Upon Quotes

Text Quotes
Why, our battalia trebles that account: Besides, the king's name is a tower of strength, which they upon the adverse faction want (Upon Quotes)
The imagination is the spur of delights. All depends upon it, it is the mainspring of everything; now, is it not by means of the imagination one knows joy? Is it not of the imagination that the sharpest pleasures arise? (Upon Quotes)
We make ourselves fools to disport ourselves and spend our flatteries to drink those men upon whose age we void it up again with poisonous spite and envy (Upon Quotes)
See, see what show'rs arise, blown with windy tempest of my heart upon thy wounds, that kills mine eye and heart (Upon Quotes)
We should often blush for our very best actions, if the world did but see all the motives upon which they were done (Upon Quotes)
I conceive that the great part of the miseries of mankind are brought upon them by false estimates they have made of the value of things (Upon Quotes)
I look upon death to be as necessary to our constitution as sleep. We shall rise refreshed in the morning (Upon Quotes)
O, it came over my ear like the sweet south, that breathes upon a bank of violets, stealing, and giving odor! (Upon Quotes)
Now workers should have the right to join unions. But unions should not be forced upon workers. And unions should not have the power to take money our of their members' paychecks to buy the support of politicians that are favored by the union bosses (Upon Quotes)
Fairest Cordelia, that art most rich being poor, most choice forsaken, and most loved despised, thee and thy virtues here I seize upon (Upon Quotes)
Those he commands move only in command, nothing in live. Now does he feel his title hang loose about him, like a giant's robe upon a dwarfish thief (Upon Quotes)
Pleasant it is, when over a great sea the winds trouble the waters, to gaze from shore upon another's great tribulation; not because any man's troubles are a delectable joy, but because to perceive you are free of them yourself is pleasant (Upon Quotes)
Sitting on a bank, weeping again the King my father's wrack, this music crept by me upon the waters, allaying both their fury and my passion With its sweet air (Upon Quotes)
O Earth! I will befriend thee more with rain than youthful April shall with all his showers; in summer's drought I'll drop upon thee still (Upon Quotes)
Our soul is cast into a body, where it finds number, time, dimension. Thereupon it reasons, and calls this nature necessity, and can believe nothing else (Upon Quotes)
Man is, properly speaking, based upon hope, he has no other possession but hope; this world of his is emphatically the place of hope (Upon Quotes)
I pray thee, leave me to myself tonight; for I have need of many orisons to move the heavens to smile upon my state, which, well thou knowest, is cross and full of sin (Upon Quotes)
No, rather let my head stoop to the block than theses knees bow to any Save to the God of heaven and to my king; and sooner dance upon a bloody pole than stand uncovered to the vulgar groom (Upon Quotes)
Heart and head are the constituent parts of character; temperament has almost nothing to do with it, and, therefore, character is dependent upon education, and is susceptible of being corrected and improved (Upon Quotes)
I am not religious. I do not believe that personhood is conferred upon conception. But I also do not believe that a human embryo is the moral equivalent of a hangnail and deserves no more respect than an appendix (Upon Quotes)
I saw him beat the surges under him, and ride upon their backs; he trod the water, whose enmity he flung aside, and breasted the surge most swoln that met him (Upon Quotes)
When I did name her brothers, then fresh tears stood on her cheeks, as doth the honeydew upon a gath'red lily almost withered (Upon Quotes)
It is the superfluous things for which men sweat, superfluous things that wear our togas theadbare, that force us to grow old in camp, that dash us upon foreign shores (Upon Quotes)
No, I will rob Tellus of her weed, to strow thy green with flowers. The yellows, blues, the purple violets, and marigolds, shall, as a carpet, hand upon thy grave, while summer days do last (Upon Quotes)
I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man (Upon Quotes)
Shall we upon the footing of our land Send fair play orders, and make compromise, insinuation, parley, and base truce, to arms invasive? (Upon Quotes)
It is part of the general pattern of misguided policy that our country is now geared to an arms economy which was bred in an artificially induced psychosis of war hysteria and nurtured upon an incessant propaganda of fear (Upon Quotes)
Yet marked O where the bolt of Cupid fell. It fell upon a little western flower, before milk white, now purple with love's wound, and maidens call it love in idleness (Upon Quotes)
Our government is founded upon the intelligence of the people. I for one do not despair of the republic. I have great confidence in the virtue of the great majority of the people, and I cannot fear the result (Upon Quotes)
Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest (Upon Quotes)