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I’ve always fought for what I believe in. I used to get made fun of for dancing, and I would argue back, or fight the kids, or do whatever I had to do to shut them up. I have that in me  (Used Quotes) We as children went up the mountain to find feed for livestock, like goats, cows and horses, and because in the winter time we would light the fire in the house, we would climb the mountain to collect firewood as well. Because of that, I suppose I became used to climbing mountains  (Used Quotes) People have got to get used to making low carbon choices. If they have a direct incentive to do so they will think about it. Many times a day you have a choice between a low carbon option and a high carbon option, whether it is at home or at work  (Used Quotes) Neumann, to a physicist seeking help with a difficult problem: Simple. This can be solved by using the method of characteristics. Physicist: I’m afraid I don’t understand the method of characteristics. Neumann: In mathematics you don’t understand things. You just get used to them  (Used Quotes) The primary energy that is active in all things is kundalini. Kundalini energy is the energy of awareness. It can be used to modify awareness  (Used Quotes) The mystical kundalini is very different. It is a much more intense transformative energy which, when used, allows a person to make tremendous spiritual leaps in a short period of time  (Used Quotes) People get so used to the dark that they think it’s growing brighter. It’s possible to fraternize with unbelievers until false doctrine becomes less and less objectionable  (Used Quotes) I suspect that much of our praying to be used is selfish, and underneath it is the sneaking desire to make our mark and be recognized  (Used Quotes) The words marriage and divorce were always used together, like they went hand in hand together  (Used Quotes) I used to write stories and poetry, but for some reason I have it in my head that if I’m going to write, I have to write a script  (Used Quotes) People used to believe only a professional could do tiling or install track lighting. That’s utter nonsense  (Used Quotes) You can get so many sounds out of one record. Every record can be used in some way  (Used Quotes) I used to write when I was in the mood or felt inspired. Anymore, I write whether I feel inspired or not. It’s a discipline. So that’s definitely different. It’s part of maturing as a person and as a professional  (Used Quotes) I used to split my time between writing, music and painting. I would work on a book and then abandon it, start a band, do an album, quit music, then do a gallery show. Eventually I decided to give writing a serious shot  (Used Quotes) I feel really content in my 30s actually. I don’t feel like the wisest person in the world but I definitely don’t worry or stress like I used to  (Used Quotes) I used to fly off the handle in everyday life, but I’m a little calmer now  (Used Quotes) I’m an advocate of music in schools. It’s important to me that music is in as many schools as possible across this country and across the world. I think that it’s a lost art form because kids aren’t as exposed to it as maybe they used to be, or should be. I was exposed heavily to jazz and that’s why I love it  (Used Quotes) When I was in school I used to prank my teachers all the time. But I was really, really nice. I love to make people laugh. And even in those pranks, the teachers would laugh most of the time  (Used Quotes) Poetry is a street fighter. It has sharp elbows. It can look after itself. Poetry can’t be used for manipulation; it’s why you never see good poetry in advertising  (Used Quotes) I wanted to be a stage actor but I got stuck on television. It took a couple of years to get used to  (Used Quotes) I used to joke that if acting didn’t work out, poetry was my commonsense fallback  (Used Quotes) We in the network world are used to having time constraints and saying only what you have already thought through 150 times, because you don’t have that much expansive opportunity  (Used Quotes) I used to spend a lot of time just thinking about myself, thinking that the party started when I showed up  (Used Quotes) I never really thought of myself as a physical comedian. But when I was a kid, I used to, you know, pretend to trip over things to make girls laugh in school and stuff like that. So I kind of learned how to fall without hurting yourself  (Used Quotes) I’m not freakishly short. I had, on my show, used shortness as a joke subject; it didn’t really bother me  (Used Quotes) We should not have a tin cup out for something as important as the arts in this country, the richest in the world. Creative artists are always begging, but always being used when it’s time to show us at our best  (Used Quotes) When people are used to you doing something, they want you to stay in that lane  (Used Quotes) I used fashion to express myself as much as I could. But at some point, it was not enough  (Used Quotes) We don’t create a fantasy world to escape reality, we create it to be able to stay. I believe we have always done this, used images to stand and understand what otherwise would be intolerable  (Used Quotes) You’re never going to get used to walking into a room and have people screaming at you. There’s a lot of things that come with the life you could get lost in. But you have to let it be what it is. I’ve learnt not to take everything too seriously  (Used Quotes)
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