Vari Quotes

Text Quotes
It is a curious thing that when one speaks from the heart it is invariably in the worst of taste (Vari Quotes)
Beliefs can be roadways or roadblocks. A variety of beliefs can make life interesting and colorful (Vari Quotes)
We are doomed to failure without a daily destruction of our various preconceptions (Vari Quotes)
The range of variation in the female far exceeds the range of variation in the male (Vari Quotes)
People who invariably put themselves first will find that others tend to put them last (Vari Quotes)
In analysing complicated variations one must examine each branch of the tree once and once only (Vari Quotes)
You only get to walk variations of the same lines everyone has already drawn for you (Vari Quotes)
Creativity is the crucial variable in the process of turning knowledge into value (Vari Quotes)
Beauty comes from within; a greedy, avaricious, gossipy woman cannot be beautiful (Vari Quotes)
We live in a big and marvelously varied world. Television ought to reflect that (Vari Quotes)
To become a lifelong reader, one has to do a lot of varied and interesting reading (Vari Quotes)
To be healthy and happy, a person must live a life that includes a good variety of activities (Vari Quotes)
We juggle priceless eggs in variable gravity. I am afraid. I will taste fear until I die (Vari Quotes)
... I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Suddenly I had to spend all my time getting well (Vari Quotes)
There are no perfect life plan formulas. It’s a roller coaster with various exit ramps (Vari Quotes)
Passionate people invariably deny their anger, and cowards often boast their ignorance of fear (Vari Quotes)
Life being full of harsh realities, we seek relief from them in a variety of pleasing delusions (Vari Quotes)
Faith is tossed about by various doubts, so that the minds of the godly are rarely at peace (Vari Quotes)
There’s only one kind of common sense but a thousand varieties of stupidity (Vari Quotes)
Loneliness is the theme, and I play it like a symphony, in endless variations (Vari Quotes)
There are various orders of beauty, causing men to make fools of themselves in various styles (Vari Quotes)
I never read bad reviews about myself, because my friends invariably tell me about them (Vari Quotes)
Hydrogeology is not a simple discipline,.. It’s full of variables that are always changing (Vari Quotes)
There’s more variation among human groups than between human groups (Vari Quotes)
The modes of speech are scarcely more variable than the modes of silence (Vari Quotes)
Enthusiasm is a plant which grows variously in the varying soils of different natures (Vari Quotes)
What in the rising man was industry and economy, becomes in the rich man parsimony and avarice (Vari Quotes)
Whoever wants to tell a variety of stories ought to have a variety of beginnings (Vari Quotes)
When you are doing work of value, people will support you in a variety of ways, not just money (Vari Quotes)
Astronauts are not superhuman. They lead ordinary lives and have varied personalities (Vari Quotes)