Values Quotes

Text Quotes
Families can also be divided into subgroups with different values, perspectives, and and communication styles, even if a subgroup consists of only one individual. (Values Quotes)
Actona is a healthy company with strong values, very competent management and a solid organisation (Values Quotes)
Brand handling synergy means developing and communicating your company’s values and identity consistently. (Values Quotes)
For better or for worse, our company (The News Corporation Ltd.) is a reflection of my thinking, my character, my values. (Values Quotes)
That’s an interesting thing about an object. One object speaks volumes about the company that produced it and its values and priorities. (Values Quotes)
When marketers influence habits, they influence peoples’ self-identity. And so when a group or company does something that doesn’t correspond to our core values, it feels like a betrayal. (Values Quotes)
New Age values are conscious evolution, a non-sectarian society, a non-military culture, global sharing, healing the environment, sustainable economies, self-determination, social justice, economic empowerment of the poor, love, compassion in action, going beyond religious fundamentalism, going beyond nationalism-extreme nationalism, culture. (Values Quotes)
We talk about honesty, but the reality is we have lots of human values, and they are not all compatible. We don’t always tell the truth about everything, no matter what the consequences. (Values Quotes)
When I hear Governor Mitt Romney in his speech talk about how the Republican Party must stand for legitimate conservative values. They don’t. (Values Quotes)
I’ve got to put forward a very strong conservative voice, advocate for conservative values and advocate for principle in politics to restore faith in politics. (Values Quotes)
What used to be considered conservative values... are increasingly becoming more mainstream values. (Values Quotes)
Hispanic values are conservative values. Hispanics are highly religious, they’re very strongly pro-traditional family... not only pro-family, but also pro-life. They are highly patriotic. (Values Quotes)
For conservatives, the issue is that for generations now, they have failed to make the case for their values. They haven’t even conveyed conservative values to many of their children. And when they have, the university has often succeeded in undoing them. (Values Quotes)
And Republican women have always been the backbone of our party. We do the work, we are strong believers in conservative values. Having more of those voices in place at a state level is going to be a great improvement for us as a party. (Values Quotes)
Our only hope for America is that every conservative takes upon him or herself the project of learning what American and conservative values are, coming to understand what leftism stands for, and learning how to make the case for those values to women, young people, blacks and Hispanics. (Values Quotes)
Schooling, by definition, must be conservative. It is naturally dependent on an older generation’s level of knowledge and sense of values. (Values Quotes)
Look, I think Hispanic community - the values that resonate in our community are fundamentally conservative. They are faith, family and patriotism. (Values Quotes)
There are times where I’ve made mistakes or our administration hasn’t always aligned ourselves with the values we need to align ourselves with. It’s a work of constant improvement. (Values Quotes)
Bush proposed a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage. Some saw the move as an attempt to preserve traditional values, while others saw it as a cynical ploy to ensure that Vice President... Cheney will never have to pay for his gay daughter’s wedding. (Values Quotes)
Chinese people as consumers, while they’ve always valued food and beverage for the health food qualities, they are also now wanting it in terms of other values: ‘Does this speak about my position in society? Am I now middle-class, and does this matter to me?’ (Values Quotes)
More and more, I see myself as a folk musician, and someone who values context (Values Quotes)
We are confident that shared values of Wockhardt Hospitals and Fortis Healthcare will form the basis for our continued success in the future. (Values Quotes)
The dominant factors affecting control valuations are earning power (past and prospective) and asset values. (Values Quotes)
The elderly have weathered enough squalls to know that this one, too, shall pass. They own the courage to be original; they’ve learned to hold their own values above the conventional wisdom. (Values Quotes)
With the demise of the biblical religions that have provided the American people with their core values since their country’s inception, we are reverting to the pagan worldview. Trees and animals are venerated, while man is simply one more animal in the ecosystem - and largely a hindrance, not an asset. (Values Quotes)
To me, I think the core values that will help create the world that we’re striving to live in are constant. (Values Quotes)
[On culture] It’s living the core values when you hire; when you write an email; when you are working on a project; when you are walking in the hall. (Values Quotes)
Your personal core values define who you are, and a company’s core values ultimately define the company’s character and brand. For individuals, character is destiny. For organizations, culture is destiny. (Values Quotes)
The uncommitted share many of our core values, but if we do not live out those values in a compelling way, we will not awaken a thirst for their ultimate Source. (Values Quotes)
People always ask me, how do you teach core values? The answer is, you don’t. The goal is not to get people to share your core values. It’s to get people who already share your core values. (Values Quotes)