Users Quotes

Text Quotes
The Twitch community loves watching video games, chatting, and broadcasting. The average viewer watches over an hour and a half of video each day. Over two-thirds of our logged-in users chat each day (Users Quotes)
I’ve found that it’s actually more of a disability to be tall than short. I have no problem fitting into plane toilets etc, and the adaptations made for wheelchair users - such as the lowering of bank machines - work for me as well (Users Quotes)
I want the state to take away people’s guns. But I don’t want the state to use methods against gun owners that I deplore when used against naughty children, sexual minorities, drug users, and unsightly drinkers. Since such reprehensible police practices are probably needed to make anti-gun laws effective, my proposal to ban all guns should probably be marked a failure before it is even tried (Users Quotes)
Utrip makes it easy for travelers to experience the destination highlights that most interest them, be it food, art or history. Just like a culinary experience, every palate is different, and Utrip is all about personalizing travel for their users (Users Quotes)
You take a picture of yourself in some exceptional situation - skydiving or whatever. People always post those photos because it works - you’re saying something about yourself that begs a conversation and that’s what the users are there for (Users Quotes)
On scores of sites, users can upload illegal files of my books. As per 1998’s toothless Digital Millennium Copyright Act, I bear the burden of discovering and reporting each theft (Users Quotes)
The problems with conventional parking meters are myriad. Nevertheless, two advanced technologies, multispace parking meters and curb-space occupancy sensors, can make it much easier for users to pay for curb parking, and for cities to adjust prices to meet the demand. (Users Quotes)
I think we have to recognize as an industry that users have a lot more choices and can click away to a lot more media. As a result, the advertising we create really needs to be something users want to see. (Users Quotes)
WhatsApp only wanted to focus on how current users were engaging with the product. Like how they did not use advertising and kept the experience uncluttered. (Users Quotes)
The openness on which Apple had built its original empire had been completely reversed - but the spirit was still there among users. Hackers vied to ‘jailbreak’ the iPhone, running new apps on it despite Apple’s desire to keep it closed. (Users Quotes)
Apple is happy to allow users more control over their devices as long as it also happens to benefit Apple. If it doesn’t, then tough. (Users Quotes)
If users are not doing what the designer intended (when users are investing time, effort, etc in your product), the designer may be asking them to do too much. (Users Quotes)
Most computer users don’t think about backing up their software until the day they lose it (Users Quotes)
Because Mint has access to all of your bank accounts and credit cards, we can detect fraud or unusual spending patterns faster than your bank, then send an email or text message alert to users. (Users Quotes)
There’s a myth that free-to-play is cheaper than a $60 game. It’s just elastic. For some users, it winds up being a lot more expensive. I would have paid $150 a year to get a better version of FIFA. (Users Quotes)
We continue to focus on actually solving problems that real people have and not being distracted by what power users want. (Users Quotes)
Persuading through Simplifying - Using computing technology to reduce complex behavior to simple tasks increases the benefit/cost ratio of the behavior and influences users to perform the behavior. (Users Quotes)
We need better options for securing the Internet. Instead of looking primarily for top-down government intervention, we can enlist the operators and users themselves. (Users Quotes)
Ultimately, it’s possible that social media platforms will be designed as templates that the users themselves customize in terms of the best way to express their community and experience of life, and brands will have to simply follow suit. (Users Quotes)
Google is a consumer brand and people need to be comfortable. If we were just an advertising brand we wouldn’t have the same concerns. We’ve always tried to promote transparency and choice among our users. (Users Quotes)
The thing about startups is you can make it, and if it’s wrong you can remake it, and you can build a team that you want to have, a product that you want to have. You’re utterly focused on your users or your customers and their needs, and trying to figure out how to meet those needs. (Users Quotes)
It’s difficult to build services that are supposed to scale to, you know, 30, 50, 100 million users right off the bat because they got to be kind of tailored down; by definition, they have to be a little bit generic to speak to that large of an audience. (Users Quotes)
I was one of the key people responsible for building Facebook’s News Feed. When we launched it in 2006, users hated it. There were ‘I Hate Facebook’ groups; random people organized protests. We even hired a security team. (Users Quotes)
If we are building something that users need, and there is a lot of value we are driving, I think how search manifests in iOS will work out just fine. (Users Quotes)
Does Facebook act as though I own my online life, or as though it does? Concretely: Can I control what data it shares with other users, with advertisers, and with business partners? (Users Quotes)
People’s mouse clicks decide what businesses, services, and content succeed. Users have equal access to tiny businesses with viral ideas and blue-chip companies, allowing these enterprises to compete on their own merits. It’s how so many small start-ups have been able to become Internet success stories. (Users Quotes)
What is the user problem that once we solve users can’t live without? (Users Quotes)
Proprietary software keeps users divided and helpless. Divided because each user is forbidden to redistribute it to others, and helpless because the users can’t change it since they don’t have the source code. They can’t study what it really does. So the proprietary program is a system of unjust power. (Users Quotes)
Like almost every major infrastructure, the Internet can be abused and its users harmed. We must, however, take great care that the cure for these ills does not do more harm than good. The benefits of the open and accessible Internet are nearly incalculable, and their loss would wreak significant social and economic damage. (Users Quotes)
For me personally, the technology that has taken the most unexpected turn in my lifetime is what I refer to as ‘the device formerly known as the cell phone.’ I still remember many predictions that by 2000 there would only be about a million cell phone users. Boy, were they ever wrong! (Users Quotes)