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Upstage Quotes

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Bridesmaids are never going to upstage the bride  (Upstage Quotes) A witch and a bitch always dress up for each other, because otherwise the witch would upstage the bitch, or the bitch would upstage the witch, and the result would be havoc  (Upstage Quotes) I’m facing upstage, with my back to the audience, and the spotlight comes up on my back as I start singing  (Upstage Quotes) Acceptance of death when it arrives is one thing, but to allow it to upstage the joys of living is ingratitude  (Upstage Quotes) If you’ve chosen someone to be in your bridal party, she should be a good enough friend that she does not want to upstage you  (Upstage Quotes) Jewelry should not upstage you. I pick one hot point on my body that I’m going to highlight. Let one area do the singing - you don’t want to hear three songs at once  (Upstage Quotes) If you’ve chosen someone to be in your bridal party, she should be a good enough friend that she does not want to upstage you.  (Upstage Quotes)