Vari Quotes

Text Quotes
Collect impressions. Don’t be in a hurry to write them down. Because that’s something music can do better than painting: it can centralise variations of colour and light within a single picture a truth generally ignored, obvious as it is (Vari Quotes)
I tend to write poetry that is rich in data of various sorts. The lyric poem isn’t perfectly suited to accommodating such data, so I’ve had to find new ways to say everything that I want to say (Vari Quotes)
I’ve enjoyed photography, ever since I was a teenager, and I’m still at it. I’ve had shows in various cities, around the country, and I have a number of pieces in permanent collections in museums that I’m very proud of (Vari Quotes)
Passions often produce their contraries: avarice sometimes leads to prodigality, and prodigality to avarice; we are often obstinate through weakness and daring through timidity (Vari Quotes)
The trade of the petty usurer is hated with most reason: it makes a profit from currency itself, instead of making it from the process which currency was meant to serve. Their common characteristic is obviously their sordid avarice (Vari Quotes)
For what is there more hideous than avarice, more brutal than lust, more contemptible than cowardice, more base than stupidity and folly? (Vari Quotes)
Variation does not mean evolution. If an artist varies his mode of expression this only means that he has changed his manner of thinking, and in changing, it might be for the better or it might be for the worse (Vari Quotes)
Mere chance... alone would never account for so habitual and large an amount of difference as that between varieties of the same species (Vari Quotes)
There are several other sources of enjoyment in a long voyage, which are of a more reasonable nature. The map of the world ceases to be a blank; it becomes a picture full of the most varied and animated figures (Vari Quotes)
Selfishness of the stable or rigid sort is as a rule more bitterly resented than the more fickle variety, chiefly, no doubt, because, having more continuity and purpose, it is more formidable (Vari Quotes)
In my experience of fights and fighting, it is invariably the aggressor who keeps getting everything wrong (Vari Quotes)
All the vital mechanisms, varied as they are, have only one object, that of preserving constant the conditions of life in the internal environment (Vari Quotes)
A function of a variable quantity is an analytic expression composed in any way whatsoever of the variable quantity and numbers or constant quantities (Vari Quotes)
Some of my characters are a mixture of various aspects of people I have met. others are pure invention (Vari Quotes)
Every day I studied the nude, and movement in the streets and in the shops. Out of the naturalistic surface with all its variations I wanted to derive the pictorially determined surface (Vari Quotes)
There are infinitely many variations of the initial situation and therefore no doubt indefinitely many theorems of moral geometry (Vari Quotes)
To waste! You are unknown and unwanted, save by me. This, because you are fairly adept at the various embalming arts and you occasionally compose a clever epitaph (Vari Quotes)
Broadly speaking, most people lived their lives in a kind of unwilling conformity. The thing was that they were offered, as time went by, various kinds of freedom, most of which were sort of dummy freedoms somehow (Vari Quotes)
Distraction and procrastination come in a variety of flavors... when I’m distracted and I walk over and stare out the window, it’s a very different experience than when I feed the distraction by cramming in a few emails or make a phone call (Vari Quotes)
Every canvas that can awaken us more exquisitely and accurately to the infinite and various surface of our experience does that much to sharpen life, and thereby render it more alive (Vari Quotes)
With all its variety and liveliness, color acts in the work of art as blood does as it circulates through our bodies. Color is what keeps the painting alive and moving (Vari Quotes)
Logic can provide you with various facts and figures but can’t comprehend them in their totality (Vari Quotes)
A teleology directed to material ends has been substituted for the lust for adventure, variety, and play (Vari Quotes)
Life, when fully lived under a variety of cultural conditions, can be euphoric and optimistic; it can be a joy to experience and a wonder to behold (Vari Quotes)
Universal coding for computers is sought that uses relative addresses and a pseudocode and that assembles and translates, printing out a directory of final addresses of key commands, variables, and constants (Vari Quotes)
Life appears in a vast variety and innumerable succession of individual forms, since the most salient character of the universe is just that it ceaselessly gives birth to living individuals (Vari Quotes)
You could be anybody when you’re writing. That’s the reason that I’m writing: to be anybody. You can put your feet in various shoes and experience anything (Vari Quotes)
All nonstate threats to life, liberty, and property appear to be relatively petty and therefore can be dealt with. Only states can pose truly massive threats, and sooner or later the horrors with which they menace mankind invariably come to pass (Vari Quotes)
We are learning that the earth functions like an invisible organism. We are the various cells of one living being. Those who work to save the earth are its antibodies (Vari Quotes)
If we do not learn by heart, the heart does not feel the rhythms of poetry as echoes or variations of its own insistent beat (Vari Quotes)