Vacation Quotes

Text Quotes
I hope your vacation is everything the professional photos of models in exotic locations promise it’ll be (Vacation Quotes)
I’m not happy on vacation. In those rare times when I have three hours with no work I have to do, I’m terribly uncomfortable (Vacation Quotes)
Vacation: a period of travel and relaxation when you take twice the clothes and half the money you need (Vacation Quotes)
I’m paying my respects to all our nation’s heroes who vacation near me (Vacation Quotes)
I hope you find time on your summer vacation to take breaks from posting photos of your summer vacation (Vacation Quotes)
Snow: a form of precipitation that usually occurs three weeks prior to and the morning of your departure from your ski vacation (Vacation Quotes)
A vacation should be just long enough that you’re boss misses you, and not long enough for him to discover how well he can get along without you (Vacation Quotes)
I don’t make enough money to go on vacation, so I’m just going to get drunk this weekend until I don’t know where I am (Vacation Quotes)
I wish I’d known sooner that success isn’t defined by who goes the longest without vacation (Vacation Quotes)
The alternative to a vacation is to stay home and tip every third person you see (Vacation Quotes)
I’m an independent woman, but I don’t mind if you want to buy me jewelry and take me on vacation. Just sayin (Vacation Quotes)
It’s not that I crack under pressure, no, it’s just that I’m so worn out emotionally, physically and mentally and I really need a vacation (Vacation Quotes)
The hardest part of returning from vacation is adjusting back to doing nothing indoors (Vacation Quotes)
Laughter is an instant vacation. When you lose your laugh, you lose your footing! Keep smiling! (Vacation Quotes)
Going home is a wonderful vacation from the people I share my summer rental with (Vacation Quotes)
I’d ask how your vacation went but you already posted every detail of it online (Vacation Quotes)
I’m looking forward to a vacation from hearing about other people’s vacations (Vacation Quotes)
Holiday vacation time is the perfect chance to not have sex with the significant other I don’t have in the apartment I can no longer afford (Vacation Quotes)
I want to go on vacation with all of my friends and not have to worry about being self conscious. Just have fun (Vacation Quotes)
Have a great vacation, and we’ll email you if you shouldn’t bother coming back (Vacation Quotes)
Trying to micromanage the perfect vacation is always a disaster. That leads to terrible times. If you get lost and you just end up eating just anywhere, you know, you see a bunch of Venetians sitting around smoking cigarettes, eating something unrecognizable in a dark alley somewhere, chances are it’s interesting (Vacation Quotes)
Ibiza is a popular vacation place for a lot of the players in Spain. If you go in the summer, there are some of the world’s most famous movie and music stars, so nobody cares about soccer players (Vacation Quotes)
People are saying that Rick Perry is really tough because he has executed over 200 people. And that was just while he was on vacation in Florida (Vacation Quotes)
Thirteen states with a population less than that of New York State alone can prevent repeal [of prohibition] until Halley’s comet returns. One might as well talk about a summer vacation on Mars (Vacation Quotes)
As the Democrats get revved up at their convention in Boston, President Bush is fighting back the only way he knows how: by going on vacation! Ah, it’s nice to take a rest, replenish your supply of smirks. The vacation was expected, because Bush traditionally takes a month off every summer to relax and avoid reading National Security Warnings (Vacation Quotes)
President Bush earned $400,000 for his job as president last year. That’s not really that much for being president when you think about it. But President Bush, he doesn’t do it for the money, he does it for the eight months of vacation every year (Vacation Quotes)
I used to dream of a week-long beach vacation with white sand under my toes... right now, I’d settle for 48 hours at a Motel 6 with some Lysol and a UV lamp (Vacation Quotes)
Supposedly, summer vacation happens because that’s when the kids are home from school, although having the kids home from school is no vacation. And supposedly the kids are home from school because of some vestigial throwback to our agricultural past (Vacation Quotes)
What most people find festive-a weekend at a beach shack with friends, a boat trip down a river, a crackling bonfire on a summer night-I see as a bleak nightmare to be grimly endured. I would sooner put lit cigarettes in my eyes than share a vacation house with a crowd (Vacation Quotes)
Sadly, I have met very few people who have a plan for their life. Most are passive spectators, watching their lives unfold, one day at a time. They are reactive rather than proactive. They may plan their careers, the building of a new home, or even a vacation. But it never occurs to them to plan their life (Vacation Quotes)