Vance Havner Quotes

Text Quotes
Most of the notable turn out to be the not-able. God’s greatest truths still belong to babes (Vance Havner Quotes)
You always enter God’s hospital as a charity patient. You can’t pay your way (Vance Havner Quotes)
The world does not hate its own. It does hate our Lord. It hates His followers. Where do you belong in this lineup? (Vance Havner Quotes)
Nothing is needed so much as a holy indignation against sin. It is true that there is not enough love for God, and one sign of it is that there is not enough hatred for sin (Vance Havner Quotes)
Because the Lord loves us He chastens and rebukes us. Modern sentimentality has reduced God to a tolerant indulgent grandfatherly being who winks at our transgressions (Vance Havner Quotes)
Another thing I liked about my Dad at church: he did his sleeping at home. He never used the church as an adult nursery (Vance Havner Quotes)
We are suffering today from a species of Christianity as dry as dust, as cold as ice, as pale as a corpse, and as dead as King Tut. We are suffering not from a lack of correct heads but of consumed hearts (Vance Havner Quotes)
Where are the marks of the cross in your life? Are there any points of identification with your Lord? Alas, too many Christians wear medals but carry no scars (Vance Havner Quotes)
You have not really learned a commandment until you have obeyed it. The Church suffers today from Christians who know volumes more than they practice (Vance Havner Quotes)
The last word of our Lord to the church was not the Great Commission. The last thing He said to the church was ‘Repent.’ He said that to five out of seven (Vance Havner Quotes)
Our Lord holds the keys to the doors of Christian service. You don’t have to chase ‘key men’ around if you know the Keeper of the keys! (Vance Havner Quotes)
Abraham did not know where he was going immediately, but he knew where he was going ultimately. He did not know the Whither but he knew the Whom. He believed God, and, being sure of his destiny, he did not worry about his destination. (Vance Havner Quotes)
No man can be a Christian by knowingly and willfully taking Christ on the installment plan, as Savior now, and Lord later. (Vance Havner Quotes)
I’m tied of hearing about temperance instead of abstinence, in order to please the cocktail crowd in church congregations. (Vance Havner Quotes)
It is debatable which is causing us more harm - hot-headed ignorance or cold-hearted intellectualism. (Vance Havner Quotes)
Self, service, substance is the Divine order and nothing counts until we give ourselves (Vance Havner Quotes)
One man with a genuine experience with God is worth more than a library full of arguments (Vance Havner Quotes)
The early Christians condemned false doctrine in a way that sounds almost unchristian today (Vance Havner Quotes)
People get so used to the dark that they think it’s growing brighter. It’s possible to fraternize with unbelievers until false doctrine becomes less and less objectionable. (Vance Havner Quotes)
The only way to meet the modern demon-stration of the powers of darkness is by a demonstration of the power of God. (Vance Havner Quotes)
Sometimes your medicine bottle has on it, ‘Shake well before using.’ That is what God has to do with some of His people. He has to shake them well before they are ever usable. (Vance Havner Quotes)
Too many church services start at eleven sharp and end at twelve dull (Vance Havner Quotes)
If we don’t come apart; we will come apart (Vance Havner Quotes)
The thermometer of a church is its prayer meeting (Vance Havner Quotes)
If you lack knowledge, go to school. If you lack wisdom, get on your knees (Vance Havner Quotes)
Satan is not fighting churches; he is joining them. He does more harm by sowing tares than by pulling up wheat. He accomplishes more by imitation than by outright opposition (Vance Havner Quotes)
One hour in heaven, and we shall be ashamed that we ever grumbled (Vance Havner Quotes)
The detour is always rougher than the main road (Vance Havner Quotes)
The tragedy of today is that the situation is desperate but the saints are not (Vance Havner Quotes)
Men seek fame and high places only to learn that they were happier in obscurity (Vance Havner Quotes)