Use Quotes

Text Quotes
Phallic symbols. You know Catholics. I used to draw people naked all the time in my art class and my nun teachers used to tell me I had to put clothes on them. So I just drew lines around their bodies. See-through clothes. (When asked what she used to draw as a kid) (Use Quotes)
Authors like cats because they are such quiet, lovable, wise creatures, and cats like authors for the same reasons (Use Quotes)
I am because we are. We all bleed the same color. We all want to love and be loved. About her documentary I Am Because We Are (Use Quotes)
Extraordinary people survive under the most terrible circumstances and they become more extraordinary because of it (Use Quotes)
To the eyes of a miser a guinea is more beautiful than the sun, and a bag worn with the use of money has more beautiful proportions than a vine filled with grapes (Use Quotes)
What is the price of experience? Do men buy it for a song? Or wisdom for a dance in the street? No, it is bought with the price of all the man hath, his house, his wife, his children (Use Quotes)
A slight touch of friendly malice and amusement towards those we love keeps our affections for them from turning flat (Use Quotes)
It is not because angels are holier than men or devils that makes them angels, but because they do not expect holiness from one another, but from God only (Use Quotes)
Children, don't speak so coarsely, said Mr. Webster, who had a vague notion that some supervision should be exercised over his daughters' speech, and that a line should be drawn, but never knew quite when to draw it. He had allowed his daughters to use his library without restraint, and nothing is more fatal to maidenly delicacy of speech than the run of a good library (Use Quotes)
Our fate lies in your hands, to you we pray For an indulgent hearing of our play; Laugh if you can, or failing that, give vent In hissing fury to your discontent; Applause we crave, from scorn we take defence But have no armour 'gainst indifference (Use Quotes)
Want of money and the distress of a thief can never be alleged as the cause of his thieving, for many honest people endure greater hardships with fortitude. We must therefore seek the cause elsewhere than in want of money, for that is the miser's passion, not the thiefs (Use Quotes)
It used to be fashionable for authors to have their pictures taken with dogs, but the dogs always looked like models hired from an advertising agency, and probably were (Use Quotes)
To be apt in quotation is a splendid and dangerous gift. Splendid, because it ornaments a man's speech with other men's jewels; dangerous, for the same reason (Use Quotes)
All reformers, however strict their social conscience, live in houses just as big as they can pay for (Use Quotes)
The vitality of a new movement in art or letters can be pretty accurately gauged by the fury it arouses (Use Quotes)
…some say that happiness is not good for mortals and they ought to be answered that sorrow is not fit for immortals and is utterly useless to any one a blight never does good to a tree and if a blight kill not a tree but it still bear fruit let none say that the fruit was in consequence of the blight (Use Quotes)
By this time I had discovered that all the gamey bits were cut out of the school texts, because I had a Shakespeare of my own; the Ontario Department of Education was hard at its impossible task of trying to educate the masses without in any permanent way inflaming their minds (Use Quotes)
It was easier to keep myself from becoming a success as an actor. Critics were careful not to outrage my modesty by their praise, and the public scrupulously refused to debauch me with applause. I have thought about it a good deal, and my conclusion is that I was ahead of my time. Or behind it (Use Quotes)
I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else (Use Quotes)
Dancing is the loftiest, the most moving, the most beautiful of the arts, because it is not mere translation or abstraction from life; it is life itself (Use Quotes)
The reason Milton wrote in fetters when he wrote of angels and god, and at liberty when of devils and hell, is because he was a true poet and of the devil's party without knowing it (Use Quotes)
Those who restrain desire, do so because theirs is weak enough to be restrained; and the restrainer or reason usurps its place and governs the unwilling (Use Quotes)
There are great numbers of people to whom the act of reading a book - any sort of book - is wondrous; they speak of the reader in the tone of warm approbation which they use otherwise when referring to pregnant women, or the newly dead (Use Quotes)
All progress in literary style lies in the heroic resolve to cast aside accretions and exuberances, all the conventions of a past age that were once beautiful because alive and are now false because dead (Use Quotes)
The true realist is he who believes in both God and the Devil, and is prepared to attempt, with humility, to sort out some corner of the extraordinary tangle of their works which is our world. He cannot use his feeling alone, he must use his intellect (Use Quotes)
The look of love alarms because 'tis filled with fire; but the look of soft deceit shall win the lover's hire (Use Quotes)
The devil gave me a look which made me profoundly uneasy. 'Just because I am enjoying your sympathy, don't imagine that I cannot read you like a book,' he said. 'You think you are cleverer than I; it is a very common academic delusion (Use Quotes)
Happiness is a by-product. It is not a primary product of life. It is a thing which you suddenly realize you have because you're so delighted to be doing something which perhaps has nothing whatever to do with happiness (Use Quotes)
I think we're living in an age which despises humanity and despises bravery and doesn't need bravery because modern warfare has rather gone beyond bravery. It is a kind of warfare where people are fighting enemies they never see, killing people of whom they know nothing (Use Quotes)
Are you going to be just kind of a walking monument to a job, or are you going to have some kind of really significant inner life of your own? Because the external things - the job, the house, the this, the that - do not really fill the place inside (Use Quotes)