Vage Quotes

Text Quotes
The most savage controversies are about matters as to which there is no good evidence either way (Vage Quotes)
A savage is not the one who lives in the forest but the one who destroys it (Vage Quotes)
Pity is not natural to man. Children always are cruel. Savages are always cruel (Vage Quotes)
Neither earth nor ocean produces a creature as savage and monstrous as woman (Vage Quotes)
Music hath the charm to soothe a savage beast, but I’d try a revolver first (Vage Quotes)
It is in refinement and elegance that the civilized man differs from the savage (Vage Quotes)
When man is not properly trained, he is the most savage animal on the face of the globe (Vage Quotes)
Arbitrary power is but the first natural step from anarchy, or the savage life (Vage Quotes)
A pain slashed through her heart as savagely as a wild animal’s fangs (Vage Quotes)
I miss the days when Halloween was about showing off your costume rather than your cleavage (Vage Quotes)
The undead did not love, but they remembered love with a savage loyalty (Vage Quotes)
No beast is more savage than man when possessed with power answerable to his rage (Vage Quotes)
The savage bows down to idols of wood and stone, the civilized man to idols of flesh and blood (Vage Quotes)
Problem solving is hunting. It is savage pleasure and we are born to it (Vage Quotes)
Who was the first discoverer of the horrible sword? How savage was he and literally iron! (Vage Quotes)
Of all the infirmities we have, the most savage is to despise our being (Vage Quotes)
Nature repairs her ravages, repairs them with her sunshine and with human labor (Vage Quotes)
Man is still a savage to the extent that he has little respect for anything that cannot hurt him (Vage Quotes)
The more I see of what you call civilization, the more highly I think of what you call savagery! (Vage Quotes)
Lies are the mortar that binds the savage individual man into the social masonry (Vage Quotes)
Suspense: the only literary tool that has any effect upon tyrants and savages (Vage Quotes)
This doctrine of transmigration or reincarnation of the soul is found among many tribes of savages (Vage Quotes)
Civilization is the progress toward a society of privacy. The savage's whole existence is public, ruled by the laws of his tribe. Civilization is the process of setting man free from men (Vage Quotes)
The gorilla-slayer moved out into the glade. Massive, terrible, he was the personification of the primitive, the stone age. His mouth yawned in a red cavern of a grin; he bore himself with the haughty arrogance of savage might (Vage Quotes)
Oh yes, there is a vast difference between the savage and the civilized man, but it is never apparent to their wives until after breakfast (Vage Quotes)
Science frees us in many ways... From the bodily terror which the savage feels. But she replaces that, in the minds of many, by a moral terror which is far more overwhelming (Vage Quotes)
I'm always amazed that people will actually choose to sit in front of the television and just be savaged by stuff that belittles their intelligence (Vage Quotes)
A six-foot suckling, mincing in its gait, affected, peevish, prim and delicate; fearful it seemed tho' of athletic make, lest brutal breezes should so roughly shake its tender form, and savage motion spread o'er its pale cheeks, the horrid manly red (Vage Quotes)
Savages... Are by nature rash. They have no middle gear. The middle gear of any man is self-discipline (Vage Quotes)
Celtic civilization was tribal, but by no means savage or uncultivated. People who regarded the theft of a harp from a bard as a crime second only to an attack on the tribal chieftain cannot be regarded as wanting in cultivated feeling (Vage Quotes)