Uster Quotes

Text Quotes
We absolutely must battle with every bit of determination we can muster to root out the harm that would warp the souls and spirits of children in our world (Uster Quotes)
Coffee is the ultimate stress buster for me and I need my cup of coffee in the morning to kick start my day (Uster Quotes)
I wondered if I was just the sum of my brain scan, little dots clustered in my frontal lobe. Is that where the poems came from? (Uster Quotes)
In my experience, if you steer clear of dogma and muster up more love than you thought you had to give, then your vitality increases, satisfaction sets in, sweetness surfaces. I believe in the creative power of good feelings. I’m convinced that the desire to be real is everyone’s divine imperative (Uster Quotes)
If you have to make an unpopular speech, give it all the sincerity you can muster; that’s the only way to sweeten it (Uster Quotes)
Shooting at a man who is returning the compliment means going into action with the greatest speed of which a man’s muscles are capable, but mentally unflustered by an urge to hurry or the need for complicated nervous and muscular actions which trick shooting involves (Uster Quotes)
The politics of austerity, of higher taxes, decided by governments, have lengthened the economic crisis (Uster Quotes)
We are witnessing the death of abundance and the borning of austerity, for what may be a long, long time (Uster Quotes)
We struggle with, agonize over and bluster heroically about the great questions of life when the answers to most of these lie hidden in our attitude toward the thousand minor details of each day (Uster Quotes)
I’m always trying to get to a danger point in color, where color either becomes too sweet or it becomes too harsh, it becomes too noisy or too quiet, and at that point I still want the picture to be strong, forceful, and the carrier of everything that a painting has to have: contrast, drama, austerity (Uster Quotes)
Love isn’t as simple as you wish it would be. On the other hand, it’s nowhere near as complicated as you fear it is. My advice to you is to extinguish any itch you might have to compel love to serve any agenda whatsoever. Instead, bow down before it with all the innocence you can muster, and declare yourself ready to be its humble student and servant. Celebrate through surrender (Uster Quotes)
Without doing injustice to the living, it may safely be asserted that our loss is irreparable; and that among the shining hosts of the great and good who now cluster around the banner of the country, there exists no purer spirit, no more heroic soul, than that of the illustrious man whose death I join you in lamenting (Uster Quotes)
They have no power over you. It’s all a show, a deception. Your urges scream and bluster at you; they cajole; they coax; they threaten; but they really carry no stick at all. You give in out of habit. You give in because you never really bother to look beyond the threat. It is all empty back there. There is only one way to learn this lesson, though. The words on this page won’t do it (Uster Quotes)
Moving in space, the atoms originally were individual units, but inevitable they began to collide with each other, and in cases where their shapes were such as to permit them to interlock, they began to form clusters. Water, air, fire, and earth, these are simply different clusters of the changeless atoms (Uster Quotes)
I take the good with the bad, and I try to face them both with as much calm and dignity as I can muster (Uster Quotes)
I possess the greatest power ever bestowed upon mankind, the power of choice. Today, I choose to persist without exception. No longer will I live in a dimension of distraction, my focus blown hither and yon like a leaf on a blustery day. I know the outcome I desire. I hold fast to my dreams. I stay the course. I do not quit (Uster Quotes)
Real confidence has no bluster or bombast. It’s not rooted in a desire to seem better than everyone else and it’s not driven by a fear of appearing weak. Real confidence settles in when you have a clear vision of exactly what you need to do. Real confidence blooms as you wield the skills and power you have built through your hard work and discipline (Uster Quotes)
The shed of leaves became a cascade of red and gold and after a time the trees stood skeletal against a sky of weathered tin. The land lay bled of its colors. The nights lengthened, went darker, brightened in their clustered stars. The chilled air smelled of wood smoke, of distances and passing time. Frost glimmered on the morning fields. Crows called across the pewter afternoons (Uster Quotes)
True will is quiet humility, resilience, and flexibility; the other kind of will is weakness disguised by bluster and ambition (Uster Quotes)
The consumption of petroleum should be conserved. We need to adopt some austerity measures. The people should cooperate with us (Uster Quotes)
A hot bath! How exquisite a vespertine pleasure, how luxurious, fervid and flagrant a consolation for the rigours, the austerities, the renunciations of the day (Uster Quotes)
I feel like, in a lot of shows where the woman is in charge, the woman is this ball buster and the guy is sort of weak and spineless. And that’s never been my experience in a relationship. I think it’s much more interesting that the guy is the boss. And there are stakes (Uster Quotes)
As an actor, you want as much variety as you can muster up. Otherwise you just keep playing the same chord over and over again (Uster Quotes)
I suppose I am one of life’s naturally clumsy people; I don’t drop stuff all the time, or break things, but I’m just generally a bit flustered (Uster Quotes)
As far as acting in films, there is not much out there that is very interesting to do. The ones that are interesting to me are independent films and they have trouble raising money. With people putting their money into blockbusters, there is not much left for the independents (Uster Quotes)
A beautiful deleveraging balances the three options. In other words, there is a certain amount of austerity, there is a certain amount of debt restructuring, and there is a certain amount of printing of money. When done in the right mix, it isn’t dramatic (Uster Quotes)
For me, the movies I like are all independent. And getting an independent feature made, it’s like you get down to the selling organs part, and it just loses some of its luster (Uster Quotes)
Filibusters should require 35 senators to... make a commitment to continually debate an issue in reality, not just in theory. The number of votes needed to overcome a filibuster should be reduced to 55 from 60 (Uster Quotes)
People are increasingly frustrated that decisions taken further and further away from them mean their living standards are slashed through enforced austerity or their taxes are used to bail out governments on the other side of the continent (Uster Quotes)
I advocate speaking words of love with all the sincerity that can be mustered, as frequently as possible (Uster Quotes)