Useful Quotes

Text Quotes
To be aware of a single shortcoming in oneself is more useful than to be aware of a thousand in someone else (Useful Quotes)
A person will gain everyone’s approval if he mixes the pleasant with the useful (Useful Quotes)
There is nothing higher and stronger and more wholesome and useful for life in later years than some good memory, especially a memory connected with childhood, with home (Useful Quotes)
Cruelty to animals is contrary to man’s duty to himself, because it deadens in him the feeling of sympathy for their sufferings, and thus a natural tendency that is very useful to morality in relation to other human beings is weakened (Useful Quotes)
That is, to me at least, one of the most helpful and useful things books do for us: They are generous enough to allow us to choose what matters to us (Useful Quotes)
Style, in its finest sense, is the last acquirement of the educated mind; it is also the most useful. It pervades the whole being (Useful Quotes)
I love peace, and am anxious that we should give the world still another useful lesson, by showing to them other modes of punishing injuries than by war, which is as much a punishment to the punisher as to the sufferer (Useful Quotes)
Your eloquence should be the servant of the ideas in your head. Your rule might be this: If a sentence, no matter how excellent, does not illuminate your subject in some new and useful way, scratch it out (Useful Quotes)
Lectures were once useful; but now when all can read, and books are so numerous, lectures are unnecessary (Useful Quotes)
The prosperity of commerce is now perceived and acknowledged by all enlightened statesmen to be the most useful as well as the most productive source of national wealth, and has accordingly become a primary object of their political cares (Useful Quotes)
Because of styles people are separated. Research your own experience, absorb what is useful, reject what is useless, add what is essentially your own (Useful Quotes)
The study of history is useful to the historian by teaching him his ignorance of women (Useful Quotes)
Take care of the waste on the farm and turn it into useful channels’ should be the slogan of every farmer (Useful Quotes)
Oh, a very useful philosophical animal, your average tortoise. Outrunning metaphorical arrows, beating hares in races... very handy (Useful Quotes)
Sometimes, even if there was no useful advice to give, I saw that listening still helped (Useful Quotes)
Again, truth should be highly valued; if, as we were saying, a lie is useless to the gods, and useful only as a medicine to men, then the use of such medicines should be restricted to physicians; private individuals have no business with them (Useful Quotes)
To be really useful, we must keep pace with the state of society, and not dishearten it by attempts at what its population, means, or occupations will fail in attempting (Useful Quotes)
For it may safely be said, not that the habit of ready and correct observation will by itself make us useful nurses, but that without it we shall be useless with all our devotion (Useful Quotes)
Every child should be taught that useful work is worship and that intelligent labor is the highest form of prayer (Useful Quotes)
Silence is a very concrete, practical, and useful discipline in all our ministerial tasks. It can be seen as a portable cell taken with us from the solitary place into the midst of our ministry. Silence is solitude practiced in action (Useful Quotes)
So it is more useful to watch a man in times of peril, and in adversity to discern what kind of man he is; for then at last words of truth are drawn from the depths of his heart, and the mask is torn off, reality remains (Useful Quotes)
What science can there be more noble, more excellent, more useful for men, more admirably high and demonstrative, than this of mathematics? (Useful Quotes)
The universal soul is the alone creator of the useful and the beautiful; therefore to make anything useful or beautiful, the individual must be submitted to the universal mind (Useful Quotes)
Thirty spokes are joined in the wheel’s hub. The hole in the middle makes it useful (Useful Quotes)
No man can perform so little as not to have reason to congratulate himself on his merits, when he beholds the multitude that live in total idleness, and have never yet endeavoured to be useful (Useful Quotes)
I have found out that though the ways in which I can make myself useful are few, yet the work open to me is endless (Useful Quotes)
As a cure for worrying, work is far better than whiskey. I always found that, if I began to worry, the best thing I could do was focus upon doing something useful and then work very hard at it. Soon, I would forget what was troubling me (Useful Quotes)
Managing an advertising agency isn’t all beer and skittles. After fourteen years of it, I have come to the conclusion that the top man has one principle responsibility: to provide an atmosphere in which creative mavericks can do useful work (Useful Quotes)
... I think it would be so much better for me to learn something which would be useful to me in the army, as well as affording me exercise and amusement (Useful Quotes)
Shape clay into a vessel; It is the space within that makes it useful. Cut doors and windows for a room; It is the holes which make it useful. Therefore benefit comes from what is there; Usefulness from what is not there (Useful Quotes)