Urges Quotes

Text Quotes
When, who, and what things happen to becomes meaningful, then what happens starts to matter, and play can evoke strong emotions, fierce and ongoing urges to succeed, and a desire to leave a mark, drive meaningful change, or build lasting institutions. (Urges Quotes)
The desire which urges us to deserve praise strengthens our good qualities, and praise given to wit, valour, and beauty, tends to increase them. (Urges Quotes)
There is a calculus, it turns out, for mastering our subconscious urges. For companies like Target, the exhaustive rendering of our conscious and unconscious patterns into data sets and algorithms has revolutionized what they know about us and, therefore, how precisely they can sell. (Urges Quotes)
People tend to say Christians are always judging, but the word of God convicts Christians and urges them to obey God’s commands. (Urges Quotes)
I’m obsessed with shopping. I’ll get these urges to buy, like to shop for stuff on the Internet. I search for all kinds of weird gizmos I could get (Urges Quotes)
You think life is a beautiful thing, and you’ve got to live accordingly. You’ve got to magnify all your better feelings and better urges and better conscious ideas, and that’s your life’s evolvement. (Urges Quotes)
The American culture especially, and Western culture in general, urges us to not only become the best that we can be, but also win against the competition. (Urges Quotes)
We have within us enormous reserves of trapped potential. Our natural urges have been so constrained by the accommodations of living that we each have a smoldering volcano just below the surface. To enable this force to erupt in a healthy, open, and positive manner is a momentous act. (Urges Quotes)
I’ve just become more conscious about how much I do drink and how often I want to have a drink and things like that. I think being conscious of it will help me to control the urges. (Urges Quotes)
Man is a spiritual being, a soul, and at some period of his life everyone is possessed with an irresistible desire to know his relationship to the Infinite. . . . There is something within him which urges him to rise above himself, to control his environment, to master the body and all things physical and live in a higher and more beautiful world. (Urges Quotes)
When Al Gore urges the citizenry to sacrifice their plastic shopping bags, their air-conditioning, their extraneous travel, the agnostics grumble that human activity accounts for just 2 percent of global carbon-dioxide emissions, with the remainder generated by natural processes like plant decay. (Urges Quotes)
Many men nourish a pride which urges them to conceal their struggles and show themselves only as conquerors (Urges Quotes)
China always urges that no use or threat of sanctions should be allowed in international relations (Urges Quotes)
Looking back now on the whole sexual scene we can see that our species has remained much more loyal to its basic biological urges than we might at first imagine. Its primate sexual system with carnivore modifications has survived all the fantastic technological advances remarkably well (Urges Quotes)
Within me is the potential to commit every evil act I see being committed by other men, and unless I feel this potential, I can at any moment be controlled by these same urges. I am free from these urges only if I recognize when I am feeling them, and while feeling them and acknowledging them to be me, choose not to follow them. Only in this way can I begin to regain the disowned parts of me. And only in this way can I know what it is I am criticizing in others (Urges Quotes)
There are three primal urges in human beings: food, sex, and rewriting some else’s play (Urges Quotes)
Inadequacy of his own strength, learned from experience, impels and urges a man to enlist the help of others (Urges Quotes)
Grace is the central invitation to life and the final word. It’s the beckoning nudge and the overwhelming, undeserved mercy that urges us to change and grow, and then gives us the power to pull it off (Urges Quotes)
Fashion is as profound and critical a part of the social life of man as sex, and is made up of the same ambivalent mixture of irresistible urges and inevitable taboos (Urges Quotes)
It is curious that I always want to group things, a series of sonnets, a series of photographs; whatever rationalizations appear, they originate in urges that are rarely satisfied with single images (Urges Quotes)
By the duty to be happy, I thus refer to the ideology... that urges us to evaluate everything in terms of pleasure and displeasure... on the one hand, we have to make the most of our lives; on the other, we have to be sorry and punish ourselves if we don’t succeed in doing so. This is a perversion of a very beautiful idea: that everyone has a right to control his own destiny and to improve his life (Urges Quotes)
Follow the tugs in your heart. I think that everybody gets these gentle urges and should listen to them. Even if they sound absolutely insane, they may be worth going for (Urges Quotes)
They have no power over you. It’s all a show, a deception. Your urges scream and bluster at you; they cajole; they coax; they threaten; but they really carry no stick at all. You give in out of habit. You give in because you never really bother to look beyond the threat. It is all empty back there. There is only one way to learn this lesson, though. The words on this page won’t do it (Urges Quotes)
Public emergencies may require the hand of severity to fall heavily on those who are not personally guilty, but compassion prompts, and ever urges to milder methods (Urges Quotes)
I loved my life, but my choices were overloading and overwhelming me. Listening to inner feelings and fulfilling some of these urges when they come along is incredibly important (Urges Quotes)
Agnosticism has nothing to impart. Its sermons are the exhortations of one who convinces you he stands on nothing and urges you to stand there too (Urges Quotes)
Sex is the point of contact between man and nature, where morality and good intentions fall to primitive urges (Urges Quotes)
The saints, many of them women, warred with themselves as well as God. The body has its own animal urges, just as there are attractions and repulsions in sex that modern liberalism cannot face (Urges Quotes)
Way down deep, we're all motivated by the same urges. Cats have the courage to live by them (Urges Quotes)
Religion asks you to learn from the experience of others. Spirituality urges you to seek your own (Urges Quotes)