Vari Quotes

Text Quotes
Time rushes towards us with its hospital tray of infinitely varied narcotics, even while it is preparing us for its inevitably fatal operation (Vari Quotes)
Others are to us like the characters in fiction, eternal and incorrigible; the surprises they give us turn out in the end to have been predictable - unexpected variations on the theme of being themselves (Vari Quotes)
As a matter of fact, I've been to Italy many times before I met my husband, which he can't even imagine that I could possibly know anything about Italian food. But, you know, Italian food's really basic, and there's so many different variations on it that what my husband did is he broke it down for me (Vari Quotes)
I have found it advisable not to give too much heed to what people say when I am trying to accomplish something of consequence. Invariably they proclaim it can't be done. I deem that the very best time to make the effort (Vari Quotes)
Wisdom is a variable possession. Every man is wise when pursued by a mad dog, fewer when pursued by a mad woman; only the wisest survive when attacked by a mad notion (Vari Quotes)
When we revolt it's not for a particular culture. We revolt simply because, for a variety of reasons, we can no longer breathe (Vari Quotes)
One thing that creates difference between pilgrims of life as they journey along the various paths of life is their head. It makes some fall, others rest and some pursue to the farther. The reason for the difference is not the size, shape, hair color or the style of their head but what is within their head, what fills their mind, what enters their ears; what their eyes look and see, what their ears hear and listen to; make some champions of life and others wanders of life (Vari Quotes)
They have never bothered to think the matter out for themselves, but have heard about Him from others, and have put belief in Him into the back of their minds along with the various odds and ends that make up their total creed. To many others God is but an ideal, another name for goodness, or beauty, or truth; or He is law, or life, or the creative impulse back of the phenomena of existence (Vari Quotes)
Freedom is not an abstraction, nor is a little of it enough. A little more is not enough either. Having less, being less, impoverished in freedom and rights, women then invariably have less self-respect: less self-respect than any human being needs to live a brave and honest life (Vari Quotes)
Right and wrong aren't dropped from the sky. We. We make them. Against misery. Invariably, Harry, invariably - he grows confident of his ability to negotiate long words - misery follows their disobedience. Not our own, often at first not our own (Vari Quotes)
Disneyland is often called a magic kingdom because it combines fantasy and history, adventure and learning, together with every variety of recreation and fun designed to appeal to everyone (Vari Quotes)
The whole city seemed to be pinned down, fascinated by the glassy stare of the Lubyanka. Krymov had thought about various people he knew. Their distance from him was something that couldn't even be measured in space -they existed in another dimension. No power on earth or in heaven could bridge this abyss, an abyss as profound as death itself. But these people weren't yet lying under a nailed-down coffin-lid – they were here beside him, alive and breathing, thinking, weeping (Vari Quotes)
I'd learned quite early in life that the mind loves nothing better than to spook itself with outlandish stories, as if the various coils of the brain were no more than a troop of roly-poly Girl Guides huddled over a campfire in the darkness of the skull (Vari Quotes)
The various elements of truth stand in perpetual antithesis, sometimes requiring us to believe apparent opposites while we wait for the moment when we shall know as we are known (Vari Quotes)
A science which is postulated on the assumption that human beings are avaricious through all eternity is utterly devoid of point (whether in problems of distribution or any other aspect) to a person who is not avaricious (Vari Quotes)
Goodness is weakness, pleasantness is poisonous, serenity is mediocrity and kindness is for losers. The best reason for committing loathsome and detestable acts – and let's face it, I am considered something of an expert in this field – is purely for their own sake. Monetary gain is all very well, but it dilutes the taste of wickedness to a lower level that is obtainable by almost anyone with an overdeveloped sense of avarice. True and baseless evil is as rare as the purest good – (Vari Quotes)
We imitate each other with slavish devotion and our most strenuous efforts are put forth to try to say the same thing that everyone around us is saying-and yet to find an excuse for saying it, some little safe variation on the approved theme or, if no more, at least a new illustration (Vari Quotes)
The best reason for committing loathsome and detestable acts - and let's face it, I am considered something of an expert in this field - is purely for their own sake. Monetary gain is all very well, but it dilutes the taste of wickedness to a lower level that is obtainable by anyone with an overdeveloped sense of avarice. True and baseless evil is as rare as the purest good - and we all know how rare that is (Vari Quotes)
Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get - only what you are expecting to give - which is everything. What you will receive in return varies. But it really has no connection with what you give. You give because you love and cannot help giving (Vari Quotes)
Whatever be the motives which induce men to write, - whether avarice or fame, - the country becomes more wise and happy in which they most serve for instructors (Vari Quotes)
Far different there from all that charm'd before, the various terrors of that horrid shore;... Those matted woods where birds forget to sing. But silent bats in drowsy clusters cling (Vari Quotes)
Wanting something is not enough. You must hunger for it. Your motivation must be absolutely compelling in order to overcome the obstacles that will invariably come your way (Vari Quotes)
Feeling normal for any extended period of time raises hopes that turn out, almost invariably, to be writ on water (Vari Quotes)
I am invariably late for appointments - sometimes as much as two hours. I've tried to change my ways but the things that make me late are too strong, and too pleasing (Vari Quotes)
I had the story, bit by bit, from various people, and, as generally happens in such cases, each time it was a different story (Vari Quotes)
To truly love we must learn to mix various ingredients - care, affection, recognition, respect, commitment, and trust, as well as honest and open communication (Vari Quotes)
If you think I'm one of those people who try to be funny at breakfast you're wrong. I'm invariably ill-tempered in the early morning (Vari Quotes)
This is my invariable advice to people: Learn how to cook - try new recipes, learn from your mistakes, be fearless, and above all have fun (Vari Quotes)
The Earth was made so various, that the mind Of desultory man, studious of change and pleased with novelty, might be indulged (Vari Quotes)
How various his employments whom the world calls idle, and who justly in return esteems that busy world an idler too (Vari Quotes)