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Urde Quotes

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I really hate those books where the murderer turns out to be somebody you never heard of who pops up in the last chapter  (Urde Quotes) You know that murder is wicked. If you saw your master kill a man, do you suppose this would be any excuse for you, if you should commit the same crime?  (Urde Quotes) One way we gave small businesses more money to invest was by extending tax provisions on expensing. This allows businesses to immediately write off things like equipment, without being burdened by depreciation requirements  (Urde Quotes) A large part of the problem, is that young people are being born into the world and growing up without much hope. And so, they become murderers, they become suicide bombers  (Urde Quotes) I can’t imagine anyone who doesn’t think the world is safer without a tyrant who murdered his own people, used weapons of mass destruction against them and flouted the world for so many years  (Urde Quotes) I am willing to admit that if the agriculturists are oppressed by peculiar burdens, they ought to be relieved from them, or be allowed a fair and just protection equivalent to all such peculiar burdens  (Urde Quotes) Oh, definitely and you know you take the bitter with the sweet but the benefits far outweigh the burdens of what I’ve been able to do for my family, my word  (Urde Quotes) One of the hardest things to believe is that anyone will abandon the effort to escape a charge of murder. It is extremely important to suspend disbelief on that. If you don’t, the story is spoiled  (Urde Quotes) Anybody who’s been through a divorce will tell you that at one point. they’ve thought murder. The line between thinking murder and doing murder isn’t that major  (Urde Quotes) I really can’t hate more than 5 or 10 years. Wouldn’t it be terrible to be always burdened with those primary emotions you had at one time?  (Urde Quotes) I do not think that condemning people who murder and killing them necessarily sends out the right message  (Urde Quotes) I found criminal clients easy and matrimonial clients hard. Matrimonial clients hate each other so much and use their children to hurt each other in beastly ways. Murderers have usually killed the one person in the world that was bugging them and they’re usually quite peaceful and agreeable  (Urde Quotes) Every ruling class has wanted only this: all the rewards and none of the burdens. The operational code is: we have a lot; we can get more; we want it all  (Urde Quotes) All the men and women whom I have faced at that final moment, convince me that in what I have done, I have not prevented a single murder  (Urde Quotes) Except for the people who were there that one day they discovered the polio vaccine, being part of history is rarely a good idea. History is one war after another with a bunch of murders and natural disasters in between  (Urde Quotes) If you could not accept the past and its burden there was no future, for without one there cannot be the other  (Urde Quotes) Based on history the expectations are simply the highest, it kind of could become a burden for you or it could be something that you are really proud of, you know so I take the second one  (Urde Quotes) While I drew, and wept along with the terrified children I was drawing, I really felt the burden I am bearing. I felt that I have no right to withdraw from the responsibility of being an advocate  (Urde Quotes) I received my money from the treasury, I used to very early to go the clubs, but when the burden of looking after my children came upon me I tried to live a quite life, and save as much as I could  (Urde Quotes) Bowed by the weight of centuries he leans upon his hoe and gazes on the ground, the emptiness of ages in his face, and on his back the burden of the world  (Urde Quotes) We can easily manage if we will only take, each day, the burden appointed to it. But the load will be too heavy for us if we carry yesterday’s burden over again today, and then add the burden of the morrow before we are required to bear it  (Urde Quotes) Under pressure, people admit to murder, setting fire to the village church or robbing a bank, but never to being bores  (Urde Quotes) If I was a bad character that got away with murder like we see on other shows, I do not think I would like it because that sends a message that you can do these horrible things and never pay for it  (Urde Quotes) The cops picked me up for attempted murder. I can still see the detectives, licking their chops. Thought they had me. Two weeks later, the cat came out of a coma and told the truth. I was innocent  (Urde Quotes) If someone wants to give you, like, $100 million, it’s hard to say no. But I don’t want to accept that kind of money right now. I’d feel burdened by it  (Urde Quotes) Democratic societies can no longer give religious fanatics a free hand to abuse and murder non believers. Such action betrays contempt for the basic human rights which animate any democracy with meaning  (Urde Quotes) We shall never understand the natural environment until we see it as a living organism. Land can be healthy or sick, fertile or barren, rich or poor, lovingly nurtured or bled white. Our present attitudes and laws governing the ownership and use of land represent an abuse of the concept of private property... Today you can murder land for private profit. You can leave the corpse for all to see and nobody calls the cops  (Urde Quotes) Kill one man, and you are a murderer. Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill them all, and you are a God  (Urde Quotes) People sometimes think I’m gay because I once played a gay in a movie. It’s funny. Audiences don’t think you’re a murderer if you play a murderer, but they do think you’re gay if you play a gay  (Urde Quotes) For reforms ameliorate the situation of the working class, they lighten the weight of the chains labour is burdened with by capitalism, but they are not sufficient to crush capitalism and to emancipate the workers from their tyranny  (Urde Quotes)
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