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Urde Quotes

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The world is going mad in mutual extermination, and murder, considered as a crime when committed individually, becomes a virtue when it is committed by large numbers. It is the multiplication of the frenzy that assures impunity to the assassins  (Urde Quotes) It is notorious that the memory strengthens as you lay burdens upon it, and becomes trustworthy as you trust it  (Urde Quotes) I’d sooner have one real grief on my mind than twenty false. It’s better to know one’s robbed than to think one’s going to be murdered  (Urde Quotes) Most women, I think, though they may complain a little about this, would agree that meeting the needs of others is not a real burden; it is what makes life worth living. It is probably the deepest satisfaction a woman has  (Urde Quotes) We are learning that a standard of social ethics is not attained by travelling a sequestered byway, but by mixing on the thronged and common road where all must turn out for one another, and at least see the size of one another’s burdens  (Urde Quotes) When people are too comfortable, it is not possible to restrain them within the bounds of their duty? They may be compared to mules who, being accustomed to burdens, are spoilt by rest rather than labour  (Urde Quotes) The great danger of humane punishment is that people will come to accept state murder as something sanitary. I don’t think bureaucracy should ever be entrusted with that kind of power  (Urde Quotes) What writers do is they tell their own story constantly through other people’s stories. They imagine other people, and those other people are carrying the burden of their struggles, their questions about themselves  (Urde Quotes) We can decrease abuse and murder when we get that for both sexes, abuse does not derive from power, but powerlessness  (Urde Quotes) From the greatest to the smallest, happiness and usefulness are largely found in the same soul, and the joy of life is won in its deepest and truest sense only by those who have not shirked life’s burdens  (Urde Quotes) We can applaud the state lottery as a public subsidy of intelligence, for it yields public income that is calculated to lighten the tax burden of us prudent abstainers at the expense of the benighted masses of wishful thinkers  (Urde Quotes) Karma is an energy debt which you owe or an energy credit which is owed you. Both involve compound interest that is added to the equation making it either a burden or a blessing  (Urde Quotes) It has been petrified into a slavery of thought and sentiment, as intolerant superiority on the part of the few and an intolerable burden on the part of the many  (Urde Quotes) God grant me the serenity to accept that people are ignorant, the courage to uphold the law when I’m hostile, and the wisdom to realize that murder is illegal  (Urde Quotes) I don’t want to get away with murder! I’d have to live with that for the rest of my life. I would never want to live with killing somebody  (Urde Quotes) I didn’t understand that you could go to jail for the rest of your life for selling cocaine. I thought life sentences were for murderers. I didn’t know that you could get it for supplying something to someone that they asked you for  (Urde Quotes) Stop talking about the murders, and we won’t know they’re happening. And then we can all just live in a bubble that isn’t reality  (Urde Quotes) When that which loves is united to the thing beloved it can rest there; when the burden is laid down it finds rest there. There will be eternal fame also for the inhabitants of that town, constructed and enlarged by him  (Urde Quotes) I do not understand how a man can be a true believer, in whom sin is not the greatest burden, sorrow and trouble  (Urde Quotes) To man, faith; to woman, doubt. She bears the heavier burden. Does not woman invariably suffer for two?  (Urde Quotes) The nicest gifts are those left, nameless and quiet, unburdened with love, or vanity, or the desire for attention  (Urde Quotes) You cannot build up a standing army and then throw it back into a box like tin soldiers. Armies equipped to the teeth with weapons, with highly developed instruments of murder and backed by their military interests, have their own dynamic functions  (Urde Quotes) Modern conquerors can kill, but do not seem to be able to create. Artists know how to create but cannot really kill. Murderers are only very exceptionally found among artists  (Urde Quotes) When I find a man who is not willing to pay his share of the burden of the government which protects him, I find a man who is unworthy to enjoy the blessings of a government like ours  (Urde Quotes) So let us now take our vengeance on this murderous ocean. You won’t be hurting anyone anymore  (Urde Quotes) The necessity of knowing a little about a great many things is the most grievous burden of our day. It deprives us of leisure on the one hand, and of scholarship on the other  (Urde Quotes) If you are required to kill someone today, on the promise of a political leader that someone else shall live in peace tomorrow, believe me, you are not only a double murderer, you are a suicide, too  (Urde Quotes) The murderer only takes the life of the parent and leaves his character as a goodly heritage to his children, whilst the slanderer takes away his goodly reputation and leaves him a living monument to his children’s disgrace  (Urde Quotes) Nature, who permits no two leaves to be exactly alike, has given a still greater diversity to human minds. Imitation, then, is a double murder; for it deprives both copy and original of their primitive existence  (Urde Quotes) I got married the second time in the way that, when a murder is committed, crackpots turn up at the police station to confess the crime  (Urde Quotes)
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