Van Jones Quotes

Text Quotes
I think we have every reason to hope for the best but expect and prepare for the worst (Van Jones Quotes)
Environmental justice is the movement to ensure that no community suffers disproportionate environmental burdens or goes without enjoying fair environmental benefits. (Van Jones Quotes)
After all, we are not promoting welfare. We are promoting work. We are not pushing for more entitlement programs. We are pushing for more enterprise. We are not trying re-distribute existing wealth. (Van Jones Quotes)
We know that urban farms require less fuel for tractors and transport, but community gardens don’t plant themselves. (Van Jones Quotes)
Dirty energy is a finite resource; the more of it we use, the scarcer it becomes (Van Jones Quotes)
We’ve have to heed our Biblical obligation to be good stewards of the Earth after leaving the Garden of Eden. (Van Jones Quotes)
The prospects of green economic opportunity is going to be determined to a great extent by politicians arriving at some sort of bi-partisan resolution. (Van Jones Quotes)
Ocean’s remarkable stories, depth of commitment, and eloquent communication make him a fantastic resource for conferences, universities, and indeed everyone who wants a potent dose of grounded inspiration. (Van Jones Quotes)
Civility isn’t just some optional value in a multicultural, multistate democratic republic. Civility is the key to civilization. (Van Jones Quotes)
Keith Ellison is the future of the Democratic Party, the future of the progressive movement (Van Jones Quotes)
The laws of supply and demand drive up the price, inevitably, over time. But solar and wind are abundant and renewable resources. (Van Jones Quotes)
Donald Trump’s going to start a war, he’s going to start attacking immigrants or Muslims or Black Lives Matter or whatever. Because he’s going to have to distract them from the no jobs. (Van Jones Quotes)
People in red states and blue states can agree that if we can fight pollution and poverty at the same time, letting people work their way out of poverty without undermining community health, we have a moral obligation to do so. (Van Jones Quotes)
Come, then, let us go forward together with our united strength - and win a better future for generations to come. (Van Jones Quotes)
Let me say what I actually believe. I believe that 9/11 was a conspiracy, by Al Qaeda, and Osama Bin Laden, and no one else trying to hurt America (Van Jones Quotes)
The green economy should not just be about reclaiming throw-away stuff. It should be about reclaiming thrown-away communities. It should not just be about recycling things to give them a second life. We should also be gathering up people and giving them a second chance (Van Jones Quotes)
Reversing global warming will take a World War II level of mobilization. It is the work of tens of millions, not hundreds of thousands (Van Jones Quotes)
Even if we can solve the carbon problem for coal, it is still a non-renewable resource. At some point, coal supplies will drop (Van Jones Quotes)
Most green-collar jobs are middle-skill jobs. That means they require more education that a high-school diploma, but less than a four-year degree (Van Jones Quotes)
The surest path to safe streets and peaceful communities is not more police and prisons, but ecologically sounds economic development. And that same path can lift us to a new, green economy - one with the power to lift people out of poverty while respecting and repairing the environment (Van Jones Quotes)
Well, we in America are about to break up with oil. Why not break up with poverty and discrimination too? (Van Jones Quotes)
Barack Obama volunteered to be the Captain of the Titanic AFTER it hit the iceberg (Van Jones Quotes)
Clean energy is hippy power. But its also cowboy power, it’s rancher power, it’s Appalachian power (Van Jones Quotes)
Now, here’s a good question: should serious people focus on global political instability - terrorism, failing states, nuclear weapons - or should we focus on global climate instability - droughts, floods, extreme weather? Here’s the correct answer: yes, both, because climate disruption will make every other national security problem worse (Van Jones Quotes)
It’s in that convergence of spiritual people becoming active and active people becoming spiritual that the hope of humanity now rests. (Van Jones Quotes)
We need to aim high - in the area of 20-25 percent - to create the urgent demand for new technologies, manufacturing plants and green jobs. (Van Jones Quotes)
We’re going to bake this planet, and be a curse to all species, including our own, if we don’t find an alternative to carbon-based fuel. That’s the #1 problem. (Van Jones Quotes)
The Russians have had and continue to have an active program to undermine American society (Van Jones Quotes)
If [Donald ] Trump goes after - if Trump fails, frankly, to stand up right now for the Muslim community - right now, Muslims are being bullied. Women wearing hijabs are being bullied and people are saying, Trump, Trump! when they’re doing it. (Van Jones Quotes)
Right now, when you go and hit the light switch in your house, you’re participating in a state-protected monopoly. You’re being forced to accept dirty power from a single producer. (Van Jones Quotes)