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Vail Quotes

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The mysterious is always attractive. People will always follow a vail  (Vail Quotes) Tis the glory of a man to vail to truth; as it is the mark of a good nature to be easily entreated  (Vail Quotes) O, if we could tear aside the vail, and see for but one hour what it signifies to be a soul in the power of an endless life, what a revelation would it be!  (Vail Quotes) My parents strapped a pair of plastic skis on my boots when I was two years old and sent me down our driveway in Vail. Of course, they were holding on to me the whole time, but that was my first experience ‘skiing.’  (Vail Quotes) Vail Resorts School of Shred program is a great way to help encourage kids to stay active by getting them outside and on the mountain.  (Vail Quotes)