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Uta Quotes

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She’s wondering how many women are walking around this world feeling the tingling of their amputated wings remembering what it was to fly to sing  (Uta Quotes) Small mistakes tend to lead to large ones. Ours is a lifetime appoinment, and all you have is your reputation. Once it’s gone, it doesn’t comeback  (Uta Quotes) .. this indiscriminate love feels entirely serious to her, as if everything in the world is part of a vast, inscrutable intention and everything in the world has its own secret name, a name that cannot be conveyed in language but is simply the sight and feel of the thing itself  (Uta Quotes) People are terrible. They can bear anything. Anything! People are hard and brutal. And everyone is disposable. Everyone! That’s the lesson  (Uta Quotes) Because you have seen something doesn’t mean you can explain it. Differing interpretations will always abound, even when good minds come to bear. The kernel of indisputable information is a dot in space; interpretations grow out of the desire to make this point a line, to give it direction. The directions in which it can be sent, the uses to which it can be put by a culturally, professionally, and geographically diverse society are almost without limit. The possibilities make good scientists chary  (Uta Quotes) Most great works of the imagination were meant to make you feel like a stranger in your own home. The best fiction always forced us to question what we took for granted. It questioned traditions and expectations when they seemed to immutable  (Uta Quotes) All students enter law school with a certain amount of idealism and desire to serve the public, but after three years of brutal competition we care for nothing but the right job with the right firm where we can make partner in seven years and earn big bucks  (Uta Quotes) It was not the brutality of what occurred next that changed my mind and brought home to me the full meaning of fear. It was the brilliance of it  (Uta Quotes) Usually I avoided college students, whom I considered brutal, wrapped up in themselves, particularly in their youth, in which they found material for drama or an excuse for their own boredom. I did not care for young people  (Uta Quotes) The only thing binding individuals together is ideas. Ideas mutate and spread; they change their hosts as much as their hosts change them  (Uta Quotes) Writing is like hunting. There are brutally cold afternoons with nothing in sight, only the wind and your breaking heart. Then the moment when you bag something big. The entire process is beyond intoxicating  (Uta Quotes) A community that is growing rich and seeks only to defend its goods and its reputation is dying. It has ceased to grow in love. A community is alive when it is poor and its members feel they have to work together and remain united, if only to ensure that they can all eat tomorrow!  (Uta Quotes) She got a reputation for an easy smile and a sharp tongue, and using one to balance the other, she seemed friendly but distant  (Uta Quotes) Silent is the ruined land. Man is brutal and the rain does not wash away the pain or rid the distant memory. It makes it glisten  (Uta Quotes) The identity of an individual is essentially a function of her choices, rather than the discovery of an immutable attribute  (Uta Quotes) Sin, he reflected, is not what it is usually thought to be; it is not to steal and tell lies. Sin is for one man to walk brutally over the life of another and to be quite oblivious of the wounds he has left behind  (Uta Quotes) A philosopher is a lover of wisdom, not of knowledge, which for all its great uses ultimately suffers from the crippling effect of ephemerality. All knowledge is transient linked to the world around it and subject to change as the world changes, whereas wisdom, true wisdom is eternal immutable. To be philosophical one must love wisdom for its own sake, accept its permanent validity and yet its perpetual irrelevance  (Uta Quotes) Time to plant tears, says the almanac. The grandmother sings to the marvelous stove and the child draws another inscrutable house  (Uta Quotes) Janie’s hip buzzes again. Maybe she’ll have to have her whole leg amputated, she thinks sadly. That would really suck  (Uta Quotes) All these types of love come out of duty, respect, and gratitude. Most of them, as the women in my county know, are sources of sadness, rupture, and brutality  (Uta Quotes) I have only danced my life. As a child I danced the spontaneous joy of growing things. As an adolescent, I danced with joy turning to apprehension of the first realisation of tragic undercurrents; apprehension of the pitiless brutality and crushing progress of life  (Uta Quotes) I hope that schools have changed since I was a little girl. My memory of the teaching of the public schools is that it showed the brutal incomprehension of children  (Uta Quotes) She had wanted more than she could have. She had wanted him, and more... she had wanted him to want her. In the name of something bigger than tradition, bolder than reputation, more important than a silly title  (Uta Quotes) The neighbourhood is a place of... intrigue and emotional espionage, where when two people stop to talk on the street their tongues are like the two halves of a scissor coming together, cutting reputations and good names to shreds  (Uta Quotes) Pride makes a man, it drives him, it is the shield wall around his reputation... Men die, they said, but reputation does not die  (Uta Quotes) I cried sobbingly until at last those visions reeking with blood came to comfort me. And then I surrendered myself to them, to those deplorably brutal visions, my most intimate friends  (Uta Quotes) It has been said that the myth is a public dream, dreams are private myths. Unfortunately we give our mythic side scant attention these days. As a result, a great deal escapes us and we no longer understand our own actions. So it remains important and salutary to speak not only of the rational and easily understood, but also of enigmatic things: the irrational and the ambiguous. To speak both privately and publicly  (Uta Quotes) The scene was set. All that was required was an action, a cold start, instant and brutal as beginnings always are  (Uta Quotes) He tried to let her know it would be all right. Eventually. Life wouldn’t always be this painful. The world wouldn’t always be this brutal. Give it time, little one. Give it another chance. Come back  (Uta Quotes) We are convinced that liberty without socialism is privilege, injustice; and that socialism without liberty is slavery and brutality  (Uta Quotes)
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