Vailable Quotes

Text Quotes
Family comes first so I only have this specific window of time available to me and because of that I actually get more done (Vailable Quotes)
Even though I wanted to experience all these things I was interested in, I couldn’t get them. So I had to think critically and culturally about what was available (Vailable Quotes)
Like the air you breathe, abundance in all things is available to you. Your life will simply be as good as you allow it to be (Vailable Quotes)
I come from a huge theater background. The whole action and stunt world just came as the roles were available (Vailable Quotes)
In order to thrive as artists we need to be available to the universal flow. When we put a stopper on our capacity for joy by anorectically declining the small gifts of life, we turn aside the larger gifts as well (Vailable Quotes)
My job is to make myself available to play to the best of my ability. Mentally, I’ve got to stay ready to play every day (Vailable Quotes)
Never belong to a crowd; Never belong to a nation; Never belong to a religion; Never belong to a race. Belong to the whole existence. Why limit yourself to small things? When the whole is available (Vailable Quotes)
Peace for any prolonged period of time is impossible. Humans have a natural thirst for chaos and war is the most readily available form of chaos (Vailable Quotes)
When education and resources are available to all without a price tag, there will be no limit to the human potential (Vailable Quotes)
Because of the cumbersome nature of filmmaking, it’s only recently that it has become available to the masses, with digital equipment and laptop computers. You can now actually make a pretty serviceable movie for very little money by yourself (Vailable Quotes)
Tobacco is the second most dangerous drug available to our culture. Number one is alcohol follow by many pharmacy pills. So no, marijuana is not more dangerous then tobacco (Vailable Quotes)
My whole career strategy has been to build a base so that I could take the roles I want to play. I’d hate to think that a shorter part might not be available because I was worried about my billing (Vailable Quotes)
When you can’t do something truly useful, you tend to vent the pent up energy in something useless but available, like snappy dressing (Vailable Quotes)
It’s possible and available to any artist to be himself or herself on their own terms, to be accepted and embraced by black people. You don’t have to be a thug to get love from black people (Vailable Quotes)
Religion is probably, after sex, the second oldest resource which human beings have available to them for blowing their minds (Vailable Quotes)
The time a movie is made is unique, not only from the talent that is available but if the public was ready for it (Vailable Quotes)
My job as the mother of daughters is to make sure my children see that every opportunity is available to them (Vailable Quotes)
People sacrifice the present for the future. But life is available only in the present. That is why we should walk in such a way that every step can bring us to the here and the now (Vailable Quotes)
Performers have the right to say what they want to, and anyone paying money has the right to accept or reject the art and entertainment that’s available (Vailable Quotes)
I don’t believe society understands what happens when everything is available, knowable and recorded by everyone all the time (Vailable Quotes)
In my mind, marriage is a spiritual partnership and union in which we willingly give and receive love, create and share intimacy, and open ourselves to be available and accessible to another human being in order to heal, learn and grow (Vailable Quotes)
Mobile phones are one of the most insecure devices that were ever available, so they’re very easy to trace; they’re very easy to tap (Vailable Quotes)
One of the most important resources that a garden makes available for use, is the gardener’s own body. A garden gives the body the dignity of working in its own support. It is a way of rejoining the human race (Vailable Quotes)
18th century scientists, the French in particular, seldom did things simply if an absurdly demanding alternative was available (Vailable Quotes)
... available people are the ones who are dangerous, because they confront us with the possibility of real intimacy (Vailable Quotes)
We do not influence the course of events by persuading people that we are right when we make what they regard as radical proposals. Rather, we exert influence by keeping options available when something has to be done at a time of crisis (Vailable Quotes)
Technology to wipe out truth is now available. Not everybody can afford it but it’s available. When the cost comes down, look out! (Vailable Quotes)
To hang on from day to day and from week to week, spinning out a present that had no future, seemed an unconquerable instinct, just as one’s lungs will always draw the next breath so long as there is air available (Vailable Quotes)
I believe I want adult sanity, which seems to me the only unalloyed form of heroism available today (Vailable Quotes)
I did learn something about insanity while I was down there. People go crazy, not because they are crazy, but because it’s the best available option at the time (Vailable Quotes)