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And for him, who lived in a certain circle, and who required some mental activity such as usually develops with maturity, having views was as necessary as having a hat  (Usually Quotes) I’m normally fairly busy rushing from job to job, so have little time in the mornings for my beauty regime. However, this usually means my hair and makeup is done for me when I get there, which is great!  (Usually Quotes) In baseball and sex, cliches are usually true: pitching beats hitting, and people always want to be loved by anyone who doesn’t seem to care  (Usually Quotes) You need to understand the batsman, where he plays his shot usually, which is his release shot, and then change the angle, vary the pace, line and length. You cannot always react after being at the receiving end  (Usually Quotes) Most successful entrepreneurs share their knowledge as a way of giving back. They do not demand compensation. Those who do are usually trying to take advantage of you  (Usually Quotes) I really try to write every day. It’s hard, but it’s my favorite thing to do, so it’s usually not too, too hard  (Usually Quotes) I usually don’t like to spoon feed my audience, because I grew up idolizing story tellers who tell stories using symbolism, so it was in my nature to do the same  (Usually Quotes) All my paintings are usually done in drawing form, very small. I make notations in drawings first, and then I make a collage for color. But drawing is always my notation  (Usually Quotes) If I don’t go to the gym and work out, I look like a bag of bones. I go three times a week usually and it’s nearly all weights work to help with definition  (Usually Quotes) People often ask me how I developed my vocal sound, and the answer usually disappoints them: Its just the way I sound when I sing  (Usually Quotes) I can write two scripts concurrently, but I usually prefer to do one at a time. However, I also usually have 5 or 6 story ideas that are percolating in my head at any one time, so it can get a little crowded in there  (Usually Quotes) Whatever sport you’re looking at, it’s usually the team that makes the least mistakes that has the most success  (Usually Quotes) Character is destiny, and politicians usually get the scandals they deserve, with a sense of inevitability about them  (Usually Quotes) Propaganda requires a permanent network of communication so that it can systematically stifle reflection with emotive or utopian slogans. Its pace is usually fast  (Usually Quotes) Like many parents after a long family holiday, I usually welcome the moment when my kids head back to school  (Usually Quotes) Usually, when a young girl is pregnant, she drops out of school and concentrates on being a mother. I thought thats what I had to do, but my counselors told me there was no way they would let me drop out. I had too much promise  (Usually Quotes) I eat healthy and don’t go by a diet chart. The breakfast is usually heavy, complemented with short frequent meals. My dinner is high on proteins and low on carbohydrates  (Usually Quotes) When I’m at school, I usually put my hair up. High pony, side pony, or a bun, I like my hair out of my face  (Usually Quotes) When I meet people on airplanes and they find out I’m an economist, they usually ask about stock tips  (Usually Quotes) I do, in fact, have a book club. I meet with a couple of guys once a month of a lunchtime discussion of some interesting text, usually, but not always, philosophical  (Usually Quotes) Authors are ordinary people who usually start to live apart, in the imagination, because they don’t fit in with normal, healthy people  (Usually Quotes) I usually write in my underwear, with a space heater running full blast, and three dogs sleeping at me feet  (Usually Quotes) I’m not an overly happy person. There are times when I’m happy, and that’s usually in my private life  (Usually Quotes) I can usually find my own way out of whatever dicey literary or linguistic situations I wander into, but I have to work much harder at the science  (Usually Quotes) The way I dress depends on how I feel. I never have to psych myself up. Usually it just feels like it works  (Usually Quotes) I think that people are usually more comfortable working with and entrusting money to those who seem most like them  (Usually Quotes) Humor is a great defense, and an offense too. Usually the recipient isn’t too happy about it, but the people around are laughing  (Usually Quotes) Books are almost always better than the movies made from them, because there are things books do well and things movies do well, but usually those things don’t overlap: the same with comics and animation  (Usually Quotes) If it’s a really well written villain, he probably has more layers than the archetypal good person. So that would be very attractive to an actor. No one chooses to be a villain; it’s usually a reaction to something else  (Usually Quotes) I actually start drawing things. Usually they’re abandoned before I commit too much time and effort  (Usually Quotes)
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