Us Quotes

Text Quotes
I`ve had my run in with trouble. Fortunately, you know, one slap on the hand is usually the last time for me. I learned my lesson (Us Quotes)
Weak mortals, chained to the Earth, creatures of clay as frail as the foliage of the woods, you unfortunate race, whose life is but darkness, as unreal as a shadow, the illusion of a dream (Us Quotes)
So long as the human spirit thrives on this planet, music in some living form will accompany and sustain it and give it expressive meaning (Us Quotes)
But with rap music - not just N. W. A. - But rap music in general, seeing these artists wearing these team logos all the time started bringing a synergy and energy about having to rep your city, your team, everywhere and all the time (Us Quotes)
There is something about music that keeps its distance even at the moment that it engulfs us. It is at the same time outside and away from us and inside and part of us. In one sense it dwarfs us, and in another we master it (Us Quotes)
Customs form us all, our thoughts, our morals, our most fixed beliefs; are consequences of our place of birth (Us Quotes)
Oh, treacherous night! thou lendest thy ready veil to every treason, and teeming mischief's beneath thy shade (Us Quotes)
The question that will decide our destiny is not whether we shall expand into space. It is: shall we be one species or a million? A million species will not exhaust the ecological niches that are awaiting the arrival of intelligence (Us Quotes)
The man with but one idea in his head is sure to exaggerate that to top heaviness, and thus he loses his equilibrium (Us Quotes)
Just because I don't fight back doesn't mean I'm weak. It means I'm mature enough to know that anger won't solve anything (Us Quotes)
He made the world a grassy road before our bare, wandering feet, Then crushed the stones into the softest sand between our toes (Us Quotes)
Nobody is the same, just because you were hurt by one person does not mean you have to punish the next (Us Quotes)
If you want to change something in your life, focus on the inner, and God will take care of the outer (Us Quotes)
History teaches us that men and nations behave wisely once they have exhausted all other alternatives (Us Quotes)
There are some women who require much dressing, as some meats must be highly seasoned to make them palatable (Us Quotes)
Always forgive others, not necessarily because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace of mind (Us Quotes)
Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of husbands. Remember all men would be tyrants if they could (Us Quotes)
Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence (Us Quotes)
The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the best of everything that comes their way (Us Quotes)
So often corporate America, business America, are the worst communicators, because all they understand are facts, and they cannot tell a story. They know how to explain their quarterly results, but they don't know how to explain what they mean (Us Quotes)
The language of America changed with the election of Bill Clinton, because with all due respect to my friends on the Republican side, Bill Clinton is the best communicator of the last 50 years. He felt your pain (Us Quotes)
When I started in this business, everybody said the Democrats were the better communicators because they sounded like social workers, and Republicans were awful because they sounded like morticians. In some cases. They actually dressed like morticians (Us Quotes)
Wonder, or radical amazement, is a way of going beyond what is given in thing and thought, refusing to take anything for granted, to regard anything as final. It is our honest response to the grandeur and mystery of reality our confrontation with that which transcends the given (Us Quotes)
What does music mean to me? I don't think I would really be much without it, without it coming through me. It's my means of communication, my means of growth, my means of transportation from one point in my life to another (Us Quotes)
I'm free. I just do what I want, say what I want, say how I feel, and I don't try to hurt nobody. I just try to make sure that I don't compromise my art in any kind of way, and I think people respect that (Us Quotes)
Being as we know it, the world as we come upon it, stands before us as otherness, remoteness. For all our efforts to exploit or comprehend it, it remains evasive, mysteriously immune. Being is unbelievable (Us Quotes)
Being is transcended by a concern for being. Our perplexity will not be solved by relating human existence to a timeless, subpersonal abstraction which we call essence. We can do justice to human being only by relating it to the transcendent care for being (Us Quotes)
A religious man is a person who holds God and man in one thought at one time, at all times, who suffers harm done to others, whose greatest passion is compassion, whose greatest strength is love and defiance of despair (Us Quotes)
The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew (Us Quotes)
We used to root for the Indians against the cavalry, because we didn't think it was fair in the history books that when the cavalry won it was a great victory, and when the Indians won it was a massacre (Us Quotes)