Vai Quotes

Text Quotes
When people are frightened about going hungry and paying their mortgages, a scarcity model begins to prevail; they fear someone else will get their piece of the pie (Vai Quotes)
There will always be vain, obsessive people who want to own rare and extraordinary things whatever the cost; there will always be people for whom owning beautiful, dangerous animals brings a sense of power and magic (Vai Quotes)
I don’t believe society understands what happens when everything is available, knowable and recorded by everyone all the time (Vai Quotes)
In my mind, marriage is a spiritual partnership and union in which we willingly give and receive love, create and share intimacy, and open ourselves to be available and accessible to another human being in order to heal, learn and grow (Vai Quotes)
Mobile phones are one of the most insecure devices that were ever available, so they’re very easy to trace; they’re very easy to tap (Vai Quotes)
In business, standards establish the rules of the game, creating path dependencies as investments are made and corresponding designs are set in stone and plastic. Inferior standards can prevail due to smart marketing or industry collusion (Vai Quotes)
One of the most important resources that a garden makes available for use, is the gardener’s own body. A garden gives the body the dignity of working in its own support. It is a way of rejoining the human race (Vai Quotes)
In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you (Vai Quotes)
18th century scientists, the French in particular, seldom did things simply if an absurdly demanding alternative was available (Vai Quotes)
Torturous advances won over generations can be lost by a single stroke of a myopic president’s pen or a vainglorious general’s sword (Vai Quotes)
... available people are the ones who are dangerous, because they confront us with the possibility of real intimacy (Vai Quotes)
To take what there is in life and use it, without waiting forever in vain for the preconceived, to dig deep into the actual and get something out of that; this, doubtless, is the right way to live (Vai Quotes)
Man has free choice, or otherwise counsels, exhortations, commands, prohibitions, rewards and punishments would be in vain (Vai Quotes)
We do not influence the course of events by persuading people that we are right when we make what they regard as radical proposals. Rather, we exert influence by keeping options available when something has to be done at a time of crisis (Vai Quotes)
Technology to wipe out truth is now available. Not everybody can afford it but it’s available. When the cost comes down, look out! (Vai Quotes)
To hang on from day to day and from week to week, spinning out a present that had no future, seemed an unconquerable instinct, just as one’s lungs will always draw the next breath so long as there is air available (Vai Quotes)
It was a long and gloomy night that gathered on me, haunted by the ghosts of many hopes, of many dear remembrances, many errors, many unavailing sorrows and regrets (Vai Quotes)
Because there is nothing here than invites us to cherish unhappy lovers. Nothing is more vain than to die for love. What we ought to do is live (Vai Quotes)
Even those who do not, or cannot, avail themselves of a scientific education, choose to benefit from the technology that is made possible by the scientific education of others (Vai Quotes)
Vain trifles as they seem, clothes have, they say, more important offices than to merely keep us warm. They change our view of the world and the world’s view of us (Vai Quotes)
All your scholarship would be in vain if at the same time you do not build your character and attain mastery over your thoughts and your actions (Vai Quotes)
No ability, no strength and force, no power of intellect or power of wealth, shall avail us, if we have not the root of right living in us (Vai Quotes)
There is something in the human spirit that will survive and prevail, there is a tiny and brilliant light burning in the heart of man that will not go out no matter how dark the world becomes (Vai Quotes)
Faith’s most severe tests come not when we see nothing, but when we see a stunning array of evidence that seems to prove our faith vain (Vai Quotes)
I believe I want adult sanity, which seems to me the only unalloyed form of heroism available today (Vai Quotes)
It is in vain that a man of sound mind and cool temper understands the condition of such a wretched being... He can no more communicate his own wisdom to him than a healthy man can instil his strength into the invalid by whose bedside he is seated (Vai Quotes)
Now, I’m not very vain. If I’d ever been, making my living covered in various grease and dirt mixtures would have cured me quickly. Still, I wasn’t up to facing two sexy men when I had one eye swollen mostly shut and half of my face black and blue (Vai Quotes)
I fell victim to the temptation of every autobiographer, to the illusion that since the past exists only in one’s memories and the words which strive vainly to encapsulate them, it is possible to create past events simply by saying they occurred (Vai Quotes)
A cultivated and decent man cannot be vain without setting a fearfully high standard for himself, and without despising and almost hating himself at certain moments (Vai Quotes)
All at once I felt so vain, like a girl posturing for the crowds as she walks along, only to discover the street is empty (Vai Quotes)