Useless Quotes

Text Quotes
We are surrounded by worn-out, banal, useless and exhausted images, limping and dragging themselves behind the rest of our cultural evolution (Useless Quotes)
The role of Iran has been very destructive. As an Iranian, I apologize to the civilian people of Syria who have been killed as a result of the useless intervention of Iran in Syria (Useless Quotes)
The endeavor to keep alive any hoary establishment beyond its natural date is often pernicious and always useless (Useless Quotes)
It would be absolutely useless for any of us to work to save wildlife without working to educate the next generation of conservationists (Useless Quotes)
It’s useless to dream something that could never happen when you can just wake up and make things happen (Useless Quotes)
Let’s just all throw our random, deep, ignorant, insightful and most useless thoughts out on social media platforms for the world to see (Useless Quotes)
I like when people trust me to help them do something. I hate feeling useless. Put me to work or excuse me from the situation (Useless Quotes)
When you’re feeling useless, remember that there’s someone whom you mean the world to (Useless Quotes)
After a break up, you’re left feeling useless, used, alone, and deceived. You’re left feeling all the feelings you never wanna feel again (Useless Quotes)
I’m not dumb. I just have a command of thoroughly useless information (Useless Quotes)
I do not approve the maxim which desires a man to know a little of everything. Superficial knowledge, knowledge without principles, is almost always useless and sometimes harmful knowledge (Useless Quotes)
Conceit is to nature what paint is to beauty; it not only is useless, but it impairs what it would improve (Useless Quotes)
Some people should really learn to say no if they really mean no. Saying yes and regret it later is kinda useless (Useless Quotes)
It would be useless to bomb Washington. If you destroy one building, they already have two other buildings completely staffed with people doing exactly the same thing (Useless Quotes)
In a way, a garden is the most useless of creations, the most slippery of creations: it is not like a painting or a piece of sculpture-it won’t accrue value as time goes on. Time is its enemy’ time passing is merely the countdown for the parting between garden and gardener (Useless Quotes)
The SAT is not perfect. We all know smart, knowledgeable people who do badly on standardized tests. But neither is it useless. SAT scores do measure both specific knowledge and valuable thinking skills (Useless Quotes)
Go, all of you poor people, in the name of God the Creator, and let him forever be your guide. And henceforth, do not be beguiledby these idle and useless pilgrimages. See to your families, and work, each one of you, in your vocation, raise your children, and live as the good Apostle Paul teaches you (Useless Quotes)
I have no other pictures of the world apart from those which express evanescence, and callousness, vanity and anger, emptiness, orhideous useless hate. Everything has merely confirmed what I had seen and understood in my childhood: futile and sordid fits of rage, cries suddenly blanketed by the silence, shadows swallowed up for ever by the night (Useless Quotes)
These last few days I’ve felt Godless. I’ve felt cleaner, less muddled, less blind. I still believe in a God. But he’s so remote, so cold, so mathematical. I see that we have to live as if there is no God. Prayer and worship and singing hymns-all silly and useless (Useless Quotes)
If you look at the requirements for just one piece, like art, from one generation of games to the next, it will change radically. You need people who are adaptable because the thing that makes you the best in the world in one generation of games is going to be totally useless in the next (Useless Quotes)
The trick, though, is to not lose compassion, to not allow the sense of absurdity to outweigh the awareness of real beings, with real feelings. Mean-spirited humor turns the world into cardboard, the way Midas’s simple-minded greed turned food into inedible and useless stuff (Useless Quotes)
Absolute truisms rot brains absolutely.[...]’Power corrupts’ is useless as a tool for understanding the past, and gives us nothing as a guide to action (Useless Quotes)
The kind of acting that’s wholly literary or cerebral is wrong. It’s useless for me to have actors so much in their heads that they can’t be organic (Useless Quotes)
My vocabulary is adequate for writing notes and keeping journals but absolutely useless for an active moral life. (Useless Quotes)
Doubt, the essential preliminary of all improvement and discovery, must accompany the stages of man’s onward progress. The faculty of doubting and questioning, without which those of comparison and judgment would be useless, is itself a divine prerogative of the reason. (Useless Quotes)
It may be annoying, but the rash of hijackings by Connecticut WASP girls surely explains the time-consuming - but still somehow completely useless - examination of my personal effects. We all have to make sacrifices for airline safety. (Useless Quotes)
I hate the Internet. It’s full of rubbish. I’m on it all the time, watching terrible, useless things and ossifying my brain. (Useless Quotes)
Dad is a really surprising guy. Every time I think he’s going to be useless, he ends up doing something amazing and saying exactly the right thing. (Useless Quotes)
A useless life is an early death. [Ger., Ein unnutz Leben ist ein fruher Tod.] (Useless Quotes)
The conceptual artist Ai WeiWei illustrates the schizoid society that rapid change has produced - sometimes by reassembling Ming-style furniture into absurd and useless arrangements, or by carefully painting and antiquing a Coca-Cola logo on an ancient Chinese pot. (Useless Quotes)