Urf Quotes

Text Quotes
Religion is, as it were, the calm bottom of the sea at its deepest point, which remains calm however high the waves on the surface may be (Urf Quotes)
Feelings are much like waves, we can’t stop them from coming but we can choose which ones to surf (Urf Quotes)
After about 20 years of marriage, I’m finally starting to scratch the surface of that one. and I think the answer lies somewhere between conversation and chocolate (Urf Quotes)
Each of us is unique, and if we don’t respect that uniqueness, if we don’t allow that which we are to surface, then the world doesn’t have it (Urf Quotes)
Remember that a picture, before being a battle horse, a nude, an anecdote or whatnot, is essentially a flat surface covered with colours assembled in a certain order (Urf Quotes)
You see, when a blind beetle crawls over the surface of a globe he doesn’t notice that the track he has covered is curved. I was lucky enough to have spotted it (Urf Quotes)
I have always been concerned with painting that simultaneously insists on a flat surface and then denies it (Urf Quotes)
If you hadn’t noticed, I’m the pub loony around here. This is my turf, and if there’s any gibbering to be done, I’m the one who does it. If you want to gibber, find another bar (Urf Quotes)
The longer a line, the more of the time element it contains. Distance is time whereas a surface is apprehended more in terms of the moment (Urf Quotes)
It has often struck me with awe that some of the most deeply religious people I know have been, on the surface, atheists (Urf Quotes)
As I watched, I could see her bow getting deeper and deeper in the water with the foremast sticking up above the surface whilst her stern lifted higher and higher, till it was right out of the water (Urf Quotes)
The supporting powers of time air and of the wind depend on the shape of the surfaces used, and the best forms can only be evolved by free flight through the air (Urf Quotes)
Whole surfaces are carried away even from a mountain when undermined by a gentle flow of water; how much more the soft hearts of men by clever persons who attack them with slander! (Urf Quotes)
To know, to get into the truth of anything, is ever a mystic act, of which the best logics can but babble on the surface (Urf Quotes)
While love ceaselessly strives toward that which lies at the hiddenmost center, hatred only perceives the topmost surface (Urf Quotes)
When we as youngsters, would accuse our mother of picking on us her wise reply was, all you’ll get from strangers is surface pleasantry or indifference. Only someone who loves you will criticize you (Urf Quotes)
Comedy deflates the sense precisely so that the underlying lubricity and malice may bubble to the surface (Urf Quotes)
Trials teach us what we are; they dig up the soil, and let us see what we are made of; they just turn up some of the ill weeds on to the surface (Urf Quotes)
Many a bit we passed in our ignorance, in the days when we could see no metal but what glittered on the surface (Urf Quotes)
If the man who paints only the tree, or flower, or other surface he sees before him were an artist, the king of artists would be the photographer. It is for the artist to do something beyond this (Urf Quotes)
Oh! Snatched away in beauty’s bloom, on thee shall press no ponderous tomb; but on thy turf shall roses rear their leaves, the earliest of the year (Urf Quotes)
And at the departure he will say, mayst thou rest soundly and quietly, and may the light turf lie easy on thy bones (Urf Quotes)
Genius is rarely found without some mixture of eccentricity, as the strength of spirit is proved by the bubbles on its surface (Urf Quotes)
Truth is a gem that is found at a great depth; whilst on the surface of this world all things are weighed by the false scale of custom (Urf Quotes)
Men scanning the surface count the wicked happy; they see not the frightful dreams that crowd a bad man’s pillow (Urf Quotes)
The ocean’s surfy, slow, deep, mellow voice, full of mystery and awe, moaning over the dead it holds in its bosom, or lulling them to unbroken slumbers in the chambers of its vasty depths (Urf Quotes)
Travel is a ceaseless fount of surface education, but its wisdom will be simply superficial, if thou add not thoughts to things (Urf Quotes)
No doubt solitude is wholesome, but so is abstinence after a surfeit. The true life of man is in society (Urf Quotes)
The gentle breath of peace would leave him on the surface neglected and unmoved. It is only the tempest that lifts him from his place (Urf Quotes)
Time is like a river, in which metals and solid substances are sunk, while chaff and straws swim upon the surface (Urf Quotes)