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Uta Quotes

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English orthography satisfies all the requirements of the canons of reputability under the law of conspicuous waste. It is archaic, cumbrous, and ineffective; its acquisition consumes much time and effort; failure to acquire it is easy of detection  (Uta Quotes) The friendships of nations, built on common interests, cannot survive the mutability of those interests  (Uta Quotes) To make fun of a person to his face is a brutal way of amusing one’s self; be delicate and cunning, and keep your laugh in your sleeve, lest you frighten away your game  (Uta Quotes) There is nothing that one can say about acting, writing, producing or directing that cannot be revoked in the next breath. Nothing is immutable. The logic of one year is a folly of the next  (Uta Quotes) Between the reputation of the author living and the reputation of the same author dead there is ever a wide discrepancy  (Uta Quotes) Man’s characteristic privilege is that the bond he accepts is not physical but moral; that is, social. He is governed not by a material environment brutally imposed on him, but by a conscience superior to his own, the superiority of which he feels. Because the greater, better part of his existence transcends the body, he escapes the body’s yoke, but is subject to that of society  (Uta Quotes) Without general elections, without unrestricted freedom of press and assembly, without a free struggle of opinion, life dies out in every public institution, becomes a mere semblance of life, in which only the bureaucracy remains as the active element. Public life gradually falls asleep, a few dozen party leaders of inexhaustible energy and boundless experience direct and rule. Such conditions must inevitably cause a brutalization of public life: attempted assassinations, shootings of hostages, etc  (Uta Quotes) At the present time there exist problems beyond our ability to solve, not because of theoretical difficulties, but because of insufficient means of mechanical computation  (Uta Quotes) Writers must fortify themselves with pride and egotism as best they can. The process is analogous to using sandbags and loose timbers to protect a house against flood. Writers are vulnerable creatures like anyone else. For what do they have in reality? Not sandbags, not timbers. Just a flimsy reputation and a name  (Uta Quotes) I live in company with a body, a silent companion, exacting and eternal. He it is who notes that individuality which is the seal of the weakness of our race. My soul has wings, but the brutal jailer is strict  (Uta Quotes) How vainly shall we endeavor to repress crime by our barbarous punishment of the poorer class of criminals so long as children are reared in the brutalizing influences of poverty, so long as the bite of want drives men to crime  (Uta Quotes) The great difficulty is first to win a reputation; the next to keep it while you live; and the next to preserve it after you die, when affection and interest are over, and nothing but sterling excellence can preserve your name. Never suffer youth to be an excuse for inadequacy, nor age and fame to be an excuse for indolence  (Uta Quotes) One of the biggest things you have is your reputation and your reputation with knowing what’s good and what’s not good  (Uta Quotes) A guitar is a very personal extension of the person playing it. You have to be emotionally and spiritually connected to your instrument. I’m very brutal on my instruments, but not all the time  (Uta Quotes) Chemotherapy is brutal. The goal is pretty much to kill everything in your body without killing you  (Uta Quotes) We need to learn... how war brutalises and degrades winners and losers alike and what happens to us when, having heedlessly waged war for no good reason, we are encouraged to inflate and demonise our enemies in order to justify that war’s indefinite continuance  (Uta Quotes) I think part of my reputation has to do with the difficult roles I’ve played. Actors do tend to get identified with their characters  (Uta Quotes) Email is very informal, a memo. But I find that not signing off or not having a salutation bothers me  (Uta Quotes) With the perspective afforded by the passage of time, where does 9/11 rank as a turning point in our national history? For the victims and their families, innocents going about their lives, suddenly and brutally murdered, no other day can ever matter as much  (Uta Quotes) One of my great regrets, and I don’t have many, is that I spent too long putting people’s status and reputation ahead of their more important qualities. I learned far too late in life that a long list of letters after someone’s name is no guarantee of compassion, kindness, humour, all the far more relevant stuff  (Uta Quotes) I don’t see why it should be remarkable that you can acquire a reputation for fairness and decency. Those are qualities shared by so many people. And the great majority of people I meet are decent people, just trying to navigate their way through the world without causing too much trouble  (Uta Quotes) I suppose I’ve got a reputation for playing quite extreme characters and making them quite believable  (Uta Quotes) I’ve paid the price; I definitely have a reputation that precedes me, and there is a camp that plots my demise. But then again... it’s funner that way  (Uta Quotes) I was going to be valedictorian in elementary school, but I got into too many fights, and they made me salutatorian. I was smart back in the day. Now I’m just an idiot  (Uta Quotes) Poles understand perhaps better than anyone the consequences of making toothless warnings to brutal tyrants and terrorist regimes  (Uta Quotes) Despite my ghoulish reputation, I really have the heart of a small boy. I keep it in a jar on my desk  (Uta Quotes) Memory is never complete. There are always parts of it that time has amputated. Writing is a way of retrieving them, of bringing the missing parts back to it, of making it more holistic  (Uta Quotes) The horror of class stratification, racism, and prejudice is that some people begin to believe that the security of their families and communities depends on the oppression of others, that for some to have good lives there must be others whose lives are truncated and brutal  (Uta Quotes) Sometime we are lucky enough to know that our lives have been changed, to discard the old, embrace the new, and run headlong down an immutable course  (Uta Quotes) The more sensitive you are, the more certain you are to be brutalized, develop scabs, never evolve. Never allow yourself to feel anything, because you always feel to much  (Uta Quotes)
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