Urf Quotes

Text Quotes
I felt as though I were snorting cocaine, or rappelling down a cliffside, or cliffsurfing off a cliff of pure cocaine (Urf Quotes)
I take the seashell from my jeans pocket and rub my fingers across its silken, indented surface, shallow as my own open hand. This chalice, subtly shaped by some divine intelligence to allow water to flow in and out with ease, is what I aspire to become: a vessel through which feelings can pour in and spill right out again, without all the grasping and holding that obstructs the flow. Can I be as serene and simple as this bleached shell, rubbed smooth by wind and water, receiving and releasing, filling and emptying and filling again, eternally receptive to the currents of life? (Urf Quotes)
I’ve been surfing so many years and it’s a pretty strong part of my life so I’m not gonna give that up (Urf Quotes)
In the stormy current of life characters are weights or floats which at one time make us glide along the bottom, and at another maintain us on the surface (Urf Quotes)
My photographs don’t go below the surface. They don’t go below anything. They’re readings of the surface. I have great faith in surfaces. A good one is full of clues. But whenever I become absorbed in the beauty of a face, in the excellence of a single feature, I feel I’ve lost what’s really there been seduced by someone else’s standard of beauty or by the sitter’s own idea of the best in him. That’s not usually the best. So each sitting becomes a contest (Urf Quotes)
I hear the words, the thoughts, the feeling tones, the personal meaning, even the meaning that is below the conscious intent of the speaker. Sometimes too, in a message which superficially is not very important, I hear a deep human cry that lies buried and unknown far below the surface of the person.So I have learned to ask myself, can I hear the sounds and sense the shape of this other person’s inner world? Can I resonate to what he is saying so deeply that I sense the meanings he is afraid of, yet would like to communicate, as well as those he knows? (Urf Quotes)
Hell be lucky to last five or six years on those knees. What it might have to come down to is playing less on hard surfaces and playing more on forgiving surfaces (Urf Quotes)
The eye can travel over the surface in a way parallel to the way it moves over nature. It should feel caressed and soothed, experience frictions and ruptures, glide and drift. One moment, there will be nothing to look at and the next second the canvas seems to refill, to be crowded with visual events (Urf Quotes)
Studying goes deeper than mere reading. There are surface nuggets to be gathered but the best of the gold is underneath, and it takes time and labor to secure it (Urf Quotes)
The worse the country, the more tortured it is by water and wind, the more broken and carved, the more it attracts fossil hunters, who depend on the planet to open itself to us. We can only scratch away at what natural forces have brought to the surface (Urf Quotes)
Your surfing can get better on every turn, on every wave you catch. Learn to read the ocean better. A big part of my success has been wave knowledge (Urf Quotes)
The joy of surfing is so many things combined, from the physical exertion of it, to the challenge of it, to the mental side of the sport (Urf Quotes)
I think when a surfer becomes a surfer, it’s almost like an obligation to be an environmentalist at the same time (Urf Quotes)
I try changing my surfing, which is the absolute worst thing you can do. Everyone surfs their own way. If I try to surf like someone else I look like a dork (Urf Quotes)
What I love the most about surfing is that it’s my first love. It’s the first thing I can remember being consumed by (Urf Quotes)
Why is it that scuba divers and surfers are some of the strongest advocates of ocean conservation? Because they’ve spent time in and around the ocean, and they’ve personally seen the beauty, the fragility, and even the degradation of our planet’s blue heart (Urf Quotes)
Life just seems so full of connections. Most of the time we don’t even pay attention to the depth of life. We only see flat surfaces (Urf Quotes)
If the children acquiesce, they may learn to suppress their anger to avoid retribution. But the rage remains inside, often just below the surface (Urf Quotes)
There is lace in every living thing: the bare branches of winter, the patterns of clouds, the surface of water as it ripples in the breeze... Even a wild dog’s matted fur shows a lacy pattern if you look at it closely enough (Urf Quotes)
Strange the workings of the heart. One could go on for years, habituated to loss, reconciled to it, and then, in a moments unwary thought, the pain resurfaced, sharp and raw as a fresh wound (Urf Quotes)
I’ve been divorced and I had to get back out there be single again and do some of that in the genuinely miserable state where you really do wonder what the hell is going on. And you feel like trying to have casual conversation with someone you don’t know on the surface of the moon or something (Urf Quotes)
In my experience, if you steer clear of dogma and muster up more love than you thought you had to give, then your vitality increases, satisfaction sets in, sweetness surfaces. I believe in the creative power of good feelings. I’m convinced that the desire to be real is everyone’s divine imperative (Urf Quotes)
I swim. I do a little bit of surfing. I would say I’m a beginner at surfing. I run. I cycle. I play a little bit of soccer (Urf Quotes)
Because of its independence of surface limitations and its superior speed the airplane is the offensive weapon par excellence (Urf Quotes)
I was very far away. My real life had gone underground and could not be seen by anybody. The person at the surface that everybody saw was no longer me (Urf Quotes)
An artist, if he is truly an artist, is only interested in one thing and that is to wake up the minds of men, to have mankind and womankind realize that there is something greater than what we see on the surface (Urf Quotes)
... I liken feedback to the effect of when you go surfing; you can get pummeled by a wave, but if you balance the forces right, you can have a dandy ride... that’s pretty much what feedback is (Urf Quotes)
Everyone can feel the nothingness, the void, just beneath the surface of everyday routines and securities (Urf Quotes)
Everything pertaining to what’s happening has never come to the surface. The world will never know the true facts of what occurred, my motives. The people who had so much to gain, and had such an ulterior motive for putting me in the position I’m in, will never let the true facts come above board to the world (Urf Quotes)
Scratch the surface in a typical boardroom and we’re all just cavemen with briefcases, hungry for a wise person to tell us stories (Urf Quotes)