Vai Quotes

Text Quotes
I’m vain enough to want do a movie again, but right now more roles are the last thing on my list (Vai Quotes)
I grieve for you, how I mourn for you, who are so very dear to me, but again I can rejoice within my heart, not for nothing have I labored, neither has my exile been in vain (Vai Quotes)
You are a vain fellow. You want to be a hero. That is why you do such silly things. A hero!... I don’t quite know what that is: but, you see, I imagine that a hero is a man who does what he can. The others do not do it (Vai Quotes)
Most of the scientific community believes that for the full potential of embryonic stem cell research to be reached, the number of cell lines readily available to scientists must increase (Vai Quotes)
As soon as you judge communication a little more rigorously, there is a possibility that the message will not be democratized. I have to say what I believe to be right. I have to spread out the statement among all the means of expression available to us at present (Vai Quotes)
Within each such social group, a feeling of solidarity prevails, a compelling need to work together and a joy in doing so that represent a high moral value (Vai Quotes)
If people want bells and whistles and all of that, there are bells and whistles available. If they don’t want bells and whistles there are places to go where they are not available (Vai Quotes)
The past is still visible. The buildings haven’t changed, the layout of the streets hasn’t changed. So memory is very available to me as I walk around (Vai Quotes)
Companions, in misery and worse, that is what we all are, and to try to change this substantially avails us nothing (Vai Quotes)
If you wanted to build the most powerful computer you could, you can’t do better than including everything in the universe that’s potentially available (Vai Quotes)
Parents should be encouraged to read to their children, and teachers should be equipped with all available techniques for teaching literacy, so the varying needs and capacities of individual kids can be taken into account (Vai Quotes)
If there is anything the nonconformist hates worse than a conformist, it’s another nonconformist who doesn’t conform to the prevailing standard of nonconformity (Vai Quotes)
Practically, the desirable situation ought to be one in which any reasonably responsible person willing to accept available employment can find a job paying a living wage within 48 hours (Vai Quotes)
There is no reason inherent in the real resources available to us why we cannot move rapidly within the next two or three years to a state of genuine full employment (Vai Quotes)
During my life I have seen, known, and lost too much to be the prey of vain dread; and, as for the hope of immortality, I am as weary of that as I am of gods and kings. For my own sake only I write this; and herein I differ from all other writers, past and to come (Vai Quotes)
The love of domination and an uncontrolled lust of arbitrary power have prevailed among all nations and perhaps in proportion to the degrees of civilization (Vai Quotes)
No producer should revive a play unless they have a very good reason for it. I think there’s quite enough about a good play to make it available to new audiences (Vai Quotes)
In vain we shall penetrate more and more deeply the secrets of the structure of the human body, we shall not dupe nature; we shall die as usual (Vai Quotes)
If your opponent is playing several shots in vain attempts to extricate himself from a bunker, do not stand near him and audibly count his strokes. It would be justifiable homicide if he wound up his pitiable exhibition by applying his niblick to your head (Vai Quotes)
We must not indulge in unfavorable views of mankind, since by doing it we make bad men believe they are no worse than others, and we teach the good that they are good in vain (Vai Quotes)
I am astonished about those people who are ordered to prepare their provisions, then the start of the journey is announced, however they remain unmindful in their vain discussions and fruitless deeds (Vai Quotes)
When we meet a fact which contradicts a prevailing theory, we must accept the fact and abandon the theory, even when the theory is supported by great names and generally accepted (Vai Quotes)
The magic of drama is infinitely more powerful than the magic of trickery. It is as available to the conjurer as it is to the actor. The only difference is that actors take it for granted, whereas few conjurers are even aware that it exists (Vai Quotes)
About the use of language: it is impossible to sharpen a pencil with a blunt axe. It is equally vain to try to do it with ten blunt axes instead (Vai Quotes)
It is the privilege of adults to give advice. It is the privilege of youth not to listen. Both avail themselves of their privileges, and the world rocks along (Vai Quotes)
Love is so exquisitely elusive. It cannot be bought, cannot be badgered, cannot be hijacked. It is available only in one rare form: as the natural response of a healthy mind and healthy heart (Vai Quotes)
If my serenade of song and story should serve as a pillow for some composer’s head, as yet perhaps unborn, to dream and build on our fond melodies in his tomorrow, I have not labored in vain (Vai Quotes)
Hypochondriacs squander large sums of time in search of nostrums by which they vainly hope they may get more time to squander (Vai Quotes)
We greatly want a brief word to express the science of improving stock, which is by no means confined to questions of judicious mating, but which, especially in the case of man, takes cognizance of all influences that tend in however remote a degree to give to the more suitable races or strains of blood a better chance of prevailing speedily over the less suitable than they otherwise would have had. The word eugenics would sufficiently express the idea (Vai Quotes)
Reader, I am myself the subject of my book; you would be unreasonable to spend your leisure on so frivolous and so vain a matter (Vai Quotes)