Values Quotes

Text Quotes
We’ve got to do a better job with our kids. Teach good values, teach the fundamentals (Values Quotes)
You need to find a way to live your life, that it doesn’t make a mockery of your values (Values Quotes)
In our way of working, we attach a great deal of importance to humility and honesty; With respect for human values, we promise to serve our customers with integrity (Values Quotes)
One keeps healthy in wartime... by a vigorous assertion of values in which war has no part (Values Quotes)
There’s a big difference between motivation and inspiration: Inspire through values and motivation takes care of itself (Values Quotes)
I suspect it was... the old story of the implacable necessity of a man having honour within his own natural spirit. A man cannot live and temper his mettle without such honour. There is deep in him a sense of the heroic quest; and our modern way of life, with its emphasis on security, its distrust of the unknown and its elevation of abstract collective values has repressed the heroic impulse to a degree that may produce the most dangerous consequences (Values Quotes)
A person does not choose his or her fate; he or she only fulfills it. We are bound by our fate as long as we accept the values that determine it (Values Quotes)
Perhaps the best reason for regarding mathematics as an art is not so much that it affords an outlet for creative activity as that it provides spiritual values. It puts man in touch with the highest aspirations and lofiest goals. It offers intellectual delight and the exultation of resolving the mysteries of the universe (Values Quotes)
Money is central to our lives. Yet money is not of central importance. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the lasting values that make life worth living (Values Quotes)
If you’re honest, you sooner or later have to confront your values. Then you’re forced to separate what is right from what is merely legal. This puts you metaphysically on the run. America is full of metaphysical outlaws (Values Quotes)
My daughter is the biggest gift; I’ve said it so many times and it sounds like a cliche, but the thing about being a parent is when you think you’ve cracked it, and you’re on top of your game, they change again and you have to catch up and adjust. I feel such a responsibility to instill good values in her, to be polite, to have discipline (Values Quotes)
It is hard to resist the impression that the present structure of the universe, apparently so sensitive to minor alterations in numbers, has been rather carefully thought out... The seemingly miraculous concurrence of these numerical values must remain the most compelling evidence for cosmic design (Values Quotes)
Life is life’s greatest gift. Guard the life of another creature as you would your own because it is your own. On life’s scale of values, the smallest is no less precious to the creature who owns it than the largest (Values Quotes)
The really tough choices... don’t center upon right versus wrong. They involve right versus right. They are genuine dilemmas precisely because each side is firmly rooted in one of our basic, core values (Values Quotes)
There is a great need for the introduction of new values in our society, where bigger is not necessarily better, where slower can be faster, and where less can be more (Values Quotes)
Like the great white pines whose roots grow shallow under the forest floor, they are the first to fall in a storm; so is society whose family values are built on a shallow foundation, are the first to crumble at the first sign of trouble (Values Quotes)
Perhaps losing integrity with yourself is the greatest stress of all, far more hurtful to us than competition, time pressure, or lack of respect. Our vitality is rooted in our integrity. When we do not live in one piece, our life force becomes divided. Becoming separated from our authentic values may weaken us (Values Quotes)
I threw my whole life and lived my life in a certain way to make sure that I would never violate any law.. certainly never any criminal laws.. and always maintained that most important to me was my integrity, was my character, were my values (Values Quotes)
That’s an interesting thing about an object. One object speaks volumes about the company that produced it and its values and priorities (Values Quotes)
The advantages of having decisions made by groups are often lost because of powerful psychological pressures that arise when the members work closely together, share the same set of values and, above all, face a crisis situation that puts everyone under intense stress (Values Quotes)
If we want to produce people who share the values of a democratic culture, they must be taught those values and not be left to acquire them by chance (Values Quotes)
It is impossible to build enduring institutions without solid values. For us, the fundamental value is that associated with democracy (Values Quotes)
The historic period in which we live is a period of reawakening to a commitment of higher values, a reawakening of individual purpose, and a reawakening of the longing to fulfill that purpose in life (Values Quotes)
There is so much each one of us can do to make a difference. We are at a dangerous juncture in the history of mankind... We need to defend our principles and values, human rights, civil liberties and the rule of international law. If we don’t our world will further descend into a state of chaos (Values Quotes)
Philosophy is the thoughts of men about human thinking, reasoning and imagining, and the real values in human existence (Values Quotes)
There is a continuum that runs from character to productivity. Who you are and what you believe make a difference to those who look to you for leadership. The values you live will reach the bottom line of your company (Values Quotes)
To create a world in which life can flourish and prosper we must replace the values and institutions of capitalism with values and institutions that honor life, serve life’s needs, and restore money to its proper role as servant. I believe we are in fact being called to take a step to a new level of species consciousness and function (Values Quotes)
... how engaged are your employees right now? You may consider such a question impossible to answer, but the truth is, you need to know this if you want a more profitable, ethical organization, as everyone must share the same values to make the changes genuine (Values Quotes)
The fact is that all the recording science and technology in the world is no substitute for a good song or for real feeling. Music is about feeling and if there isn’t any genuine feeling, if the song isn’t about anything that anyone gives a damn about, there’s nothing you can do. All the technique that exists won’t make it any good; it’ll just make it technological. All the production values you add won’t do anything except make it glossy (Values Quotes)
Beneath the seemingly rational exterior of our lives is a fear of insanity. We dare not question the values by which we live or rebel against the roles we play for fear of putting our sanity in doubt (Values Quotes)