Uriah, with his long hands slowly twining over one another, made a ghastly writhe from the waist upwards

Uriah, with his long hands slowly twining over one another, made a ghastly writhe from the waist upwards
In Charles Dickens' novel "David Copperfield," the character Uriah Heep is one of the most memorable and sinister figures in all of English literature. He is a sly and manipulative character who is constantly scheming and plotting to advance his own interests at the expense of others. His physical appearance is described as being particularly repulsive, with his long, thin hands being a prominent feature.The quote "Uriah, with his long hands slowly twining over one another, made a ghastly writhe from the waist upwards" perfectly captures the unsettling nature of this character. The image of Uriah's hands twisting and writhing together is a physical manifestation of his deceitful and conniving nature. It suggests a sense of unease and discomfort, as if his very presence is enough to make those around him feel uneasy.
The use of the word "ghastly" further emphasizes the sinister nature of Uriah Heep. It suggests that there is something truly disturbing about him, something that goes beyond mere physical appearance. His actions and intentions are so twisted and malevolent that they inspire fear and revulsion in those who encounter him.
The description of Uriah making a writhe from the waist upwards adds to the sense of unease. It suggests a sense of contortion and distortion, as if he is not quite human. This image of him twisting and writhing in such a manner is deeply unsettling, and serves to further highlight his villainous nature.
Overall, this quote perfectly encapsulates the character of Uriah Heep in "David Copperfield." He is a figure of pure malevolence, whose very presence is enough to inspire fear and discomfort in those around him. His long, thin hands and his twisted, writhing movements serve as a physical representation of his deceitful and manipulative nature, making him one of the most memorable and chilling characters in all of Dickens' works.