Vain Quotes

Text Quotes
It gives me no joy to be praised at the expense of a better artist, by someone who does not know the difference or who thinks me too vain to be aware of it myself (Vain Quotes)
Vain man is apt to think we were merely intended for the world’s propagation and to keep its human inhabitants sweet and clean; but, by their leaves, had we the same literature he would find our brains as fruitful as our bodies (Vain Quotes)
Nature forms us in a certain manner, both inwardly and outwardly, and it is in vain to attempt to alter it (Vain Quotes)
In pageants, you are evaluated from head to toe and its obviously all about looks, and as vain as that is, they can also bring you lots of opportunities to do amazing things (Vain Quotes)
You don’t love people for what they can give you. You don’t love them because of what they do for you or how good you make them look. Love is blind, love does not boast, love is not vain (Vain Quotes)
Each humblest plant, or weed, as we call it, stands there to express some thought or mood of ours; and yet how long it stands in vain!... Beauty and true wealth are always thus cheap and despised (Vain Quotes)
It is not in vain that man speaks to man. This is the value of literature (Vain Quotes)
There was once in man a true happiness of which there now remain to him only the mark and empty trace, which he in vain tries to fill from all his surroundings, seeking from things absent the help he does not obtain in things present (Vain Quotes)
If morality had naturally no influence on human passions and actions, it were in vain to take such pains to inculcate it; and nothing would be more fruitless than that multitude of rules and precepts with which all moralists abound (Vain Quotes)
If someone calls me vain and mean, I know that he trusts me and has something to confess to me (Vain Quotes)
Babaji’s spiritual state is beyond human comprehension. The dwarfed vision of men cannot pierce to his transcendental star. One attempts in vain even to picture the avatar’s attainment. It is inconceivable (Vain Quotes)
So soon did we, wayfarers, begin to learn that man’s life is rounded with the same few facts, the same simple relations everywhere, and it is vain to travel to find it new (Vain Quotes)
If the condition of things which we were made for is not yet, what were any reality which we can substitute? We will not be shipwrecked on a vain reality (Vain Quotes)
Vain is equivalent to empty; thus vanity is so miserable a thing, that one cannot give it a worse name than its own. It proclaims itself for what it is (Vain Quotes)
Aspiring to these wide generalizations, the analysis of quadratic functions soars to a pitch from whence it may look proudly down on the feeble and vain attempts of geometry proper to rise to its level or to emulate it in its flights (Vain Quotes)
It is the minority that has stood in the vain of every moral conflict, and achieved all that is noble in the history of the world (Vain Quotes)
No physical activity is so vain as boxing. A man gets into the ring to attract admiration. In no sport, therefore, can you be more humiliated (Vain Quotes)
It is vain to keep a secret from one who has a right to know it. It will tell itself (Vain Quotes)
Regrets are as personal as fingerprints. Discarding what is vain or false, facing the facts that should truly disturb your conscience, is worth whatever time it takes or pain it may cause. It can pay to the future what you owe to the past (Vain Quotes)
Nature does nothing in vain, and in the use of means to her goals she is not prodigal (Vain Quotes)
We often brag that we are never bored with ourselves, and are so vain as never to think ourselves bad company (Vain Quotes)
Moderation is a fear of falling into that envy and contempt which those who grow giddy with their good fortune quite justly draw upon themselves. It is a vain boasting of the greatness of our mind (Vain Quotes)
... the whole tenour of female education... tends to render the best disposed romantic and inconstant; and the remainder vain and mean (Vain Quotes)
Vanity is something that will only get in the way of doing your best work, and ultimately if you’re truly vain you care more about your work than how you look in your work. I actually consider myself a pretty vain guy when it comes to that (Vain Quotes)
On the mountains of truth you can never climb in vain: either you will reach a point higher up today, or you will be training your powers so that you will be able to climb higher tomorrow (Vain Quotes)
The martyr sacrifices themselves entirely in vain. Or rather not in vain; for they make the selfish more selfish, the lazy more lazy, the narrow narrower (Vain Quotes)
Beauties in vain their pretty eyes may roll; charms strike the sight, but merit wins the soul (Vain Quotes)
And though all streams flow from a single course to cleanse the blood from polluted hand, they hasten on their course in vain (Vain Quotes)
Thou wilt find rest from vain fancies if thou doest every act in life as though it were thy last (Vain Quotes)
Vanity and pride are different things, though the words are often used synonymously. A person may be proud without being vain. Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves; vanity, to what we would have others think of us (Vain Quotes)