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Uran Quotes

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Men and governments must act to the best of their ability. There is no such thing as absolute certainty but there is assurance sufficient for the purposes of human life  (Uran Quotes) If you mean well, now go with me and with this holy man into the chantry by. There, before him, and underneath that consecrated roof, plight me the full assurance of your faith, that most jealous and too doubtful soul may live in peace  (Uran Quotes) In the United States all business not transacted over the telephone is accomplished in conjunction with alcohol or food, often under conditions of advanced intoxication. This is a fact of the utmost importance for the visitor of limited funds... for it means that the most expensive restaurants are, with rare exceptions, the worst  (Uran Quotes) The public has lost faith in the ability of Social Security and Medicare to provide for old age. They've lost faith in the banking system and in conventional medical insurance  (Uran Quotes) Left to ourselves, we might pick the wrong health insurance, the wrong mortgage, the wrong school for our kids; why, unless they stop us, we might pick the wrong light bulb  (Uran Quotes) I'd like to have the first restaurant that can deliver incredible quality food to your table at your house at any time - right where you live  (Uran Quotes) A well-grounded assurance is always attended with three fair handmaids: love, humility and holy joy  (Uran Quotes) Prayer crowns God with the honor and glory due to His name, and God crowns prayer with assurance and comfort. The most praying souls are the most assured souls  (Uran Quotes) It's well to have such a comfortable assurance regarding the worth of those we love. I only wish you may not find your confidence misplaced  (Uran Quotes) In restaurants, the duration of silence between couples is too often proportionate to the length of their life together  (Uran Quotes) From that day forth, in peace and joyous bliss they liv'd together long without debate; nor private jars, nor spite of enemies, could shake the safe assurance of their state  (Uran Quotes) If you have a good experience in a restaurant, you tell 2 people. If you have a bad experience, you tell 10 people  (Uran Quotes) I think fine dining is dying out everywhere... but I think there will be - and there has to always be - room for at least a small number of really fine, old-school fine-dining restaurants  (Uran Quotes) I like telling stories, and I tell stories that interest me. It would be boring to have to go to nothing but the best restaurants. That would be a misery to me  (Uran Quotes) Metaphysics is names about reality. Metaphysics is a restaurant where they give you a thirty thousand page menu and no food  (Uran Quotes) One unerring mark of the love of truth is not entertaining any proposition with greater assurance than the proofs it is built upon will warrant  (Uran Quotes) I don’t go to the cool, trendy restaurants. I go to either the holes in the wall or the super-fancy restaurants where there are no cool people  (Uran Quotes) I feel more comfortable when I’m lighter - I sleep better, I snore less, I have more endurance when I work out, my arms look better  (Uran Quotes) Playwrights are like men who have been dining for a month in an Indian restaurant. After eating curry night after night, they deny the existence of asparagus  (Uran Quotes) Patient endurance Attaineth to all things; who God possesseth In nothing is wanting; alone God sufficeth  (Uran Quotes) I can go into restaurants and a whole table will get up and clap if they recognize me, because they love Fox News. Other places - or even the same place - people will turn the other way  (Uran Quotes) For almost seventy years the life insurance industry has been a smug sacred cow feeding the public a steady line of sacred bull  (Uran Quotes) Our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is the source of spiritual power that will give you and me the assurance that we have nothing to fear  (Uran Quotes) The right and the physical power of the people to resist injustice, are really the only securities that any people ever can have for their liberties. Practically no government knows any limit to its power but the endurance of the people  (Uran Quotes) As a restaurateur, my job is to basically control the chaos and the drama. There’s always going to be chaos in the restaurant business  (Uran Quotes) Being famous gets me good concert tickets, good tables in restaurants, good seats at sporting events and that’s really about it  (Uran Quotes) But it’s really hard to eat good when you’re traveling because you see fast food and you want to go to this restaurant and that restaurant  (Uran Quotes) Everyone should have health insurance? I say everyone should have health care. I’m not selling insurance  (Uran Quotes) Find what’s hot, find what’s just opened and then look for the worst review of the week. There is so much to learn from watching a restaurant getting absolutely panned and having a bad experience. Go and see it for yourself  (Uran Quotes) Five thousand people every day lose their home because of a medical bankruptcy. Most of them had insurance  (Uran Quotes)
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