Vain Quotes

Text Quotes
Death is not more certainly a separation of our souls from our bodies than the Christian life is a separation of our souls from worldly tempers, vain indulgences, and unnecessary cares. (Vain Quotes)
Nothing that has ever been thought and said with a clear mind and pure ethical strength is totally in vain; even if it comes froma weak hand and is imperfectly formed, it inspires the ethical spirit to constantly renewed creation. (Vain Quotes)
Philosophy, having crept clinging to the rocks so far, puts out its feelers many ways in vain (Vain Quotes)
Contact lenses are for vain, weak-willed piglets who swan around showing off: ‘Look everybody, I can see without spectacles. No one at first glance will ever assume I know how to surf the net.’ (Vain Quotes)
Why is there such vanity about hair? I make a point to bathe. I worry about boogers in my nose, and I ask the makeup artist to cover up my pimples, but beyond that, I try not to be too vain. (Vain Quotes)
He is born in vain, who having attained the human birth, so difficult to get, does not attempt to realize God in this very life. (Vain Quotes)
Men do not take to vanity, because they are taught at an early age that it is wrong to be vain (Vain Quotes)
Dreams grow holy put in action; work grows fair through starry dreaming, But where each flows on unmingling, both are fruitless and in vain. (Vain Quotes)
Those dreams that on the silent night intrude, and with false flitting shapes our minds delude ... are mere productions of the brain. And fools consult interpreters in vain. (Vain Quotes)
Eleanor Roosevelt is a political force of enormous ambitions. I believe she is a menace, unscrupulous as to truth, vain and cynical - all with a pretense of exaggerated kindness and human feeling which deceives millions of gullible persons. (Vain Quotes)
I’m not the type of guy who enjoys one-night stands. It leaves me feeling very empty and cynical. It’s not even fun sexually. I need to feel something for the woman and entertain the vain hope that it may lead to a relationship. (Vain Quotes)
The words of that philosopher who offers no therapy for human suffering are empty and vain (Vain Quotes)
Life is not to be expended in vain regrets. No day, no hour, comes but brings in its train work to be performed for some useful end - the suffering to be comforted, the wandering led home, the sinner reclaimed. Oh! How can any fold the hands to rest and say to the spirit, ‘Take thine ease, for all is well!’ (Vain Quotes)
Every year strips us of at least one vain expectation, and teaches us to reckon some solid good in its stead. (Vain Quotes)
Everyone feels guilty before a mother who has lost her son in a war; throughout human history men have tried in vain to justify themselves. (Vain Quotes)
Evil labours with vast power and perpetual success - in vain: preparing always only the soil for unexpected good to sprout in. (Vain Quotes)
When it comes to exercise, everybody has to find what works for them. I watch my body. I look at myself in the mirror once a week - not because I’m vain, but I’m looking for moles and changes in my body. (Vain Quotes)
Failed relationships can be described as so much wasted makeup. Forget the laughs, forget the fights, forget the sex, forget the jealousy. But take off your hat and observe a moment’s silence for the legions of unknown tubes of foundation, mascara, eyeliner, blusher and lipstick who died that it might all have been possible. But who died in vain. (Vain Quotes)
Faith’s most severe tests come not when we see nothing, but when we see a stunning array of evidence that seems to prove our faith vain. (Vain Quotes)
Prayer presupposes faith. No prayer is in vain. Prayer is like any other action. (Vain Quotes)
In the beginning there was faith - which is childish; trust - which is vain; and illusion - which is dangerous. (Vain Quotes)
In university, in a vain attempt to stave off the frosh fifteen, I used to melt fat-free cheese over broccoli, onions and cauliflower in the cafeteria microwave. That earned me few friends. (Vain Quotes)
... the whole tenour of female education ... tends to render the best disposed romantic and inconstant; and the remainder vain and mean. (Vain Quotes)
...many foolish persons, wanderers from other parts, have the vain fashion of graving their names and the obscure places whence they come, upon its stones, which is silly and marketh the doer for a fool. (Vain Quotes)
Aircraft do not crash of themselves. They come to grief because men are foolish, or vain, or lazy, or irresolute or reckless. One crash in a thousand may be unavoidable because God wills it so - not more than that. (Vain Quotes)
The German people are an orderly, vain, deeply sentimental and rather insensitive people. They seem to feel at their best when they are singing in chorus, saluting or obeying orders. (Vain Quotes)
Men are vain; but they won’t mind women working so long as they get smaller wages for the same job. (Vain Quotes)
This is a very superficial job. I sit in a chair for two hours and get hair and makeup done and talk about myself in interviews. That’s a very vain thing to do. And I do get caught up in it sometimes. (Vain Quotes)
I think women in Hollywood who don’t do Botox and plastic surgery are revered. I revere them... My plan is to never go there. I’m too vain to get plastic surgery because I don’t like how it looks, and I want to look my best. (Vain Quotes)
This life has been given to you for repentance; do not waste it in vain pursuits (Vain Quotes)