Vali Quotes

Text Quotes
Straight couples don't have to be monogamous to be married or married to be monogamous. Monogamy no more defines marriage than the presence of children does. Monogamy isn't compulsory and its absence doesn't invalidate a marriage (Vali Quotes)
I have a theory that the best ads come from personal experience. Some of the good ones I have done have really come out of the real experience of my life, and somehow this has come over as true and valid and persuasive (Vali Quotes)
Would it not grieve a woman to be over - mastered by a piece of valiant dust? To make an account of her life to a clod of wayward marle? (Vali Quotes)
Not till God make men of some other metal than Earth. Would it not grieve a woman to be overmastered with a piece of valiant dust? To make an account of her life to a clod of wayward marl? (Vali Quotes)
Foul fiend of France and hag of all despite, encompassed with thy lustful paramours, becomes it thee to taunt his valiant age and twit with cowardice a man half dead? (Vali Quotes)
More than in any other performing arts the lack of respect for acting seems to spring from the fact that every layman considers himself a valid critic (Vali Quotes)
The modern sympathy with invalids is morbid. Illness of any kind is hardly a thing to encourage in others (Vali Quotes)
Whatever, in fact, is modern in our life we owe to the Greeks. Whatever is an anachronism is due to mediaevalism (Vali Quotes)
When I play live, it's a conversation that we're all having with the song, and the audience. Their response and relationship with the songs is as valid as my relationship with the songs (Vali Quotes)
It does not follow, because our difficulties are stupendous, because there are some souls timorous enough to doubt the validity and effectiveness of our ideals and our system, that we must turn to a state controlled or state directed social or economic system in order to cure our troubles (Vali Quotes)
War! Some of the invalids break the silence, and say the word again under their breath, reflecting that this is the greatest happening of the age, and perhaps of all ages. Even on the lucid landscape at which they gaze the news casts something like a vague and somber mirage (Vali Quotes)
I was traveling post from Tiflis. My cart's entire load consisted of one small valise, which was half filled with travel notes about Georgia. Of these, the greater part, fortunately for you, have been lost (Vali Quotes)
Today we have fewer dogmas, but I think that we have stronger principles. By a dogma I mean a deduction from facts which is only valid under certain conditions, and which becomes untrue if those conditions change. By a principle I mean something that is an eternal and universal truth (Vali Quotes)
I think no virtue goes with size; the reason of all cowardice is, that men are overgrown, and, to be valiant, must come down to the titmouse dimension (Vali Quotes)
All conservatives are such from personal defects. They have been effeminated by position or nature... And can only, like invalids, act on the defensive (Vali Quotes)
I will name you the degrees. The first, the Retort Courteous; the second, the Quip Modest; the third, the Reply Churlish; the fourth, the Reproof Valiant; the fifth, the Countercheck Quarrelsome; the sixth, the Lie with Circumstance; the seventh, the Lie Direct (Vali Quotes)
The validity of all the inductive methods depends on the assumption that every event, or the beginning of every phenomenon, must have some cause; some antecedent, upon the existence of which it is invariably and unconditionally consequent (Vali Quotes)
I insist that there is nothing sacred in the life of an invader, and there is no valid principle of human society that forbids the invaded to protect themselves in whatever way they can (Vali Quotes)
Awake remembrance of these valiant dead, and with your puissant arm renew their feats. You are their heir; you sit upon their throne; the blood and courage that renowned them runs in your veins; and my thrice puissant liege is in the very May morn of his youth, ripe for exploits and mighty enterprises (Vali Quotes)
Thou dost shame that bloody spoil. Thou slave, thou wretch, thou coward! Thou little valiant, great in villainy! Thou ever strong upon the stronger side! Thou fortune's champion, that dost never fight but when her humorous ladyship is by to teach thee safety! (Vali Quotes)
The invalid assumption that correlation implies cause is probably among the two or three most serious and common errors of human reasoning (Vali Quotes)
Human beings are lazy and it very often happens that one wearies of a new born emotion for no valid reason unless there is some restraint to stimulate and stabilize it (Vali Quotes)
Ill seemes (sayd he) if he so valiant be, that he should be so sterne to stranger wight; for seldom yet did living creature see that courtesie and manhood ever disagree (Vali Quotes)
There is no scientific proof that only scientific proofs are good proofs; no way to prove by the scientific method that the scientific method is the only valid method (Vali Quotes)
If television viewing choices serve as a valid measure of our society, they who choose evil surely are more numerous than they who choose good (Vali Quotes)
Maybe you feel pressure to be positive because so many people rely on your good, fake-positive energy? If that’s the case, screw everybody else. You’re not a bottle of Valium (Vali Quotes)
I enjoy the speed of fashion. I love doing different things and I think I still have something valid to say in fashion (Vali Quotes)
There can be no doubt as to the facts as I have stated them. Orthodoxy derives from this axiomatic foundation, and the two systems are mutually reinforcing: hence each is doubly validated (Vali Quotes)
The first, ‘the retort courteous’ the second, ‘the quip modest’ the third, ‘the reply churlish’ the fourth, ‘the reproof valiant’ the fifth, ‘the countercheck quarrelsome’ the sixth, ‘the lie with circumstance’ the seventh, ‘the lie direct’ (Vali Quotes)
All science is experiential; but all experience must be related back to and derives its its validity from the conditions and context of consciousness in which it arises, i.e., the totality of our nature (Vali Quotes)