merely ends life, it also bestows upon it a silent completeness, snatched from the hazardous flux to which all things human are subject (Upon Quotes)
Your ability to use the principle of autosuggestion will depend, very largely, upon your capacity to concentrate upon a given desire until that desire becomes a burning obsession (Upon Quotes)
I fully realize that no wealth or position can long endure, unless built upon truth and justice, therefore, I will engage in no transaction which does not benefit all whom it affects (Upon Quotes)
There is always room for those who can be relied upon to delivery the goods when they say they will (Upon Quotes)
Fortune definitely frowns upon all ill gotten wealth, and often causes it to mysteriously evaporate (Upon Quotes)
Put your foot upon the neck of the fear of criticism by reaching a decision not to worry about what other people think, do, or say (Upon Quotes)
And yet, protest it if we will, some corner of the mind retains the medieval man, who still keeps watch upon those starry skeins and drives us out of doors at night to gaze at anagrams of light (Upon Quotes)
Remember that your dominating thoughts attract, through a definite law of nature, by the shortest and most convenient route, their physical counterpart. Be careful what your thoughts dwell upon (Upon Quotes)
I do not look on self indulgent, sensual people as worthy of my hatred; I simply look upon them with contempt for their poorness of character (Upon Quotes)
To every man upon this Earth death cometh soon or late. And how can man die better than facing fearful odds, for the ashes of his fathers, and the temples of his gods? (Upon Quotes)
But the trees were gorgeous in their autumnal leafiness - the warm odours of flowers and herb came sweet upon the sense (Upon Quotes)
Even before he left the room, and certainly, not five minutes after, the clear conviction dawned upon her, shined bright upon her, that he did love her; that he had loved her; that he would love her (Upon Quotes)
In after life you may have friends fond, dear friends; but never will you have again the inexpressible love and gentleness lavished upon you which none but a mother bestows (Upon Quotes)