Vast Quotes

Text Quotes
They were watching, out there past men’s knowing, where stars are drowning and whales ferry their vast souls through the black and seamless sea (Vast Quotes)
I had been chipping at the world idly, and had by accident uncovered vast and labyrinthine further worlds within it (Vast Quotes)
There never can be a man so lost as one who is lost in the vast and intricate corridors of his own lonely mind, where none may reach and none may save (Vast Quotes)
Each moment from all sides rushes to us the call to love. We are running to contemplate its vast green field. Do you want to come with us? (Vast Quotes)
Just like a sunbeam can’t separate itself from the sun, and a wave can’t separate itself from the ocean, we can’t separate ourselves from one another. We are all part of a vast sea of love, one indivisible divine mind (Vast Quotes)
A library is like an island in the middle of a vast sea of ignorance, particularly if the library is very tall and the surrounding area has been flooded (Vast Quotes)
It is often said that reading is a gift, but to my mind that is an insufficient description, for the size of the gift of reading is so vast that it is difficult to see what is outside its wrapping (Vast Quotes)
There is power and there is power, my dear. My power can be vast, in the right places (Vast Quotes)
Solitude is independence. It had been my wish and with the years I had attained it. It was cold. Oh, cold enough! But it was also still, wonderfully still and vast like the cold stillness of space in which the stars revolve (Vast Quotes)
In the vast reaches of the dry, cold night, thousands of stars were constantly appearing, and their sparkling icicles, loosened at once, began to slip gradually toward the horizon (Vast Quotes)
Americans believe with all their heart, the vast majority of them, and the vast majority of Floridians, that the United States of America is simply the single greatest nation in all of human history (Vast Quotes)
How vast was a human being’s capacity for suffering. The only thing you could do was stand in awe of it. It wasn’t a question of survival at all. It was the fullness of it, how much could you hold, how much could you care (Vast Quotes)
She feared the unknown as we all do, and her ignorance made the unknown infinitely vast (Vast Quotes)
The universe is big, its vast and complicated, and ridiculous. And sometimes, very rarely, impossible things just happen and we call them miracles. And that’s the theory. Nine hundred years, never seen one yet, but this would do me (Vast Quotes)
We have such a terrible, terrible misconception of science. We think it involves the definite, the precise, the known; it is a horrid series of gates to an unknown as vast of the universe; which means endless (Vast Quotes)
In those first few hours officially single again the world seems like it expands, suddenly bigger and more vast now that you have to get through it alone (Vast Quotes)
So it may well be believed that when I found him taking a complete holiday, with a vast supply of books at command, he had the air of indulging in a literary debauch, if the term may be applied to so honorable an occupation (Vast Quotes)
I sat up, sliding them off, and the quiet around me did not, for once, seem empty and vast. Instead, for the first time in a while, it felt like it already was full (Vast Quotes)
The more vast the amount of time we’ve left behind us, the more irresistible is the voice calling us to return to it (Vast Quotes)
The vast majority of us imagine ourselves as like literature people or math people. But the truth is that the massive processor known as the human brain is neither a literature organ or a math organ. It is both and more (Vast Quotes)
Inside that darkness, I saw rain falling on the sea. Rain softly falling on a vast sea, with no one there to see it. The rain strikes the surface of the sea, yet even the fish don’t know it is raining (Vast Quotes)
The wonder is, not that the field of stars is so vast, but that man has measured it (Vast Quotes)
Absence is a house so vast that inside you will pass through its walls and hang pictures on the air (Vast Quotes)
Nothing can be forgotten. Nothing can be lost. The universe itself is one vast memory system. Look back and you will find the beginnings of the world (Vast Quotes)
It’s amazing how close I have been, all this time, to my old life. And yet the distance that divides me from it is vast (Vast Quotes)
Wat a vast fertility of pleasure books hold for me! I went in and found the table laden with books. I looked in and sniffed them all. I could not resist carrying this one off and broaching it. I think I could happily live here and read forever (Vast Quotes)
And in the case of superior things like stars, we discover a kind of unity in separation. The higher we rise on the scale of being, the easier it is to discern a connection even among things separated by vast distances (Vast Quotes)
Thus each of us had to be content to live only for the day, alone under the vast indifference of the sky (Vast Quotes)
Truth is like a vast tree which yields more and more fruit the more you nurture it. The deeper the search in the mind of truth, the richer the discovery of the gems buried there (Vast Quotes)
There’s no one with intelligence in this town except that man over there playing with the children, the one riding the stick horse. He has keen, fiery insight and vast dignity like the night sky, but he conceals it in the madness of child’s play (Vast Quotes)