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Uta Quotes

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If I come up with rules or limitations it focuses me in a direction. And those rules can change if you realize it’s a dumb idea. You start to mutate it to see what fits best  (Uta Quotes) It’s the behaviour of your company and its people that form your reputation, and your reputation is your brand  (Uta Quotes) Being at the mercy of the acting profession, in the early days of one’s career, is really brutal and feels like you have no control over your life, at all  (Uta Quotes) A sensitive person receives fifty impressions where somebody else may only get seven. Sensitive people are so vulnerable; they’re so easily brutalized and hurt just because they are sensitive. The more sensitive you are, the more certain you are to be brutalized, develop scabs.Analysis helps. It helped me. But still, the last eight, nine years I’ve been pretty messed up, a mess pretty much  (Uta Quotes) I was spoiled and I was arrogant. I was very demanding, had an overblown image of who I was and got a reputation for being difficult. And rightfully so  (Uta Quotes) In this branch of utopian real estate, architecture is no longer the art of designing buildings so much as the brutal skyward extrusion of whatever site the developer has managed to assemble  (Uta Quotes) A ballplayer has two reputations, one with the other players and one with the fans. The first is based on ability. The second the newspapers give him  (Uta Quotes) I grow stronger with every moment. I will be wild. I will be brutal. I will encircle you and conquer you. I will be more powerful than your boats and your swords and your blood lust. I will be inevitable  (Uta Quotes) Life happened. In all its banality, brutality, cruelty, unfairness. But also in its beauty, pleasures and delights. Life happened  (Uta Quotes) The worst effect of sin is within and is manifest not in poverty, and pain, and bodily defacement, but in the discrowned faculties, the unworthy love, the low ideal, the brutalized and enslaved spirit  (Uta Quotes) I can remember being eight years old and having infinite possibilities. But life ends up being so much less that we thought it would be when we were kids, with relationships that are so empty and stupid and brutal. If you don’t find a way to break the chain and change in some way, then you wind up, as the rhyme goes: a murder of one, for sorrow  (Uta Quotes) Since changing interfaces breaks clients you should consider them as immutable once you’ve published them  (Uta Quotes) Gold, silver, jewels, purple garments, houses built of marble, groomed estates, pious paintings, caparisoned steeds, and other things of this kind offer a mutable and superficial pleasure; books give delight to the very marrow of one’s bones. They speak to us, consult with us, and join with us in a living and intense intimacy  (Uta Quotes) Our aim was to insure repeat business based on the system’s reputation rather than on the quality of a single store or operator  (Uta Quotes) Chastity seems to have come as a late development. What the primitive maiden dreaded was not the loss of her virginity but a reputation for sterility  (Uta Quotes) I am opposed to special rights for gays just as I am opposed to special rights for heterosexuals or smokers. I can attest to the fact that sexual orientation is not immutable and I urge the city council to vote no on this amendment  (Uta Quotes) As a leader, you have to not only do the right thing, but be perceived to be doing the right thing. A consequence of seeking a leadership position is being put under intense public scrutiny, being held to high standards, and enhancing a reputation that is constantly under threat  (Uta Quotes) Some things transcend politics and policy and the lust for power. Truth, honesty, integrity, decency and fairness are immutable values. They are the ethical substance of life. They ought to be cherished. To sell them out is to sell one’s soul  (Uta Quotes) Trust and reputation are not discretionary. They are as necessary in business as the people in whom they reside  (Uta Quotes) Probably in all history there is no instance of a society in which ecclesiastical power was dominant which was not at once stagnant, corrupt and brutal  (Uta Quotes) Tyranny brings ignorance and brutality with it. It degrades men from their just rank into the class of brutes; it damps their spirits; it suppresses art; it extinguishes every spark of noble ardor and generosity in the breasts of those who are enslaved by it; it makes naturally strong and great minds feeble and little, and triumphs over the ruins of virtue and humanity  (Uta Quotes) All things and all people in life have to sink or swim on their own merits, not their reputation; that just as a wise man can say a foolish thing, a fool can say something wise  (Uta Quotes) I love what you might call brutal elegance. Where form and function are really obvious. There is nothing easily broken in this house  (Uta Quotes) The most brutal form of domestic violence is the violence against unborn children, and this particular bill would prohibit abortions after the fetus feels pain, which is 20 weeks and older  (Uta Quotes) The explosion was good. It sent a message to the rest of the world that the time of the big star getting all this money is over. And it is! I would like to think that what I did, or what we did, has had a salutary effect on the rest of the industry  (Uta Quotes) An individual’s treatment and alternatives in life may depend as much on the reputation of the group to which that person belongs as on their own merit  (Uta Quotes) You cannot allow any of your people to avoid the brutal facts. If they start living in a dream world, it’s going to be bad  (Uta Quotes) The lasting and ultimately most important reputation of a film is not based on reviews, but on what, if anything, people say about it over the years, and on how much affection for it they have  (Uta Quotes) Philosophy itself cannot but benefit from our disputes, for if our conceptions prove true, new achievements will be made; if false, their refutation will further confirm the original doctrines  (Uta Quotes) Whatever your problems are, keep in mind that you die at the end of all this. Lets get out there, brutalize ourselves and laugh at those certain pricks who take it seriously, like there is any way to win in all this  (Uta Quotes)
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